Download CPUCool v7.0.6 regfile

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes10 (156665 bytes)

Messages.txt 93965 26737
Info.txt 1206 441
Cool.reg 122 97
regfile.exe 221184 129084


class CString messages_deutsch[]=
	"Button wird bei anderer CPU benutzt",
	"Framebuffer bei ",
	" (Abstutzgefahr !)",
	"Optimierungen fⁿr Intel CPU's",
	"Optimierungen fⁿr AMD K5 CPU's",   // 5
	"Datencache einschalten",
	"Codecache einschalten",
	"Sprungvorhersage einschalten",
	"Schreibzuordnung fⁿr den L2 Cache einschalten",
	"Was soll CPUCooL\nnach dem Aufruf machen?",		//10
	"Ein Dialogfenster ÷ffnen",
	"In den Tray gehen",
	"Wenn CPUCooL nach Systemstart aufgerufen wurde,",
	"in den Tray gehen sonst ein Dialogfenster ÷ffnen",
// Cyrix Processor
	"Cyrix Processor Configuration",					// 15
	"Schreibzuordnung L2 Cache einschalten",
	"Strategie L2 Cache umschalten",
	"Wartezeit I/O reduzieren",
	"Lineares Schreiben einschalten (gefΣhrlich)",
	"Cache Verzeichnis einschalten",					// 20
	"CPU ID einschalten",
	"Lock Befehl ignorieren",
	"Stromsparmodus einschalten",
	"Framebuffer optimieren",
	" beenden",								//25
	"Gro▀es Display",
	"Speicher aufrΣumen",							
	"Optimierung bei zu wenig Speicher",			//30
	"Wenn der freie Speicher unter",
	"fΣllt und es Leerlauf von mehr als",
	"Sekunden gibt, dann versuche",
	"M Bytes Speicher aufzurΣumen",					
	"Im Traymodus werden",							//35
	"M Byte Speicher aufgerΣumt",
	"Beginne mit dem SpeicheraufrΣumen alle",
	"SpeicheraufrΣuemen periodisch im Hintergrund",
	"wenn es Leerlauf von",							//40
	"Umschaltung der Me▀werterfassung",
	"Keine Anzeige",
	"Nur Anzeige des Tray Wertes",
	"Anzeige der Werte des Motherboards",
	"Volle Anzeige",								// 45
	"Kⁿhlung aktiv",
	"Kⁿhlung ausgeschaltet",
	"Bei Spielanfang sollen folgende Dinge ausgefⁿhrt werden:",
	"Wenn die Temperatur von Sensor",
	"ⁿbersteigt",									//50
	"dann aktiviere die Zwangskⁿhlung",
	"und gibt einen Ton aus",
	"Wenn die CPU Auslastung ⁿber",
	"% fⁿr mehr als",
	"Sekunden ist, schalte Kⁿhlung ab",			//55
	"Unterer Grenzwert",
	"Oberer Grenzwert",								//60
	"Aktiviere Grenzwertⁿberprⁿfung",
	"Leerlauf (nicht empfehlenswert)",
	"▄ber Leerlauf",								//65
	"▄ber Normal",
	"PrioritΣtsanhebung wΣhrend eines Zugriffes",
	" Is Loading..Please Wait..Click Ok To Load it.\nWeitere Informationen unter",
	"Bitte geben Sie die Registrierungsnummer ein!", //71
	"Im Hilfemenue erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Registrierungsnummer erhalten. Registrierungsgebⁿhr $13(US) oder 30,--DM. Bitte besuchen Sie meine Homepage unter",
	"Die Evaluierungsperiode ist vorbei\nBitte lassen Sie sich registrieren.\nFalls Sie weiter testen wollen, geben Sie bitte eine andere Zahl im mΣchsten Dialog ein.",
	"So viele Anzeigem÷glichkeiten sind nicht vorhanden\nBitte l÷schen Sie einen Eintrag zuerst!",
	"Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl\nzwischen %d und %d ein",  //75
	"Danke fⁿr die Registrierung",
	"Registrierungsnummer unbekannt",
	"Wurde ich zweimal aufgerufen?\nOder gibt es ein anderes Σhnliches Programm?",
	"Ich bin noch nicht mit der Initialisierung fertig!",
	"Unbekanntes Betriebssystem",							//80
	"Bitte installieren Sie den Treiber NTIOWP.SYS (neu) !",
	"Diese Programmversion ben÷tigt einen neuen Treiber.\nBitte installieren Sie den Treiber NTIOWP.SYS neu\nVersionsausgabe : %d\nAktuelle Version : %d",
	"Bitte installieren Sie den Treiber IOWP9598.VXD (neu) !",
	"Diese Programmversion ben÷tigt einen neuen Treiber.\nBitte installieren Sie den Treiber IOWP9598.VXD neu\nVersionsausgabe : %d\nAktuelle Version : %d",
	"Keine Optimierungen fⁿr\nCyrix 5x86",		//85
	"Keine Optimierungen fⁿr\n\nIntel 486",
	"Keine Optimierungen fⁿr\n\nIntel 786",
	"Es gibt keine Optimierungen fⁿr\ndiesen Processor\n",
	"Kleines Display",
	"Lage des kleinen Displays",				// 90
	"Gr÷▀e des kleinen Displays",
	"Obere linke Ecke",
	"Obere rechte Ecke",
	"Untere linke Ecke",
	"Untere rechte Ecke",						// 95
	"Immer sichtbar",
	"Konfiguration des kleinen Displays",
	"Graphen",									// 100
	"Alternative Kⁿhlung",
	"Kⁿhlung an ",
	"Kⁿhlung aus",
	"Altennative Kⁿhlung an ",					// 105
	"Forcierte Kⁿhlung ",
	"Forcierte Kⁿhlung abgeschaltet ",
	"Kein Ausgabe der Bezeichung",
	"Farbiges Display",							// 110
	"Bitte rufen Sie\nCPUCooL nur einmal auf",
	"Optimierung durchfⁿhren",
	"Temperatursensor Auswahl",
	"Sensor Pentiumkompatibel",			// 115
	"Sensor Transistor",
	"",					// 120
	"Die eingegebene Registrierungsnummer stammt aus Hackerkreisen! B i t t e   r e g i s t r i e r e n   S i e CPUCooL. Ich war so fair, Ihre Festplatte heile zu lassen, sind Sie bitte auch so fair und registrieren Sie CPUCooL! Es ist recht kostenaufwendig, immer die neueste Hardware zu testen, und dieses Programm ist billig! Es kostet nur 30 DM oder $13!", 
	"\nKeine CPU Optimierungen",
	"Nur der Tray wird upgedated",
	"Keine perodischen Updates",
	"Wenn Sie die Ausgabe reaktivieren wollen drⁿcken Sie bitte",			// 125
	"Einstellungen -> Umschaltung der Me▀werterfassung -> Anzeige der Werte des Motherboards",
	"Einstellungen -> Umschaltung der Me▀werterfassung -> Volle Anzeige",
	"Windows herunterfahren",						//130
	"Taste fⁿr normales Herunterfahren",
	"Taste fⁿr forciertes Herunterfahren",
	"Taste fⁿr normalen Restart",
	"Taste fⁿr forciertes Restart",
	"Taste zum Ausloggen",							//135
	"und Alt und Strg(Control)Taste", 
	"fahre Rechner herunter",
	"und schalte ihn aus",
	"CPUCooL will den Rechner\nwegen ▄bertemperatur herunterfahren",
	"PLL Hersteller",								// 140
	"PLL Typ",
	"Tray Frequenz 1",
	"Tray Frequenz 2",
	"Tray Frequenz 3",								//145
	"Tray Frequenz 4",
	"Aktuelle PLL Werte",
	"Setze FSB beim Starten auf",
	"FSB Frequenz setzen",
	"PLL auslesen",								//150
	"Fehler beim Auslesen der PLL!",
	"Vorsicht !!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!\nEs werden folgende Werte gesetzt:\nHersteller   : %s\nType         : %s\nFrequenz FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenz PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU Frequenz : %d.%1d MHz",
	"Aktuelle Frequenz",
	"Fehler beim Setzen der PLL!",
	"Zahl der eingelesenen Bytes verkehrt.\nStatt %d Bytes sind es %d Bytes.", //155
	"Warnung!!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!",
	"Ich kann keine 'nur schreib PLL's' auslesen!\nSie k÷nnen nur gesetzt werden!\nBitte benutzen Sie den Frequenz setzen Button,\num eine neue Frequenz zu setzten",
	" zu klein",
	" zu gross",										//160
	"Privileg zum Herunterfahren nicht bekommen!",
	"Logfile mit dem Start von CPUCooL beginnen",
	"Neue Daten an altes Logfile anhΣngen",
	"Textbezeichungen der Parameter ins Logfile schreiben",
	"Nur Motherboard Werte abspeichern",				//165
	"Fehler beim ÷ffnen des Logfiles",
	"Fehler beim Schlie▀en des Logfiles",
	"Logfile Schreibfehler",
	"Logfile ist bereits ge÷ffnet",
	"Logfile ist nicht ge÷ffnet",						//170
	"L2 Cache Latency",
	"Setze Optimierungen beim Start von CPUCooL",
	"Nicht m÷glich",
	"Bitte L2 Cache Latency erst testen",				//175
	"Vorsicht !!!\nDas VerΣndern dieser Einstellung kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!",
	" Grenzwert",
	"Keine horizontalen Linien",
	"Keine vertikalen Linien", 
	"Grafikausgabe in Celsius",			//180
	"Fahrenheit ⁿber 130F",
	"Info auf File schreiben",
	"Daten wurden auf das File\nCPUCooL.Info\ngeschrieben!", 
	"Bargraphen",						//185
	"Numerische Werte",
	"Keine Alarmanzeige",
	"Bitte eine Zahl zwischen %d und %d eingeben!", //190
	"Low Power",
	"Low Power MMX",
	"Hauptdisplay ÷ffnen",
	"Speicher freigeben",				
	"Kⁿhlung umschalten",		//195
	"Kⁿhlung aus",
	"Alarm on",
	"Alarm off",							
	"Forced cooling off",
	"Stop game",		//200
	"Start game",
	"Updaterate %d sec ",
	"Kⁿhlung ausschalten",
	"Periodisches Werteeinlesen stoppen",
	"Speicher freimachen (MByte)",  //205
	"FSB auf MHz einstellen",
	"Bei Spielende sollen folgende Dinge ausgefⁿhrt werden:",
	"Kⁿhlung wieder einschalten",
	"Periodisch Werteeinlesen",
	"Sensor Widerstand",	//210
	"reduziere den FSB auf",
	"Wenn die Temperatur unter",
	"fΣllt, setze wieder alten FSB",   //215
	"Inhalt des EEPROMS auf dem SDRAM (Kurzⁿbersicht)",
	"Anzahl der Bytes im EEPROM",
	"CAS latency",
	"SDRAM cycle time",				//220
	"SDRAM access time",
	"SDRAM 2nd cycle time",
	"SDRAM 2nd access time",
	"PC 100 Spec",
	"Erweiterte Ausgabe",			//225
	"RAS to CAS delay",
	"RAS precharge time",
	"Update nur im Tray modus",
	"Kein Update",
	"Ausgabefenster minimieren",    // 230
	"Ausgabefenster aktivieren",
	"Taktfrequenz (FSB)",			
	"Windowsspeicher optimieren",		//235
	"Gernzwerte fⁿr Temperatur, Spannungen und Lⁿfterdrehzahlen",
	"Temperaturoffset eingeben",
	"Celsius / Fahrenheit",		//240
	"Hochstartverhalten von CPUCooL",
	"PrioritΣten festlegen",
	"Spielestart im Traydisplay",
	"Konfigurationsdisplay von CPUCooL", //245
	"Zahlenwerte und Allgemein",
	"Maximalwerte Grafik",
	"Lⁿftungsregelung von CPUCooL einschalten",
	"Temperatur und relative Drehzahl fⁿr unteres Lⁿfterniveau",		//250
	"Temperatur und relative Drehzahl fⁿr oberes Lⁿfterniveau",
	"Steuernder Temperatursensor",
	"Siehe Hilfe (Taste F1)",
	"Keine Analyse des Boardes zu Beginn",
	"EEProm ist leer oder nicht vorhanden",		//255
	"Alle entfernbaren Medien auswerfen",
	"Setze FSB beim Herunterfahren auf",
	"Zum Setzen des FrondSideBusses mu▀ die sich auf dem Mainboard befindende PLL ausgewΣhlt werden. Dieses kann ⁿber die Auswahl des Mainboards erfolgen. Falls Sie den Hersteller und Typ des Mainboards kennen, wΣhlen Sie es bitte aus.", //260
	"Mainboard Hersteller",
	"Mainboard Typ",
	"Entfernbare Medien auswerfen",
	"Mainboard Auswahl",	
	"Wenn sie den vollen Leistungsumfang von\nCPUCooL\ngeniessen wollen, starten Sie bitte Windows neu,\nund loggen sich bitte beim nΣchsten Male als Administrator ein!\nDer Dienst CooLsrv.exe lΣuft nicht.", //265
	"Falls Ihr Mainboard bei der obigen Auswahl nicht dabei ist,\nmⁿ▀te CPUCooL auch ohne die Auswahl zurechtkommen.\nFalls nicht oder Sie den Hersteller und Typ der PLL herausgefunden haben, schicken Sie mir bitte eine e-mail an [email protected]",
	"Falls Sie den Hersteller und Typ des Mainboards herausfinden sollten,\nwΣhlen Sie es bitte unter Optionen -> Mainboard Auswahl aus!",
	"ja",				//270
	"Weiss nicht",
	"Sie haben das Mainboard\n%s\nmit der PLL\nHersteller : %s Typ : %s\nausgewΣhlt.Ist diese Auswahl richtig?",
	"Frequenz einlesen",  //275
	"L2 Cache Einstellung",
	"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache Typ",
	"NEC / SEC cache Typ",
	"Bitte L2 Speed erst testen!",
	"Aktueller L2",			//280
	"L2 Cacheoptimierung beim Start von CPUCooL",
	"Falls T÷ne h÷rbar oder Fehlermeldungen sichtbar sind,\nk÷nnen die T÷ne im BIOS oder die Fehlermeldungen bei einem anderen ▄berwachungsprogramm ausgeschaltet werden!", 
	"Bitte loggen Sie sich noch einmal mit Administratorrechten ein, damit der CPUCooL Server Dienst gestartet werden kann!",
	"Alternativer PLL Zugriff",
	"Beim Wechsel der Zugriffsart auf die PLL\nbitte Computer vorher ausschalten!",  //285
	"Frequenzumstellung nicht erfolgreich!!",
	"L2 Umstellung erfolgreich",
	"L2 Umstellung fehlerhaft",
	"Grad steigt, starte",  //290
	"Grad fΣllt, starte",
	"Temperaturgesteuerter Programmstart Anfang",
	"Temperaturgesteuerter Porgrammstart Ausschalten", //295
	"Starte Programm",
	"Der Hersteller des Mainboards %s hat den PLL Type wΣhrend der Produktion geΣndert!\nEs stehen folgende Type zur Auswahl:\nHersteller: %s Typ: %s\noder Hersteller: %s Typ: %s",
	"Die FrontSideBus wurde noch nicht verΣndert!\nDas Resultat k÷nnte verkehrt sein!",
	"CPUFSB nach Aufruf vom Autostartmenue sofort beenden",
	"Asus Grafikkarten miteinbeziehen",			//300
	"ohne zu fragen",
	"TemperaturabhΣngige FSB Einstellung einschalten",
	"TemperaturabhΣngige Zwangskⁿhlung einschalten",
	"TemperaturabhΣngiges Rechner herunterfahren einschalten",
	"Forciertes Herunterfahren ohne Beendigung der Anwendungen",  //305
	"Erzwungene Kⁿhlung",
	"FSB herabsetzen",
	"Computer herunterfahren",			//310
	"TemperaturabhΣngiger Programmstart bei Grenzwertⁿberschreitung (1)",
	"TemperaturabhΣngiger Programmstart bei Grenzwertunterschreitung (2)",
	"Zuerst mu▀ die Grenzwertⁿberschreitung (1) auftreten, damit Grenzwertunterschreitung (2) aktiv wird",
	"Temperaturgesteuerte Kⁿhlung",							//315
	"Allgemeine Einstellungen",
	"Einstellungen der Displays",
	"Benennungen von Temperaturen, Spannungen und Lⁿftern",	//320
	"TemperaturahhΣngige Kⁿhlung bei Grenzwertⁿberschreitung",
	"TemperaturahhΣngige Kⁿhlung bei Grenzwertunterschreitung",
	"steigt, starte die CPU Kⁿhlung",
	"fΣllt, beende die CPU Kⁿhlung",
	"Den Inhalt von SPD EEPROM", //325
	"Der Einlesewert der PLL k÷nnte verkehrt sein. Bitte zunΣchst eine neue Frequenz setzen!",
	"ATHLON verstΣrkte Kⁿhlung einschalten. St÷rgerΣusche durch die Soundkarte k÷nnten m÷glich sein!",
	"Speichern",							//330
	"kleines Display ÷ffnen, sonst ein Dialogfenster ÷ffnen",
	"Fine tuning",
	"Frequenz 'Fine %d' in CPUCooL verwenden",
	"Warnung!!!\nFrequenz 'Fine %d' wurde nicht getestet!\nDaher ist sie in CPUCooL nicht verfⁿgbar!\nBitte erst testen!",							//335
	"Freq setzen",
	"Vorsicht !!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!\nEs werden folgende Werte gesetzt:\nHersteller   : %s\nType         : %s\nFrequenz FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU Frequenz : %d.%1d MHz",
	"Zahl der horizontalen Linien",
	"Frequenz im Tray und zusΣtzlich beim Hochstart benutzen", 
	"Frequenz im Tray und zusΣtzlich beim Herunterfahren benutzen",// 340 
	"Beim Startup setzen",
	"VerΣnderung des Multiplikators bei K6-2/3+",
	"Langsame Lⁿfter detektieren",
	"Falls ein falsche Mutliplikator von %s detektiert wurde, kann dieser Fehler hier korrigiert werden", //345
	"Aktuelle Frequenz",
	"ZusΣtzliche Register setzen",
	"1 Takt reduziern bei Frames und CPU/PCI slave",
	"Faire CPU/PCI PrioritΣten, PCIBusMaster",   // 350
	"PCI MasterRead Caching (eventuell gefΣhrlich)",
	"Sound / USB Probleme reduzieren",
	"FSB",		//355
	"Master PrioritΣt Rotation 2 Zyklen",
	"Delay Transaktion (gefΣhrlich bei VIA686B)",
	"Fⁿr diese PLL wird Finetuinung angeboten!\nBitte benutzen Sie dieses, da es zuverlΣssiger ist!",
	"File",		//360
	"Einstellungen &speichern",
	"Log File &Konfiguration",
	"Log File &Namensauswahl",
	"Log File &starten",
	"Log File &beenden", //365
	"1 sec",
	"2 sec",
	"5 sec",			//370
	"10 sec",
	"20 sec",
	"30 sec",
	"Kⁿhlungsmodus / temperaturabhΣngiges Schalten", //375
	"Windows mit der Tastatur herunterfahren / Auswurf von entfernbaren Medien",
	"FrontSideBus verΣndern / CPU Geschwindigkeit verΣndern",
	"CPU optimieren",
	"Windows Speicher periodisch aufrΣumen",
	"Grenzwerte fⁿr Temperatur, Spannung und Lⁿfterdrehzahlen", //380
	"SD RAM EPROM Inhalt anzeigen",
	"SDRAM 1",
	"SDRAM 2",
	"SDRAM 3",
	"SDRAM 4",			//385
	"SDRAM 5",
	"SDRAM 6",
	"SDRAM 7",
	"SDRAM 8",
	"Anzeigem÷glichkeiten", //390
	"Tray Display",
	"Dieses Display (Hauptdisplay)",
	"Obere Zahlenanzeige",
	"Untere Grafik",
	"Kleines Display",		//395
	"Grenzwerte der unteren grafischen Anzeige", //400
	"Farben des unteren und kleinen Displays",
	"Mainboard Auswahl",
	"Temperatursensor Auswahl/Lⁿftersteuerung",
	"Temperaturoffset Eingabe",					//405
	"Celsius Fahrenheit Umschaltung",
	"Umschaltung der Me▀werterfassung",
	"Sprachauswahl / Language Choice",
	"Hochstartverhalten von CPUCooL",
	"Spiele Button im Trag konfigurieren",		//410
	"Bennenungen der Temperatur, Spannung und Lⁿfter",
	"PrioritΣt von CPUCooL",
	"Registrierung durchfⁿhren",
	"Registrierungsinformationen",				//415
	"Hilfe ⁿber CPUCooL",
	"CPUCool Informationen",
	"Temp Sens 0",
	"Temp Sens 1",
	"Temp Sens 2",
	"Temp Sens 3",
	"Temp Sens 4",
	"Temp Sens 5",
	"Temp Sens 6",
	"Temp Sens 7",
	"VCore 1",
	"VCore 2",
	"3,3 V",
	"5 V",
	"12 V",
	"V bat",
	"V opt",
	"V Akku",
	"-5 V",
	"-12 V",
	"Lⁿfter 1",
	"Lⁿfter 2",
	"Lⁿfter 3",
	"Lⁿfter 4",
	"% CPU Zeit 1",
	"% CPU Zeit 2",
	"Modem empf",
	"Modem send",
	"Modem crc",
	"Su Modem em",
	"Su Modem se",
	"Mem verfⁿg",
	"Mem Pagefile",
	"Disk lesen",
	"Disk schreib",
	"Server total",
	"Client total",
	"Pager Seiten",
	"Aktuell Freq",
	"",							//460
	"Tray Fontauswahl",
	"Konfiguration auf File speichern", //465
	"Konfiguration von File lesen",
	"% CPU Auslastung / Bargraph",
	"% CPU Auslastung / Zahlen",
	"Keine Auslastungsanzeige",
	"Anzeige von freiem Speicher",		//470
	"Semikolon zwischen den Werten",
	"Menue schlie▀en",
	"Alle Werte l÷schen",
	"HDD 1",							//475
	"HDD 2",
	"HDD 3",
	"HDD 4",
	"▄bersicht",						// 480
	"ZusΣtzliche Informationen",
	"S.M.A.R.T. einschalten\n(bitte noch nicht bei SCSI Systemen)",
	"Firmwareversion",					//485
	"Zahl der Start / Stops",			//490
	"Zahl der reallokierten Sektoren",  
	"Lese Kanal",
	"Stunden eingeschaltet",			//495
	"Spin Retry Count",					
	"Calibration Retry Count", 
	"Power Cycle Count", 
	"Unbekanntes Attribut",
	"Aktueller Wert",					//500
	"Status des Wertes",
	"Unbearbeiter Wert",
	"Schlechteste Werte",
	"Vorsicht !!\nDas setzen der Frequenz kann Ihre Hardware zerst÷ren!\nDafⁿr ⁿbernehme ich keine Verantwortung!\nBeim HΣngenbleiben des Systems Netz ausschalten und neu versuchen!\nEs werden folgende Werte gesetzt:\nHersteller   : %s\nType         : %s\nFrequenz FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenz PCI : %2d.%1d MHzFrequenz RAM : %3d.%1d\nCPU Frequenz : %d.%1d MHz",
	"Bei jedem ... ten Durchlauf des allgemeinen Updates werden auch die S.M.A.R.T Informationen upgedatet",
	"Es erfolgt eine ─nderungsmeldung, wenn einer der S.M.A.R.T Werte sich verΣndert",
	"Es erfolgt eine ─nderungsmeldung, wenn sich einer der standartisierten S.M.A.R.T Werte (Bereich 0 - 15) Σndert",
	"Es erfolgt keine ─nderungsmeldung bei ─nderungen eines S.M.A.R.T Wertes",
	"Achtung!!!\n─nderung des S.M.A.R.T. Parameters %s von %d auf %d", //510
	"Thanks for Your Support!!",
	"Suche im unteren SMBUS Adressbereich",
	"Suche im oberen SMBUS Adressbereich",
	"(registriert)",						//514


class CString messages_englisch []=
	"No Options for this CPU",
	"Framebuffer at ",
	" (maybe dangerous !)",

	"Optimizations for\nIntel CPU's",
	"Optimizations for\nAMD K5 CPU's",			//5
//AMD K5 processor configuration
	"Enable Data Cache",
	"Enable Instruction Cache",
	"Enable Branch Prediction",
	"Write Allocation",
	"What should CPUCooL do\nafter it is called?",	//10
	"Make up a dialog",
	"Go to tray",
	"If CPUCooL is called from the StartUp folder",
	"goto tray else start dialog",
//Cyrix processor configuration
	"Cyrix Processor Configuration",					// 15
	"Write Allocation",
	"Write Back Cache",
	"IO Recovery Time",
	"Linear Burst (dangerous)",
	"Cached Directory",								// 20
	"CPU ID",
	"Negate Lock",
	"Suspend on Halt",
	"Exit",									//25
//End Menu
	"Go to Tray",
	"Big Display",
// Free Memory Menu
	"Free Memory",
	"Below the limit",								// 30
	"If free memory is below",
	"and there is no activity for",
	"seconds then start to free",
	"megabytes of memory",	
	"Clicking on the tray will free",				// 35
	"megabytes of memory",
	"Free memory every",
	"Periodical background",
	"If there is no activity for",					//40
//	General to do menu
	"Measurement sources configuration",
	"Only tray value",
	"Tray and motherboard values",
	"Full display",									//45
//	Cooling display
	"Cooling mode on",
	"Cooling mode off",
	"Actions to be done when Tray Item Start Game is selected",
	"If the temperature of",
	"raises above",									// 50
	"then raise priority of the cooling task",
	"and sound an alert",
	"If activity is above",
	"% for",
	"seconds, disable cooling function",				//55
	"Lower Limit",
	"Upper Limit",									//60
	"Activate limit control",
//	Priority display
	"Idle (not advisable)",
	"Above idle",									//65
	"Above normal",
	"Real time",
	"Raise the priority during access",
// Shareware display
	"  Is Loading....Click Ok To Load it!.\nHave a look at for more information!\n CracKed by ReaL|sTy\n :) enjoy it!",
	"Please enter the registration number", //71	
      "See the Help Menu to learn how to get a registration number.\nThe registration fee is $13 or Ç 15 or DM 30.\nPlease visit my homepage at",
	"The evaluation period is over.\nPlease register\nor enter another single digit number at the next screen.",
	"Too much to display!\nPlease remove some items first!",
	"Please enter a value\nbetween %d and %d!", //75
	"Thank you for registering!",
	"Registration number not found",
// Message boxes
	"Is there another working process?",
	"Please wait until initialization has finished",
	"Unknown operating system",					//80
	"Please install NTIOWP.SYS driver first",
	"Program requires new driver version!\nPlease install NTIOWP.SYS first\nVersion read out : %d\nCurrent version : %d",
	"Please install driver IOWP9598.VXD first",
	"Program requires new driver version!\nPlease install IOWP9598.VXD first\nVersion read out : %d\nCurrent version : %d",
	"No Optimization for Cyrix 5x86 series",		//85
	"No Optimization for\nIntel 486 CPU's",
	"No Optimization for\nIntel 786 so far",
	"No Optimazation\nfor this processor\navailable",
	//Exit Menue addtion
	"Small Display",
	//Small Display general configuration
	"Positon of small display",						// 90
	"Size of small display",
	"Upper left corner",
	"Upper right corner",
	"Lower left corner",
	"Lower right corner",							//95
	"Always on top",	
	//Small Displays left button menu
	"Configuration of small displays",
	"Numeric display",
	"Graphic display",								//100
	"Bargraph display",
	//Messages shown in main display
	"Alternative cooling",
	"Cooling on ",
	"Cooling off ",
	"Alternative cooling on ",					// 105
	"Forced cooling ",
	"Forcierte cooling forced off ",
	"No display of names",
	"Colored display",							//110
	"Please run\nCPUCooL only once",
	"Language choice",
	"Do Optimizations",
	"Temperature Sensor Choice",
	"Temp1 Sensor Pentium compatible",			// 115
	"Temp1 Sensor Transistor",
	"Temp2 Sensor Pentium compatible",
	"Temp2 Sensor Transistor",
	"Temp3 Sensor Pentium compatible",
	"Temp3 Sensor Transistor",					// 120
	"The registration number you have entered is a hacked one. PLEASE REGISTER! I am fair not to destroy your harddisk. CPUCooL is cheap only $13! PLEASE REGISTER and help me to continue developement of CPUCooL! Remember that it is expensive to test new hardware and the price you pay is small!",
	"\nNo CPU optimize",
	"Only tray item is updated",
	"No periodic update",
	"To get an output display please press",			// 125
	"Settings -> Measurement sources configuration -> Tray and motherboard values",
	"Settings -> Measurement sources configuration -> Full display",
	"Windows shutdown display",							//130
	"Normal Windows shutdown button",
	"Forced Windows shutdown button",
	"Normal Windows restart button",
	"Forced Windows restart button",
	"Logoff key",										// 135
	"and Alt and Control keys",
	"shutdown Windows",
	"and switch power off",
	"Temperature is over the limit.\nCPUCooL will shutdown now.",
	"PLL manufacturer",		//140
	"PLL type",
	"Frequency to set",
	"Tray frequency 1",
	"Tray frequency 2",
	"Tray frequency 3",		//145
	"Tray frequency 4",
	"Current PLL values",
	"Set FSB on next startup",
	"Set frequency",
	"Get PLL output",			//150
	"Error reading PLL",
	"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer  : %s\nType          : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequency PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
	"Actual frequency",
	"Error setting PLL",
	"Incorrect number of bytes read.\nShould be %d actual %d", //155
	"not used",
	"Getting PLL data can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!",
	"Your PLL is a write only PLL!\nThat could not be read\nThat is no reason to worry\nYou can write another frequency to write only PLL's!",
	" too small",
	" too big",   //160
	"No privilege to shutdown",
	"Start logging at start of CPUCooL",
	"Append data to logfile",
	"Text of data is written to logfile",
	"Mainboard values only",				//165
	"Error while opening logfile",
	"Error closing logfile",
	"Error writing logfile",
	"Logfile is already open",
	"Logfile is not open",					//170
	"L2 Cache Latency",
	"Set Optimizations at start of CPUCooL",
	"Not possible",
	"Please test L2 Cache Latency first",   //175
	"This setting can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!",
	" Limit",
	"No horizontal lines",
	"No vertical lines",
	"Graphics display in Celsius",			//180
	"Temperature display over 130F",
	"Write info to file",
	"Data was written to file\nCPUCooL.Info",
	"Bargraphs",							// 185
	"Numerical values",
	"No alarm to tray",
	"Please enter a number between %d and %d",	//190
	"Low Power",
	"Low Power MMX",
	"Open main display",
	"Free memory",			
	"Toggle cooling",			//195
	"Cooling off",
	"Alarm on",
	"Alarm off",		
	"Forced cooling off",	
	"Stop game",				//200
	"Start game",
	"Updaterate %d sec    ",
	"Switch off cooling",
	"Stop timer routine",
	"Free MBytes of Memory (MByte)",  //205
	"Set FSB to MHz",
	"Actions to be done when Tray Item Stop Game is selected",
	"Restore cooling",
	"Restore timer routine",
	"Temp1 Sensor Thermistor", //210
	"Temp2 Sensor Thermistor",
	"Temp3 Sensor Thermistor",
	"reduce FSB to",
	"If temperature drops below",
	"set the old FSB again",   //215
	"Contents of the EEPROMs on SDRAM (short form)",
	"Number of Bytes in EEPROM",
	"CAS Latency",
	"SDRAM cycle time",			//220
	"SDRAM access time",
	"SDRAM 2nd cycle time",
	"SDRAM 2nd access time",
	"PC100 spec",
	"Extended Output",			//225
	"RAS to CAS Delay",
	"RAS Precharge Time",
	"Update only in tray mode",
	"No update",
	"Minimize Output Window",           //230
	"Restore Output Window",	
	"Cooling mode",
	"CPU optimization",
	"CPU clock frequency (FSB)",
	"Windows memory optimize",					//235
	"Display options",
	"Limits of temperature, voltage, and fan speed",
	"Temperature offset",
	"Celsius / Fahrenheit",				//240
	"CPUCooL startup",
	"CPUCooL priority",
	"Tray item game start",
	"Log file",
	"CPUCooL Main Configuration Display",		//245
	"Numbers and general",
	"Graphic limits",
	"Enable fan speed control by CPUCooL",
	"Temperature and relaive fan speed for lower fan level",			 //250
	"Temperature and relaive fan speed for upper fan level",
	"Controlling sensor",
	"See help display (Button F1)",
	"No mainboard analysis at startup",
	"EEProm is empty or not present",			//255
	"Eject all removable devices",
	"At shutdown set FSB to",
	"If you want to change the FrontSideBus of your mainbord you must select the PLL.If you know the manufacturer and the type of your mainboard, please select it now", //260
	"Mainboard manufacturer",
	"Mainboard type",
	"Eject removable media",
	"Mainboard choice",
	"For full functionality of\nCPUCooL\nplease restart Windows\nand log in as administrator once!\nThe service coolsrv.exe is not working properly.", //265
	"If your mainboard is not in the list above\neverything should work fine without a selection.\nIf not or if you find out the PLL manufacturer and type, please give me an e-mail at [email protected]",
	"If you find out the manufacturer and type of your mainboard , please choose\noptions -> mainboard choise\nto select your mainboard.",
	"yes",							//270
	"I don't know",
	"You choose the mainboard\n%s\nwith the pll\nmanufacturer : %s type : %s.\nIs this correct?",
	"Get frequency",
	"L2 Cache Setting",
	"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache type",
	"NEC / SEC cache type",
	"Please test L2 speed option first",
	"Current L2",			//280
	"L2 cache optimization at start of CPUCooL",
	"If you hear some sounds or see message boxes,\nyou can switch the sounds off in the BIOS or disable the message boxes in the other monitoring program",
	"Please log in with administrator priviledges set to start the CPUCooL Server service!",
	"Alternative PLL access",
	"Before changing the access methode for the PLL\nplease switch off power first",
	"Frequency change not successfull!",
	"L2 cache change successfull",
	"Error in changing L2 cache",
	"degree, start",
	"degree, start",
	"drops below",
	"raises above",	
	"Temperature controlled program launch start",
	"Temperature controlled program launch program stop",
	"Start program",
	"The manufacturer of %s changed the PLL during production.\nPossible types are:\nmanufacturer: %s  type: %s or\nmanufacturer: %s type: %s\nPlease look at your mainboard to select the type!",
	"The FrontSideBus was not changed.\nResult may be wrong",
	"Exit CPUFSB immediately after call from the autostart folder",
	"Use ASUS Grafic cards",
	"without any questions",
	"Switch on temperature dependant FSB setting",
	"Switch on temperature dependant forced cooling",
	"Switch on temperature dependant computer shutdown",
	"Forced shutdown without saving any settings",  //305
	"Cooling display",
	"Main display",
	"Forced cooing",
	"Reduce FSB",
	"Computer shutdown",
	"Programm launch",
	"Temperature dependant program launch if the temperature is over the limit(1)",
	"Temperature dependant program launch if the temperature is under the limit(2)",
	"First it must go over the limit (1) and then under (2)",
	"Temperature dependant cooling",							//315
	"Common settings",
	"Settings of the display",
	"Displayed names of the temperature, voltages and fans",	//320
	"Temperature dependent cooling over a limit",
	"Temperature dependent cooling under a limit",
	"start CPU cooling",
	"stop CPU cooling",
	"Display the contents of SPD EEPROM", //325
	"The output of the PLL might be wrong. Please set the frequency first!",
	"ATHLON forced cooling.\nOn some boards there might be some noise from the soundcard",
	"Save",							//330
	"open small display else start dialog",
	"not avail",
	"Fine tuning",
	"Use frequency 'fine %d' in CPUCooL",
	"Warning!!! Frequency 'Fine %d' is not tested!\nSo it is not available in CPUCooL!\nPlease test it first!",
	"Freq set",
	"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer  : %s\nType          : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
	"Number of horizontal lines",
	"Use frequency in tray and cpucool startup",
	"Use frequency in tray and cpucool shutdown",
	"Use at statup",
	"Multiplier change for K6-2/3+",
	"Enable slow fan detection",
	"If %s detects a wrong multiplier, please corret it here",
	"Current frequency",
	"Change additional:",
	"1 clock at frames and CPU/PCI slave",
	"Fair CPU/PCI priority, PCIBusMaster",
	"PCI MasterRead caching (maybe dangerous)", // 351
	"Reduce sound / USB problems",
	"Basic Frequency",
	"FSB",		//355
	"Master priority rotation 2 cycles",
	"Delay transaktion (dangerous on VIA686B systems)",
	"This PLL has a fine tuning option!\nPlease use it as it is more reliable!",
	"File",		//360  menu system
	"Save settings",
	"Log file config",
	"Log file name",
	"Start logging",
	"Stop logging",  //365
	"Update Rate",
	"1 sec",
	"2 sec",
	"5 sec", //370
	"10 sec",
	"20 sec",
	"30 sec",
	"Cooling mode / temperature dependant switching", //375
	"Windows shutdown by keyboard / Eject all removable media",
	"Change front side bus / change CPU speed",
	"CPU optimization",
	"Windows Memory periodical cleanup",
	"Limits of voltages, temperature fan speed", //380
	"SDRAM EEPROM contents",
	"SDRAM4",		//385
	"Display options",		//390
	"Tray display",
	"This display (Main display)",
	"Numeric display",
	"Grafic display",
	"Small display",		//395
	"Limits of grafic display", //400
	"colours of lower and small display",
	"Mainboard choice",
	"Temperature sensor choice/Fan control",
	"Temperature offset",  //405
	"Celsius - Fahrenheit",
	"Measurement sources configuration",
	"Language choice",
	"Startup of CPUCooL",
	"Configure Tray Game item",
	"Change names of temperatues voltages and fans",  //411
	"Priority of CPUCooL",
	"Do registration",
	"Register Info",
	"Help",						//416
	"Help Items",
	"CPUCooL info",
	"Temp2",					//420	
	"Temp3",					//421
	"Temp Sens 0",
	"Temp Sens 1",
	"Temp Sens 2",
	"Temp Sens 3",				//425
	"Temp Sens 4",
	"Temp Sens 5",
	"Temp Sens 6",
	"Temp Sens 7",
	"VCore 1",					//430
	"VCore 2",
	"3,3 V",
	"5 V",
	"12 V",
	"V bat",					//435
	"V opt",
	"V accu",
	"-5 V",
	"-12 V",
	"Fan 1",					//440
	"Fan 2",
	"Fan 3",
	"Fan 4",
	"% CPU Time 1",
	"% CPU Time 2",				//445
	"Comm rec",
	"Comm trans",
	"Comm crc",
	"Comm tot rec",
	"Comm tot trans",			//450
	"Mem avail",
	"Mem page",
	"Disk read",
	"Disk write",
	"Server total",				//455
	"Client total",
	"Pager pag",
	"Current Freq",
	"",							//460
	"Tray font selection",
	"Save configuration to file",	//465
	"Load configuration from file",
	"% CPU usage / bargraph",
	"% CPU usage / numbers",
	"No % CPU usage shown",
	"Display unused memory",		//470
	"Add semicolon between values",
	"Close tray menu",
	"Clear all values",
	"Fan control",
	"HDD 1",							//475
	"HDD 2",
	"HDD 3",
	"HDD 4",
	"harddisk drives",
	"Overview",							//480
	"Additional Information",
	"Enable S.M.A.R.T.\n(if you have a SCSI system, please do not use that option)",
	"Model number",
	"Firmware rev",						//485
	"Serial number",
	"Raw Read Error Rate",
	"Throughput Performance",
	"Spin Up Time",
	"Start/Stop Count",					//490
	"Reallocated Sector Count",
	"Read Channel Margin",
	"Seek Error Rate",
	"Seek Time Performance",
	"Power On Hours Count",				//495
	"Spin Retry Count",
	"Calibration Retry Count",
	"Power Cycle Count",
	"Unknown attribute"
	"Current Value",					//500
	"Transhold Value",
	"Status Value",
	"RAW Value",
	"Worse Ever Value",
	"Setting FSB can damage your hardware!\nIt is on your own risk!\nNo resposibility!\nIf system hangs unplug AC and try it again!\nManufacturer  : %s\nType          : %s\nFrequency FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequency PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequency RAM : %3d.%1D\nCPU frequency : %d.%1d MHz",
	"At every ... rd time of the common update the S.M.A.R.T. information is updated too",
	"There will be a message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
	"There will be a message if one of the standard S.M.A.R.T values (range 0 - 15) changes",
	"There will be no message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes", 
	"Attention!!!\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
	"Thanks for Your Support!!",
	"Search lower SMBus range",
	"Search upper SMBus Range",
class CString messages_french []=
	"Pas d'options pour ce processeur",
	"Framebuffer α ",
	" (opΘration dangereuse !)",

	"Optimisation pour\nprocesseurs Intel",
	"Optimisation pour\nprocesseurs K5",			//5
//AMD K5 processor configuration
	"Activer le cache des donnΘes",
	"Activer le cache des instructions",
	"Activer le mode prΘdictif",
	"Allocation Θcriture",
	"Action dΘclenchΘe par\nl'appel de CPUCool ?",	//10
	"Ouverture d'une boεte de dialogue",
	"RΘduction sur la BARRE",
	"Si CPUCooL est appelΘ par le Dossier DΘmarrage",
	"RΘduction sur la BARRE sinon ouverture de la boεte de dialogue",
//Cyrix processor configuration
	"Configuration processeur Cyrix",					// 15
	"Allocation Θcriture",
	"Cache WriteBack",
	"IO Recovery Time",
	"Mode Burst linΘaire (dangereux)",
	"RΘpertoire cachΘ",								// 20
	"Identification du processeur",
	"Inactiver la commande Lock",
	"Interrompre α l'arrΩt",
	"Sortie",									//25
//End Menu
	"Mode BARRE",
	"Affichage max",
// Free Memory Menu
	"MΘmoire libre",
	"En dessous de la limite",								// 30
	"Si la mΘmoire est sous la limite",
	"et en cas d'inactivitΘ depuis",
	"secondes, alors libΘrer",
	"MΘgaOctets de mΘmoire",	
	"Cliquer sur l'ic⌠ne de la BARRE pour libΘrer",				// 35
	"MΘgaOctets de mΘmoire",
	"LibΘrer de la mΘmoire toutes les",
	"ActivitΘ en tΓche de fond",
	"En cas d'inactivitΘ depuis",					//40
//	General to do menu
	"Options gΘnΘrales d'affichage",
	"Valeurs uniquement sur l'ic⌠ne de barre",
	"Valeurs de la barre et de la carte mΦre",
	"Affichage complet",									//45
//	Cooling display
	"Mode Cool actif",
	"Mode Cool inactif",
	"Actions α effectuer losque la fonction dΘmarrer jeu est active dans l'εcone de la barre des tΓches",
	"si la tempΘrature de",
	"dΘpasse",									// 50
	"alors augmenter la prioritΘ du refroidissement",
	"avec l'alarme sonore",
	"En cas d'activitΘ supΘrieure α",
	"% pendant",
	"secondes, inactiver le mode de refroidissement",				//55
	"Limite infΘrieure",
	"Limite supΘrieure",									//60
//	Priority display
	"Idle (not advisable)",
	"Prioritaire sur le mode idle",									//65
	"Prioritaire sur le mode normal",
	"Temps rΘel",
	"Augmenter la prioritΘ durant l'accΦs",
// Shareware display
	" is Loading...Please Wait!!..Click ok To Load it!",
	"Saisir le numΘro d'enregistrement",		//71
	" Is Loading..Please Wait..Click Ok To Load it.\nMerci de vous rendre sur le site α l'adresse",
	"La durΘe d'Θvaluation est dΘpassΘe.\nMerci de vous enregistrer\nou saisir un autre chiffre dans la boite de dialogue suivante.",
	"Trop de paramΦtres: affichage impossible!\nSupprimer certains paramΦtres!",
	"Saisir une valeur\nentre %d et %d!", //75
	"Merci de vous Ωtes enregistrΘ!",
	"NumΘro d'enregistrement non trouvΘ",
// Message boxes
	"Est-ce qu'une autre tΓche est en cours?",
	"Attendre la fin de l'initialisation",
	"SystΦme d'exploitation inconnu",					//80
	"Installer le pilote NTIOWP.SYS en premier",
	"Le programme nΘcessite une nouvelle version du pilote!\nInstaller NTIOWP.SYS en premier\nVersion lue : %d\nVersion actuelle : %d",
	"Installer le driver IOWP9598.VXD en premier",
	"Le programme nΘcessite une nouvelle version du pilote!\nInstaller IOWP9598.VXD en premier\nVersion lue : %d\nVersion actuelle : %d",
	"Pas d'optimisation possible pour\nles processeurs du type Cyrix 5x86",		//85
	"Pas d'optimisation possible pour\nles processeurs Intel 486",
	"Optimisation non disponible pour\nles processeurs Intel 786",
	"Optimisation non disponible pour ce processeur",
	//Exit Menue addtion
	"Petite taille",
	//Small Display general configuration
	"Position du petit affichage",						// 90
	"Taille du petit affichage",
	"Coin supΘrieur gauche",
	"Coin supΘrieur droit",
	"Coin infΘrieur gauche",
	"Coin infΘrieur droit",							//95
	"Affichage permanent",	
	//Small Displays left button menu
	"Configuration du petit affichage",
	"Affichage numΘrique",
	"Affichage graphique",								//100
	"Barres graphiques",
	//Messages shown in main display
	"Refroidissement alternatif",
	"Refroidissement actif ",
	"Refroidissement inactif ",
	"Refroidissement alternatif actif ",					// 105
	"Refroidissement forcΘ ",
	"Inactivation du refroidissement forcΘ ",
	"Pas d'affichage des noms",
	"Affichage en couleur",							//110
	"CPUCooL ne doit Ωtre\nlancΘ qu'une seule fois",
	"DΘfinir la langue",
	"Pas d'optimisation",
	"Dialogue de la sonde de tempΘrature",
	"Sonde Temp1 Pentium compatible",			// 115
	"Temp1 Thermistor",
	"Sonde Temp2 Pentium compatible",
	"Temp2 Thermistor",
	"Sonde Temp3 Pentium compatible",
	"Temp3 Thermistor",					// 120
	"Le numΘro d'enregistrment que vous avez entrΘ en est un piratΘ. SVP Enregistrez votre copie! Je suis juste parce que je ne dΘtruits pas les donnΘes sur votre disque d√r. CPUCooL est peu dispendieux $13! SVP enregistrer votre copie pour contribuer au dΘveloppement de CPUCooL! Souvenez-vous qu'il est dispendieux de tester du nouveau matΘriel et le prix que vous payez est trΦs bas!",
	"\nPas de CPU optimisΘ",
	"Seulement l'item du plateau est mis-α-jour",
	"Pas de mise-α-jour pΘriodique",
	"Pour obtenir une sortie d'affichage SVP presser",			// 125
	"Options -> GΘnΘrales -> Valeurs du plateau et de la carte mΦre",
	"Options -> GΘnΘrales -> Affichage complet",
	"Affichage de l'arrΩt de Windows",							//130
	"Bouton d'arrΩt normal de Windows",
	"Bouton d'arrΩt forcΘ de Windows",
	"Bouton de redΘmarrage normal de Windows",
	"Bouton de redΘmarrage de Windows forcΘ",
	"Touche log off",									//135
	"et Alt et touche Contr⌠le",
	"ArrΩt de Windows",
	"et interrupteur d'arrΩt",
	"TempΘrature au-dessus de la limite.\nCPUCooL s'arrΩtera immΘdiatement.",
	"Manufacturier du PLL",		//140
	"Type de PLL",
	"FrΘquence α rΘgler",
	"FrΘquency 1 du plateau",
	"FrΘquency 2 du plateau",
	"FrΘquency 3 du plateau",		//145
	"FrΘquency 4 du plateau",
	"CharactΦre de sorite du PLL",
	"RΘgler le PLL au prochain dΘmarrage",
	"RΘgler la frΘquence",
	"Obtenir PLL",			//150
	"Erreur de Lecture du PLL",
	"RΘgler le FSB peu endomager votre oridinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nManufacturier  : %s\nType          : %s\nFrΘquence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence CPU  : %d.%1d MHz",
	"FrΘquence actuelle",
	"Erreur de rΘglage du PLL",
	"Nombre d'octets lu incorrect.\nDevrait Ωtre %d actuel %d", //155
	"non utilisΘ",
	"Obtenir les donnΘes du PLL peu endomager votre ordinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!",
	"Lecture impossible des PLL en Θcriture seulement",
	" trop petit",
	" trop gros",   //160
	"Pas de privilΦge d'arrΩt",
	"DΘmarrer le logging au dΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
	"Ajouter les donnΘes au fichier log",
	"Texte dee donnΘes est enregistrΘ dans le fichier log",
	"Valeurs de la carte principale seulement",				//165
	"Erreur pendant l'ouverture du fichier log",
	"Erreur pendant la fermeture du fichier log",
	"Erreur pendant l'Θcriture du fichier log",
	"Fichier log est dΘjα ouvert",
	"Fichier log n'est pas ouvert",					//170
	"L2 Cache Latency",
	"RΘgle l'optimisation au dΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
	"SVP tester L2 Cache Latency en premier",   //175
	"RΘgler ce paramΦtre peu endommager votre ordinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nSi le systΦme arrΩte dΘbrancher l'alimentation rΘseau et essayer α nouveau!",
	" Limite",
	"Pas de lignes horizontales",
	"Pas de lignes verticales",
	"Affichage des graphiques en degrΘs Celsius",			//180
	"Affichage de temperature au-dessus de 130░F",
	"Ecrire les infos dans fichier",
	"Les donnΘes ont ΘtΘ sauvegardΘes dans le fichier\nCPUCool.Info",
	"Graphique Barre",							// 185
	"Valeurs numΘriques",
	"Pas d'alarme dans le plateau",
	"SVP entrer un nombre compris entre %d et %d",	//190
	"Basse puissance",
	"Basse puissance MMX",
	"Ouvrir la fenΩtre pricipale",
	"MΘmoire disponible",					
	"Refroidissement actif",	//195
	"Refroidissement inactif",
	"Alarme active",
	"Alarme inactive",		
	"Refroidissement forcΘ actif",		
	"ArrΩter jeu",			//200
	"DΘmarrer jeu",
	"Rafraεchissement %d sec ",
	"DΘsactiver le refroidissement",
	"ArrΩter la routine de temps",
	"MΘmoire disponible (Moctets)",  
	"Ajuster le FSB en MHZ",
	"Actions devant Ωtre exΘcutΘes quand l'item de la barre  ArrΩter jeu est sΘlectionnΘ",
	"RΘactiver le refroidissement",
	"RedΘmarrer la routine de temps",
	"Thermistor Temp 1", 
	"Thermistor Temp 2",
	"Thermistor Temp 3",
	"rΘduire FSB α",
	"Si la tempΘrature descend en dessous de",
	"restaurer l'ancienne FSB",   
	"Contenu des EEPROM sur SDRAM",
	"VΘrifier sommation",
	"Nombre d'octets dans l'EEPROM",
	"DΘlais CAS",
	"Temps du cycle SDRAM",
	"Temps d'accΦs SDRAM",
	"Temps du cycle 2iΦme SDRAM",
	"Temps d'accΦs 2iΦme SDRAM",
	"SpΘcifications du PC 100",
	"Sortie Θtendue",
	"DΘlai du RAS au CAS",
	"Temps de prΘchargement du RAS",
	"Mise α jour seulement dans la barre",
	"Pas de mise α jour",
	"RΘduire la fenΩtre de sortie",
	"Restaurer la fenΩtre de sortie",	
	"Mode de refroidissement",
	"Optimisation du processeur",
	"FrΘquence de l'horloge du processeur (FSB)",
	"MΘmoire de windows optimisΘe",				
	"Option d'affichage",
	"Limites de tempΘratures, voltages et vitesse du ventilateur",
	"Offset de la tempΘrature",
	"Celsius / Fahrenheit",			
	"DΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
	"PrioritΘ de CPUCooL",
	"Item de la barre dΘmarrage de jeu",
	"Log file",
	"Configuration de l'affichage principal de CPUCooL",	
	"Nombres et gΘnΘral",
	"Limites du graphique",
	"Activer le contr⌠le de la vitesse du ventilateur",
	"TempΘrature et vitesse relative du ventilateur pour le niveau infΘrieur",		
	"TempΘrature et vitesse relative du ventilateur pour le niveau supΘrieur",
	"Sonde de contr⌠le",
	"Consulter Aide (Touche F1)",
	"Pas d'analyse de carte mΦre au dΘmarrage",
	"L'EEProm est vide ou abscent",	
	"tr/min", //rotations / min
	"Ejecter tous les disques amovibles",
	"FrΘquence lors de l'arrΩt",
	"Certaines cartes mΦres ont besoin d'Ωtre spΘcialement sΘlectionnΘes.\nToutes les autres cartes mΦres devraient fonctionner sans problΦmes.\nS.V.P. veulliez vΘrifier si votre carte mΦre se trouve dans la liste ci-dessous.\nS.V.P. sΘlectionnez-la ou bien vous ne pourrez pas utiliser toutes les fonctions du logiciel", //260
	"Ejecter les mΘdias amovibles",
	"Choix de la carte mΦre",
	"Pour avoir toutes les fonctions de\nCPUCool\nS.V.P. redΘmarrer Windows\nand log in as administrator once!\nThe service coolsrv.exe is not working properly.", //265
	"Si votre carte mΦre n'est pas listΘe si dessus\ncela devrait fonctionner correctement sans la selection.\nSinon envoyez moi un couriel α [email protected]",
	"Si vous trouvez le fabricant et type de votre carte mΦre , alors choisir\noptions -> choix de la carte mΦre\npour sΘlectionner votre carte mΦre.",
	"Oui",							//270
	"Je ne sais pas",
	"Vous choisissez votre carte mΦre\n%s\navec le pll\nfabricant : %s type : %s.\nEst-ce correct?",
	"Obtenir frΘquence",			//275
	"L2 Cache Setting",
	"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache type",
	"NEC / SEC cache type",
	"SVP tester l'option de vitesse du L2 en premier",
	"L2 courant",
	"Optimisation du cache L2 au dΘmarrage de CPUCooL",
	"Si vous entendez des sons ou bien voyez des boεtes de dialogue apparaεtre,\nvous pouvez enlever le son dans le BIOS ou dΘsactiver les boεtes de messages dans le autres programmes de monitorage",
	"SVP log in avec les droits d'administrateur pour dΘmarrer le service CPUCooL Server!",
	"AccΦs PLL alternatif",
	"Avant de changer la mΘthode d'accΦs pour le PLL\nSVP dΘsactiver l'alimentation",
	"Changement de frΘquence sans succΦs!",
	"Changement du cache L2 effectuΘ avec succΦs",
	"Erreur pendant le changement du cache L2",
	"degrΘ, dΘmarrer",
	"degrΘ, dΘmarrer",
	"abaisse en-bas",
	"augment au-dessus",	
	"Lancement du programme de contr⌠le de temperature dΘmarrΘ",
	"Lancement du programme de contr⌠le de temperature arrΩtΘ",
	"DΘmarrer programme",
	"Si le fabricant %s a changΘ le PLL pendant la production.\nLes types sont:\nfabricant: %s  type: %s or\nfabricant: %s type: %s\nSVP regarder sur votre carte mΦre afin de sΘlectionner le type!",
	"Le FrontSideBus n'a pas ΘtΘ changΘ.\nLe rΘsultat peut ne pas Ωtre bon",
	"Sortir de CPUFSB immediatement aprΦs avoir l'appel du rΘpertoire dde dΘmarrage",
	"Utiliser carte graphique Asus",
	"sans aucune questions",
	"DΘmarrer l'ajustement FSB dΘpendant de la tempΘrature",
	"DΘmarrer l'ajustement FSB dΘpendant du refroidissement forcΘ",
	"DΘmarrer l'ajustement FSB dΘpendant de l'arrΩt de l'ordinateur",
	"ArrΩt forcΘ sans enregistrement de la configuration",  
	"Affichage de refroidissement",
	"Affichage principal",
	"REfroidissement forcΘ",
	"Abaisser FSB",
	"ArrΩt de l'ordinateur",
	"DΘmarrage de programme",
	"DΘmarage dee programme dΘpendant de la tempΘratureture si la tempΘrature se situe au-dessus de la limite(1)",
	"DΘmarage dee programme dΘpendant de la tempΘratureture si la tempΘrature se situe en-dessous de la limite(2)",
	"En premier elle doit aller au-dessus de la limite (1) et ensuite en-dessous de la limit(2)",
	"Refroidissement dΘpendant de la temperature",							//315
	"Configuration commune",
	"Configuration de l'affichage",
	"Noms affichΘs pour la tempΘrature, les tension et vitesses des ventillateurs",	//320
	"Refroidissement dΘpendant de la tempΘrature au-dessus d'une limite",
	"Refroidissment dΘpendant de la temperature sous une limite",
	"dΘmarrer refroidissement du CPU",
	"arrΩter refroidissement du CPU",
	"Afficher le contenu du SPD EEPROM", //325
	"La sortie du PLL peut Ωtre fausse. SVP ajuster la frΘquence en premier!",
	"Refroidissement forcΘ du ATHLON.\nSur certaines cartes mΦres il peut y avoir de sons provenant de la carte de son.",
	"Sauvegarder",							//330
	"Ouvrir le petit affichage sinon dΘmarrer en fenΩtre rΘguliΦre.",
// English
	"not avail",
	"Fine tuning",
	"Use frequency 'fine %d' in CPUCooL",
	"Warning!!! Frequency 'Fine %d' is not tested!\nSo it is not available in CPUCooL!\nPlease test it first!",
	"Freq set",
	"RΘgler le FSB peu endomager votre oridinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nManufacturier  : %s\nType          : %s\nFrΘquence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence CPU  : %d.%1d MHz",
	"Number of horizontal lines",
	"Use frequency in tray and cpucool startup",
	"Use frequency in tray and cpucool shutdown",
	"Use at statup",
	"Multiplier change for K6-2/3+",
	"Enable slow fan detection",
	"If %s detects a wrong multiplier, please corret it here",
	"Current frequency",
	"Change additional:",
	"1 clock at frames and CPU/PCI slave",
	"Fair CPU/PCI priority, PCIBusMaster",
	"PCI MasterRead caching", // 351
	"Reduce sound / USB problems",
	"Basic Frequency",
	"FSB",		//355
	"Master priority rotation 2 cycles",
	"Delay transaktion (dangerous on VIA686B systems)",
	"This PLL has a fine tuning option!\nPlease use it as it is more reliable!",
	"Enregister configuration",
	"Configuration ficher log",
	"Nom du ficher log",
	"DΘbuter logging",
	"Terminer logging",
	"1 sec",
	"2 sec",
	"5 sec",
	"10 sec",
	"20 sec",
	"30 sec",
	"O&ptions d'affichage",
	"Mode de refroidissement / Commutation dependant de la tempΘratu",
	"&ArrΩt de Windows par le clavier / Ejecter tous les mΘdias amovibles",
	"Changer FSB / Changer vitesse due CPU",
	"Optimisation du CPU",
	"Nettoyage pΘriodique de la mΘmore de Windows",
	"Limites des tensions, vitesse des ventillateurs",
	"Contenu de EEPROM dans le SDRAM",
	"SDRAM4",		//385
	"O&ptions d'affichage",
	"&Valeur sur la barre",
	"Cet affichage",
	"Affichage digital",
	"Affichage graphique",
	"Affichage mini",
	"Graphisme en barres",
	"Limites de l'affichage graphique",
	"Couleurs du petit affichage eet de celui du bas",
	"Choix de la carte mΦre",
	"Choix de la sonde de tempΘrature",
	"Offset de la tempΘature",
	"Celsius - Fahrenheit",
	"Configuartion de sources de mesures",
	"Configurer de dΘmarrage de jeux de la barre",
	"Charger noms des tempΘatures, tensions et ventillateurs",
	"Informations d'enregistrement",
	"Rubriqes d'aide",
	"Informations sur CPUCooL",
	"TempΘrat 1",
	"TempΘrat 2",
	"TempΘrat 3",
	"Capt Temp 0",
	"Capt Temp 1",
	"Capt Temp 2",
	"Capt Temp 3",
	"Capt Temp 4",
	"Capt Temp 5",
	"Capt Temp 6",
	"Capt Temp 7",
	"Tension 1",
	"Tension 2",
	"3,3 V",
	"5 V",
	"12 V",
	"V bat",
	"V opt",
	"V accu",
	"-5 V",
	"-12 V",
	"Ventilat 1",
	"Ventilat 2",
	"Ventilat 3",
	"Ventilat 4",
	"% du temps 1",
	"% du temps 2",
	"RΘcept comm",
	"Emiss comm",
	"CRC comm",
	"Total rΘcept",
	"Total Θmiss",
	"MΘmoire disp",
	"Pagina mΘmo",
	"Lect disque",
	"Ecrit disque",
	"Total serveu",
	"Total client",
	"FΘqu actuell",
	"",							//460
	"Tray font selection",
	"Save configuration to file",
	"Load configuration from file",
	"% CPU usage / bargraph",
	"% CPU usage / numbers",
	"No % CPU usage shown",
	"Display unused memory",
	"Add semicolon between values",
	"Close tray menu",
	"Clear all values",
	"Fan control",
	"HDD 1",							//475
	"HDD 2",
	"HDD 3",
	"HDD 4",
	"harddisk drives",
	"Additional Information",
	"Enable S.M.A.R.T.\n(if you have a SCSI system, please do not use that option)",
	"Model number",
	"Firmware rev",						//485
	"Serial number",
	"Raw Read Error Rate",
	"Throughput Performance",
	"Spin Up Time",
	"Start/Stop Count",					//490
	"Reallocated Sector Count",
	"Read Channel Margin",
	"Seek Error Rate",
	"Seek Time Performance",
	"Power On Hours Count",				//495
	"Spin Retry Count",
	"Calibration Retry Count",
	"Power Cycle Count",
	"Unknown attribute"
	"Current Value",					//500
	"Transhold Value",
	"Status Value",
	"RAW Value",
	"Worse Ever Value",
	"RΘgler le FSB peu endomager votre oridinateur!\nC'est α votre propre risque!\nPas de responsabilitΘ!\nManufacturier  : %s\nType          : %s\nFrΘquence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence RAM : %2d.%1d MHz\nFrΘquence CPU  : %d.%1d MHz",
	"At every ... rd time of the common update the S.M.A.R.T. information is updated too",
	"There will be a message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
	"There will be a message if one of the standard S.M.A.R.T values (range 0 - 15) changes",
	"There will be no message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes", 
	"Attention!!!\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
	"Thanks for your Support!",
	"Search lower SMBus range",
	"Search upper SMBus Range",

class CString messages_italiano []=
	"Nessuna opzione per questa CPU",
	"Framebuffer a ",
	" (potenzialmente pericoloso!)",

	"Ottimizzazioni per\nCPU Intel",
	"Ottimizzazioni per\nCPU AMD K5",			//5
//AMD K5 processor configuration
	"Attiva cache dati",
	"Attiva cache istruzioni",
	"Attiva branch prediction",
	"Allocazione di scrittura",
	"Operazione da eseguire\nall'avvio di CPUCool.",	//10
	"Apri la finestra principale",
	"Riduci a icona nel systray",
	"Se CPUCooL Φ avviato dalla cartella Esecuzione automatica",
	"riduci a icona nel systray altrimenti visualizza la finestra principale",
//Cyrix processor configuration
	"Configurazione processore Cyrix",					// 15
	"Allocazione di scrittura",
	"Cache Write Back",
	"Tempo di IO Recovery",
	"Linear Burst (pericoloso)",
	"Cached Directory",								// 20
	"ID CPU",
	"Negate Lock",
	"Sospendi quando inattivo",
	"Esci",									//25
//End Menu
	"Riduci a icona",
	"Finestra grande",
// Free Memory Menu
	"Ottimizzazione della memoria",
	"Se Φ inferiore ad un certo limite",								// 30
	"Se la memoria Φ inferiore a",
	"e non c'Φ attivitα per",
	"secondi allora libera",
	"megabyte di memoria",	
	"Fare clic sull'icona nel systray per liberare",				// 35
	"megabyte di memoria",
	"Libera memoria ogni",
	"Periodicamente in background",
	"Se non c'Φ attivitα per",					//40
//	General to do menu
	"Valori della temperatura da leggere",
	"Nessun valore",
	"Solo i valori da visualizzare nel systray",
	"Tutti i valori esclusi quelli di sistema",
	"Visualizzazione completa",									//45
//	Cooling display
	"Raffredamento attivo",
	"Raffredamento disattivo",
	"Azioni da eseguire quando si seleziona Avvia gioco nel systray",
	"Se la temperatura di",
	"supera",									// 50
	"allora aumenta la prioritα per il raffreddamento",
	"Avvisa acusticamente",
	"Se il carico lavoro Φ superiore a",
	"% per",
	"secondi, disattiva il raffreddamento",				//55
	"Limite inferiore",
	"Limite superiore",									//60
	"Attiva limiti di controllo",
	"Riduci a icona",
//	Priority display
	"Idle (not advisable)",
	"Superiore a idle",									//65
	"Oltre normale",
	"Real time",
	"Aumenta la prioritα durante l'accesso",
// Shareware display
	"Is Loading..Please Wait..Click Ok To Load it.",
	"Digitare il codice di registrazione",		//71
	"Consultare la Guida in linea per ottenere informazioni sulla registrazione.\nIl costo della registrazione Φ di $13 o Ç 15 o DM 30.\nVisitate la mia home page",
	"Il periodo di valutazione Φ terminato.\nRegistratevi\no digitate un numero ad una cifra nella prossima finestra.",
	"Sono stati selezionati troppi valori da visualizzare!\nRimuoverne prima alcuni!",
	"Digitare un numero compreso\ntra %d e %d!", //75
	"Grazie per aver scelto di registrare questo prodotto!",
	"Codice di registrazione non trovato",
// Message boxes
	"╚ in esecuzione un altro processo?",
	"Attendere il completamento dell'inizializzazione.",
	"Sistema operativo sconosciuto",					//80
	"Installare prima il driver NTIOWP.SYS",
	"Il programma richiede una nuova versione del driver!\nInstallare prima il file NTIOWP.SYS\nVersione necessaria: %d\nVersione corrente: %d",
	"Installare prima il driver IOWP9598.VXD",
	"Il programma richiede una nuova versione del driver!\nInstallare prima il file IOWP9598.VXD\nVersione necessaria: %d\nVersione corrente: %d",
	"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile per la seria Cyrix 5x86",		//85
	"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile\nper CPU Intel 486",
	"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile\nfinora per Intel 786",
	"Nessuna ottimizzazione disponibile\nper questo processore",
	//Exit Menue addtion
	//Small Display general configuration
	"Posizione finestra minimizzata",						// 90
	"Dimensione finestra minimizzata",
	"Angolo superiore sinistro",
	"Angolo superiore destro",
	"Angolo inferiore sinistro",
	"Angolo inferiore destro",							//95
	"Sempre in primo piano",	
	//Small Displays left button menu
	"Configurazione finestra minimizzata",
	"Visualizz. numerica",
	"Visualizzazione grafica",								//100
	"Visualizzazione a barre",
	//Messages shown in main display
	"Raffreddamento alternativo",
	"Attiva raffreddamento",
	"Disattiva raffreddamento",
	"Raffreddamento alternativo attivo",					// 105
	"Raffreddamento forzato ",
	"Raffreddamento forzato disattivo ",
	"Non visualizzare i nomi",
	"Visualizzazione colorata",							//110
	"Eseguire CPUCool\nuna sola volta",
	"Scelta della lingua",
	"Esegui le ottimizzazioni",
	"Scelta sensori per la temperatura",
	"Temp1 Sensore compatibile Pentium",			// 115
	"Temp1 Sensore transistor",
	"Temp2 Sensore compatibile Pentium",
	"Temp2 Sensore transistor",
	"Temp3 Sensore compatibile Pentium",
	"Temp3 Sensore transistor",					// 120
	"Il codice di registrazione digitato non Φ stato ottenuto legalmente. REGISTRATEVI! Sono sufficientemente onesto da non distruggervi il disco fisso. CPUCooL costa solamente $13! REGISTRATEVI e aiutatemi a continuare lo sviluppo di questo programma! Ricordate che Φ costoso provare nuovo hardware e la spesa da sostenere per registrarvi Φ bassa!",
	"\nNessuna ottimizzazione",
	"Solo l'icona nel systray Φ aggiornata",
	"Nessun aggiornamento",
	"Per visualizzare i valori, selezionare",			// 125
	"Impostazioni -> Configurazione misurazione della temperatura -> Tutti i valori esclusi quelli di sistema",
	"Impostazioni -> Configurazione misurazione della temperatura -> Visualizzazione completa",
	"Arresto del sistema",							//130
	"Arresto del sistema normale",
	"Arresto del sistema forzato",
	"Riavvio del sistema normale",
	"Riavvio del sistema forzato",
	"Disconnessione",										// 135
	"pi∙ i tasti Alt e Control",
	"arresta il sistema",
	"Spegni il computer",
	"La temperatura ha superato il limite imposto.\nCPUCooL arresterα il sistema.",
	"Produttore PLL",		//140
	"Tipo PLL",
	"Imposta la frequenza",
	"Frequenza 1 nel systray",
	"Frequenza 2 nel systray",
	"Frequenza 3 nel systray",		//145
	"Frequenza 4 nel systray",
	"Valori PLL attuali",
	"Frequenza FSB al prossimo riavvio",
	"Imposta frequenza",
	"Leggi PLL",			//150
	"Errore durante la lettura del PLL",
	"Modificare il FSB pu≥ danneggiare l'hardware!\nFatelo a vostro rischio!\nNon mi assumo alcuna responsabilitα!\nSe il sistema si blocca, scollegate l'alimentazione e riprovate!\nProduttore: %s\nTipo          : %s\nFrequenza FSB: %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza PCI: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza CPU: %d.%1d MHz",
	"Frequenza attuale",
	"Errore durante l'impostazione del PLL",
	"Il numero di byte letti non Φ corretto.\nDovrebbe essere %d attuale %d", //155
	"non usato",
	"Leggere le informazioni PLL pu≥ danneggiare l'hardware!\nFatelo a vostro rischio!\nNon mi assumo alcuna responsabilitα!",
	"Il PLL Φ in sola scrittura!\nNon pu≥ essere letto\nNon c'Φ motivo di allarmarsi\n╚ possibile modificare la frequenza di un PLL in sola scrittura!",
	" troppo piccolo",
	" troppo grande",   //160
	"Nessun privilegio per arrestare il sistema",
	"Avvia la registrazione degli eventi all'avvio di CPUCooL",
	"Aggiungi i dati al file di log",
	"Scrivi nel file di log le informazioni sui dati",
	"Scrivi solo i valori riportati dalla scheda madre",				//165
	"Si Φ verificato un errore durante l'apertura del file di log.",
	"Si Φ verificato un errore durante la chiusura del file di log.",
	"Si Φ verificato un errore durante la scrittura del file di log.",
	"Il file di log Φ giα aperto.",
	"Il file di log non Φ aperto.",					//170
	"Latenza cache L2",
	"Ottimizza il processore all'avvio di CPUCooL",
	"Testare prima la latenza della cache L2.",   //175
	"Questa impostazione pu≥ danneggiare l'hardware!\nFatelo a vostro rischio!\nNon mi assumo alcuna responsabilitα!\nSe il sistema si blocca, scollegate l'alimentazione e riprovate!",
	" Limite",
	"Non visualizzare le linee orizzontali",
	"Non visualizzare le linee verticali",
	"Rappresentazione grafica in Celsius",			//180
	"Visualizza temperatura superiore a 130F",
	"Salva le informazioni in un file",
	"Le informazioni sono state salvate\nnel file CPUCooL.Info",
	"Grafico a barre",							// 185
	"Valori numerici",
	"Nessun allarme nel systray",
	"Digitare un numero tra %d e %d",	//190
	"Riduci potenza",
	"Riduci potenza (MMX)",
	"Apri finestra principale",
	"Libera memoria",			
	"Raffreddamento",			//195
	"Raffreddamento disattivo",
	"Allarme attivo",
	"Allarme disattivo",		
	"Raffreddamento forzato disattivo",	
	"Interrompi gioco",				//200
	"Avvia gioco",
	"Aggiorna ogni %d sec ",
	"Disattiva raffreddamento",
	"Interrompi timer",
	"Libera memoria (MByte)",  //205
	"Imposta FSB in MHz",
	"Azioni da eseguire quando si chiude il gioco",
	"Ripristina raffreddamento",
	"Ripristina timer",
	"Temp1 sensore termistore", //210
	"Temp2 sensore termistore",
	"Temp3 sensore termistore",
	"riduci FSB a",
	"Se la temperatura scende sotto",
	"imposta il vecchio FSB",   //215
	"Contenuto delle EEPROM sulle SDRAM (forma breve)",
	"Numero dei byte nella EEPROM",
	"Latenza CAS",
	"Ciclo SDRAM",			//220
	"Tempo d'accesso SDRAM",
	"2░ ciclo SDRAM",
	"2░ tempo d'accesso SDRAM",
	"Spec PC100",
	"Visualizzazione avanzata",			//225
	"RAS to CAS Delay",
	"RAS Precharge",
	"Aggiorna solo il systray",
	"Nessun aggiornamento",
	"Riduci a icona la finestra",           //230
	"Ripristina la finestra",	
	"Modalitα raffreddamento",
	"Ottimizzazione CPU",
	"Frequenza clock CPU (FSB)",
	"Ottimizzazione della memoria",					//235
	"Opzioni di visualizzazione",
	"Limiti per la temperatura, il voltaggio e la velocitα delle ventole",
	"Celsius / Fahrenheit",				//240
	"Avvio di CPUCooL",
	"Prioritα CPUCooL",
	"Avvio gioco",
	"File di log",
	"Finestra di configurazione di CPUCooL",		//245
	"Numeri e generale",
	"Limite grafico",
	"Attiva controllo ventole",
	"Temperatura e velocitα della ventola (limite inferiore)",			 //250
	"Temperatura e velocitα della ventola (limite superiore)",
	"Sensore di controllo",
	"Consultare la Guida in linea (premere F1)",
	"Non effettuare l'analisi della scheda madre all'avvio",
	"EEProm vuota o non presente",			//255
	"Espelli tutti i supporti rimovibili",
	"Frequenza FSB all'arresto del sistema",
	"Se si desidera modificare il Front Side Bus della propria scheda madre, Φ necessario selezionare il PLL corretto. Se si conosce il produttore e il tipo di scheda madre utilizzato, selezionarlo adesso.", //260
	"Espelli il supporto rimovibile",
	"Scheda madre",
	"Per attivare tutte le funzionalitα di\nCPUCooL\nriavviare il sistema\ne collegarsi come amministratore di sistema!\nThe service coolsrv.exe is not working properly.", //265
	"Se la vostra scheda madre non Φ presente in elenco\ntutto dovrebbe funzionare comunque correttamente.\nIn caso contrario o se identificate il produttore ed il tipo di PLL utilizzato, inviatemi un'e-mail all'indirizzo [email protected]",
	"Se conoscete il produttore ed il tipo di scheda madre, scegliete\nImpostazioni -> Scelta scheda madre\nper selezionare la vostra scheda madre.",
	"s∞",							//270
	"Non lo so",
	"Avete selezionato la scheda madre\n%s\ncon il PLL\n prodotto da: %s tipo: %s.\n╚ corretto?",
	"Leggi frequenza",
	"Impostazione cache L2",
	"Tipo cache Motorola / Mitsubishi",
	"Tipo cache NEC / SEC",
	"Testare prima la velocitα per la cache L2",
	"L2 attuale",			//280
	"Esegui l'ottimizzazione della cache L2 all'avvio di CPUCooL",
	"Se si odono strani suoni o compaiono finestre d'avviso,\nΦ possibile disattivare il sonoro nel BIOS oppure disattivare i messaggi nell'altro programma di monitoraggio",
	"Collegarsi con i privilegi di amministratore di sistema per avviare il servizio di CPUCooL Server!",
	"Accesso alternativo PLL",
	"Prima di cambiare il metodo di accesso al PLL\nspegnere il computer.",
	"Modifica della frequenza non riuscita!",
	"Modifica della cache L2 riuscita",
	"Si Φ verificato un errore durante la modifica della cache L2",
	"gradi, esegui",
	"gradi, esegui",
	"scende sotto",
	"Avvio programma per il controllo della temperatura",
	"Arresto programma per il controllo della temperatura",
	"Avvia il programma",
	"Il produttore di %s ha modificato il PLL durante la fase di produzione.\n╚ possibile scegliere tra:\nproduttore: %s  tipo: %s oppure\nproduttore: %s tipo: %s\nVerificare sulla scheda madre il tipo di PLL corretto!",
	"Il Front Side Bus non Φ stato modificato.\nIl risultato riportato potrebbe essere errato.",
	"Chiudi CPUFSB una volta avviato da Esecuzione automatica",
	"Usa le schede video ASUS",
	"Chiudi senza messaggi",
	"Frequenza FSB dipendente dalla temperatura",
	"Raffreddamento forzato dipendente dalla temperatura",
	"Arresto del sistema dipendente dalla temperatura",
	"Forza l'arresto del sistema senza salvare i documenti aperti",  //305
	"Opzioni raffreddamento",
	"Raffreddamento forzato",
	"Frequenza FSB",
	"Arresto del sistema",
	"Esecuzione programma",
	"Esegui un programma se la temperatura supera il limite (1)",
	"Esegui un programma se la temperatura Φ inferiore al limite (2)",
	"La temperatura deve prima superare il limite (1) e poi scendere sotto il limite (2)",
	"Raffreddamento CPU",							//315
	"Impostazioni generali",
	"Impostazioni di visualizzazione",
	"Nomi da visualizzare per la temperatura, il voltaggio e le ventole",	//320
	"Dipendente dalla temperatura (superiore ad un certo limite)",
	"Dipendente dalla temperatura (inferiore ad un certo limite)",
	"avvia raffreddamento CPU",
	"interrompi raffreddamento CPU",
	"Visualizza il contenuto di SPD EEPROM", //325
	"La visualizzazione del PLL potrebbe essere errata. Impostare prima la frequenza!",
	"Raffreddamento forzato ATHLON.\nAlcune schede madri potrebbero emettere un rumore dalla scheda audio",
	"Salva",							//330
	"apri finestra minimizzata altrimenti apri finestra principale",
	"Non disponibile",
	"Ottimizzazione accurata",
	"Usa frequenza 'accurata %d' in CPUCooL",
	"Attenzione!!! Il tipo di frequenza 'accurata %d' non Φ stata collaudata!\nNon Φ quindi possibile utilizzarla in CPUCooL!\nPrima provatela!",
	"Modificare il Front Side Bus pu≥ seriamente danneggiare l'hardware!\nFatelo a vostro rischio! Non mi assumo alcuna responsabilitα!\nQualora il sistema si dovesse bloccare, scollegate l'alimentazione e riprovate.\nProduttore: %s\nTipo         : %s\nFrequenza FSB: %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza PCI: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza CPU: %d.%1d MHz",
	"Numero delle linee orizzontali",
	"Usa la frequenza nel systray e all'avvio di CPUCooL",
	"Usa la frequenza nel systray e all'uscita da CPUCooL",
	"Usa all'avvio",
	"Moltiplicatore modificato per for K6-2/3+",
	"Identificazione rotazione ventola lenta",
	"Se %s identifica un moltiplicatore errato, correggerlo qui",
	"Frequenza attuale",
	"1 clock per frame e CPU/PCI slave",
	"Prioritα CPU/PCI, PCIBusMaster",
	"Cache di PCI MasterRead (pericoloso)", // 351
	"Riduce i problemi legati al sonoro / USB",
	"Frequenza di base",
	"FSB",		//355
	"Rotazione prioritα Master 2 cicli",
	"Delay transaction (pericoloso per i sistemi VIA686B)",
	"Questo PLL presenta un'opzione per l'ottimizzazione accurata!\nSi consiglia di utilizzarla in quanto pi∙ stabile e sicura!",
	"Salva le impostazioni",
	"Configurazione file di log",
	"Nome file di log",
	"Avvia registrazione eventi",
	"Inerrompi registrazione eventi",
	"1 sec",
	"2 sec",
	"5 sec",
	"10 sec",
	"20 sec",
	"30 sec",
	"Raffreddamento CPU",
	"Arresto del sistema",
	"Front side bus",
	"Memoria di Windows",
	"Limitazione voltaggi",
	"SDRAM4",		//385
	"Valori nel systray",
	"Finestra principale",
	"Visualizzazione numerica",
	"Visualizzazione grafica",
	"Visualizzazione ridotta",
	"Grafico a barre",
	"Limitazione visualizzazione",
	"Scelta scheda madre",
	"Offset tempetatura",
	"Scala Celsius - Fahrenheit",
	"Configurazione misurazione della temperatura",
	"Language Choice",
	"Avvio di CPUCooL",
	"Configurazione gioco",
	"Configurazione nomi",
	"Priorita di CPUCooL",
	"Informazioni sulla registrazione",
	"Sommario e indice",
	"Informazioni su CPUCooL",
	"Sens temp 0",
	"Sens temp 1",
	"Sens temp 2",
	"Sens temp 3",
	"Sens temp 4",
	"Sens temp 5",
	"Sens temp 6",
	"Sens temp 7",
	"VCore 1",
	"VCore 2",
	"3,3 V",
	"5 V",
	"12 V",
	"V bat",
	"V opt",
	"V accu",
	"-5 V",
	"-12 V",
	"Vent 1",
	"Vent 2",
	"Vent 3",
	"Vent 4",
	"% Tempo CPU 1",
	"% Tempo CPU 2",
	"Modem ric",
	"Modem trasm",
	"Modem crc",
	"Modem tot ric",
	"Modem tot trasm",
	"Mem disp",
	"Pag mem",
	"Lett disco",
	"Scritt disco",
	"Totale server",
	"Totale client",
	"Pag pager",
	"Freq attuale",
	"",							//460
	"Tray font selection",
	"Save configuration to file",
	"Load configuration from file",
	"% CPU usage / bargraph",
	"% CPU usage / numbers",
	"No % CPU usage shown",
	"Display unused memory",
	"Add semicolon between values",
	"Close tray menu",
	"Clear all values",
	"Fan control",
	"HDD 1",							//475
	"HDD 2",
	"HDD 3",
	"HDD 4",
	"harddisk drives",
	"Additional Information",
	"Enable S.M.A.R.T.\n(if you have a SCSI system, please do not use that option)",
	"Model number",
	"Firmware rev",						//485
	"Serial number",
	"Raw Read Error Rate",
	"Throughput Performance",
	"Spin Up Time",
	"Start/Stop Count",					//490
	"Reallocated Sector Count",
	"Read Channel Margin",
	"Seek Error Rate",
	"Seek Time Performance",
	"Power On Hours Count",				//495
	"Spin Retry Count",
	"Calibration Retry Count",
	"Power Cycle Count",
	"Unknown attribute"
	"Current Value",					//500
	"Transhold Value",
	"Status Value",
	"RAW Value",
	"Worse Ever Value",
	"Modificare il FSB pu≥ danneggiare l'hardware!\nFatelo a vostro rischio!\nNon mi assumo alcuna responsabilitα!\nSe il sistema si blocca, scollegate l'alimentazione e riprovate!\nProduttore: %s\nTipo          : %s\nFrequenza FSB: %3d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza PCI: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza RAM: %2d.%1d MHz\nFrequenza CPU: %d.%1d MHz",
	"At every ... rd time of the common update the S.M.A.R.T. information is updated too",
	"There will be a message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
	"There will be a message if one of the standard S.M.A.R.T values (range 0 - 15) changes",
	"There will be no message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes", 
	"Attention!!!\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
	"Thanks for your Support!",
	"Search lower SMBus range",
	"Search upper SMBus Range",

class CString messages_tschechisch[]=
	"ÄßdnΘ nastavenφ pro tohle CPU",
	"Framebuffer na ",
	" (mo₧nΘ poÜkozenφ !)",

	"Optimalizace pro\nIntel CPU",
	"Optimalizace pro\nAMD K5 CPU's",			//5
//AMD K5 - konfigurace procesoru
	"Povolit - Cache Data",
	"Povolit - Cache instrukce",
	"Povolit - Branch Prediction",
	"Write Allocation",
//P°i startu
	"Co by m∞l CPUCooL d∞lat po spuÜt∞nφ?",	//10
	"Vytvo°it dialogy",
	"Go to tray",
	"Jestli je CPUCooL spuÜt∞n ze startovacφho souboru",
	"jdi na tray jinak spusti dialog",
//Cyrix - konfigurace procesoru
	"Cyrix - konfigurace procesoru",					// 15
	"Zapisovat rozvr₧enφ",
	"Odepsat Cache",
	"IO obnovovacφ Φas",
	"Lineßrnφ prasknutφ (nebezpeΦnΘ)",
	"CACHED adresß°",								// 20
	"CPU ID",
	"ZruÜit zßmek",
	"P°eruÜit p°i zastavenφ",
	"Odejφt",									//25
//Konec Menu
	"Jdi na Tray",
	"VelkΘ zobrazenφ",
// Menu VolnΘ Pam∞ti
	"Uvolnit pam∞¥",
	"Pod limit",								// 30
	"Jestli₧e je volnΘ pam∞¥ mpod limitem",
	"a nenφ aktivita na",
	"sekund pak zaΦni uvol≥ovat",
	"megabyt∙ pam∞ti",	
	"Klikßnφ na tray bude uvol≥ovat",				// 35
	"megabyt∙ pam∞ti",
	"Uvolnit pam∞¥ ka₧d²ch",
	"PeriodickΘ pozadφ",
	"Jestli₧e nenφ aktivita na",					//40
//	VÜeobecnΘ menu
	"Konfigurace m∞°enφ zdroje",
	"Pouzetray hodnota",
	"Tray a zßkladnφ deska hodnoty",
	"Pln² display",									//45
//	Cooling display
	"Chladφcφ mod zapnut",
	"Chladφcφ mod vypnut",
	"Akce k provedenφ kdy₧ Tray nßstroj Start Game je vybrßn",
	"Jestli₧e teplota",
	"se zvedne nad",									// 50
	"pak zv²Üit prioritu v²konuchlazenφ",
	"a spustit poplach",
	"Jestli₧e je Φinnost v²Üe ne₧",
	"% na",
	"sekund, zastavit funkci chlazenφ",				//55
	"Dolnφ limit",
	"Hornφ limit",									//60
	"Aktivovat kontrolu limitu",
//	Priority displaye
	"Nad neΦinnost",									//65
	"Nad normßl",
	"SkuteΦn² Φas",
	"Zv²Üit prioritu b∞hem p°φstupu",
// Shareware zobrazenφ
	" is Loading Please wait..\nClic ok to Load it",
	"Vlo₧te registraΦnφ Φφslo",		//71
	"Sledujte nßpov∞du pro zjiÜt∞nφ jak zφskat registraΦnφ Φφslo.RegistraΦnφ poplatek je $13 nebo Ç 15 nebo DM 30.Prosφm navÜtivte moji strßnku",
	"ZkuÜebnφ doba uplynula. Prosφm registrujte se nebo vlo₧te jinΘ Φφslo v dalÜφm zobrazenφ.",
	"P°φli₧ mnoho na zobrazenφ! Prosφm nejprve odstra≥te n∞jakΘ nßstroje!",
	"Prosφm vlo₧te hodnotu mezi %d a %d!", //75
	"D∞kuji za registraci!",
	"RegistraΦnφ Φφslo nenalezeno",
// Message boxes
	"Je tam jeÜt∞ jinß pracujφcφ operace?",
	"Prosφm vyΦkejte do konce inicializace",
	"Neznßm² operaΦnφ system",					//80
	"Prosφm nainstalujte nejd°φve NTIOWP.SYS ovladaΦ",
	"Program vy₧aduje novou verzi ovladaΦ∙! Prosφm nainstalujte NTIOWP.SYS nejd°φve Version read out : %d SouΦasnß verze : %d",
	"Nainstalujtre ovladaΦ IOWP9598.VXD nejd°φve",
	"Program vy₧aduje novou verzi ovladaΦ∙! Prosφm nainstalujte IOWP9598.VXD nejd°φvet Version read out : %d SouΦasnß verze : %d",
	"Äßdnß optimalizace pro Cyrix 5x86 serie",		//85
	"Äßdnß optimalizace pro Intel 486 CPU's",
	"Äßdnß optimalizace pro Intel 786 doposud",
	"Äßdnß optimalizace pro tento procesor dostupnß",
	//Exit Menue addtion
	"MalΘ zobrazenφ",
	//Small Display general configuration
	"Pozice malΘho zobrazenφ",						// 90
	"Velikost malΘho zobrazenφ",
	"Lev² hornφ roh",
	"Prav² hornφ roh",
	"Lev² dolnφ roh",
	"Prav² dolnφ roh  ",							//95
	"V₧dy naho°e",	
	//Small Displays left button menu
	"Konfigurace mal²ch zobrazenφ",
	"NumerickΘ zobrazenφ",
	"GrafickΘ zobrazenφ",								//100
	"Bargraf zobrazenφ",
	//Zprßvy zobrazenΘ v hlavnφm zobrazenφ
	"St°φdavΘ chlazenφ",
	"Chlazenφ zapnuto ",
	"Chlazenφ vypnuto ",
	"St°φdavΘ chlazenφ zapnuto ",					// 105
	"NouzovΘ chlazenφ ",
	"FORCIERTE chlazenφ nouzov∞ vypnuto ",
	"ÄßdnΘ zobrazenφ nßzv∙",
	"Barevn² display",							//110
	"Prosφm spus¥te CPUCooL pouze jednou",
	"Teplota vybranΘho senzoru",
	"Tepl1 Sensor Pentium kompatabilnφ",			// 115
	"Tepl1 Sensor Tranzistor",
	"Tepl2 Sensor Pentium kompatabilnφ",
	"Tepl2 Sensor Tranzistor",
	"Tepl3 Sensor Pentium kompatabilnφ",
	"Tepl3 Sensor Tranzistor",					// 120
	"RegistraΦnφ Φφslo, kterΘ jste vlo₧ili je pirßtskΘ. PROS═M REGISTRUJTE SE! Jsem hodn², ₧e vßm nezniΦφm harddisk. CPUCooL stojφ jen $13! PROS═M REGISTRUJTE SE a pomozte mi ve v²voji CPUCooL! Pamatujte si ₧e je drahΘ testvat nov² hardware a cena kterou platφte je malß!",
	" Äßdnß optimalizace CPU",
	"Jen tray nßstroj je aktualizovan²",
	"Äßdn² pravideln² update",
	"Pro zφskßnφ v²stupnφho zobrazenφ prosφm stiskn∞te",			// 125
	"Nastavenφ -> Konfigurace m∞°enφ zdroje -> Tray a zßkladnφ deska hodnoty",
	"Nastavenφ -> Konfigurace m∞°enφ zdroje -> Pln² display",
	"Zobrazenφ vypnutφ Windows",							//130
	"Normßlnφ Windows vypnutφ tlaΦφtko",
	"NouzovΘ Windows vypnutφ tlaΦφtko",
	"Normßlnφ Windows restart tlaΦφtko",
	"NouzovΘ Windows restart tlaΦφtko",
	"Logoff klßvesu",										// 135
	"a Alt a Control klßvesy",
	"ukonΦitt Windows",
	"a vypne zdroj",
	"Teplota p°ekroΦila limit. CPUCooL se nynφ vypne.",
	"PLL v²robce",		//140
	"PLL typ",
	"Frekvence k nastavenφ",
	"Tray frekvence 1",
	"Tray frekvence 2",
	"Tray frekvence 3",		//145
	"Tray frekvence 4",
	"SouΦasnΘ PLL hodnoty",
	"Nastav FSB na dalÜφ spuÜt∞nφ",
	"Nastav frekvenci",
	"Zφskat PLL v²stupt",			//150
	"Chyba p°i Φtenφ PLL",
	"Nastavenφ FSB m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! na vlastnφ riziko! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost! kdy₧ system zamrzne odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu! V²robce  : %s Typ          : %s Frekvence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz Frekvence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz CPU frekvence : %d.%1d MHz",
	"Aktußlnφ frekvence",
	"Chyba nastavenφ PLL",
	"èpatn² poΦet byt∙ p°eΦteno. M∙₧e b²t %d actual %d", //155
	"Zφskßvßnφ PLL dat m∙₧e pÜkodit vßÜ hardware! je to na vlastnφ nebezpeΦφ! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost!",
	"VaÜe PLL je pouze k zßpisu PLL!  Nelze ho naΦφtat Nenφ to d∙vod k obavßm M∙₧ete psßt jinou frekvenci do pouze zapisovateln²ch PLL's!",
	" p°φli₧ malΘ",
	" p°φli₧ velkΘ",   //160
	"Äßdnß v²sada vypnutφ",
	"P°ihlßsit p°i startu CPUCooL",
	"P°ipsat data k logsouboru",
	"Text dat je zapsßn v logsouboru",
	"Pouze hodnoty zßkladnφ desky",				//165
	"Chyba p°i otevφrßnφ logsouboru",
	"Chyba zavφrßnφ logsouboru",
	"Chyba uklßdßlφ logsouboru",
	"Logsoubor u₧ je otev°en",
	"Logsoubor nenφ otev°en",					//170
	"L2 Cache Zpo₧d∞nφ",
	"Nastavte optimalizaci na start CPUCooL",
	"Prosφm otestujte nejprve L2 Cache Zpo₧d∞nφ",   //175
	"Toto nastavenφ m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! je to na vaÜe riziko! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost! Jestli system zamrzne odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu!",
	" Limit",
	"ÄßdnΘ vodorovnΘ Φßry",
	"ÄßdnΘ svislΘ Φßry",
	"Grafick² display v Celsiech",			//180
	"Teplota ukazuje vφce ne₧ 130F",
	"Ulo₧it info do souboru",
	"Data byly zapsßny do souboru CPUCooL.Info",
	"Bargraf",							// 185
	"NumerickΘ hodnoty",
	"FaleÜnß Φφsla v tray",
	"Äßdn² alarm na tray",
	"Rychl² tray ΦφselnΘho generovßnφ",
	"Prosφm vlo₧te Φφslo mezi %d a %d",	//190
	"Nφzk² v²kon",
	"Nφzk² v²kon MMX",
	"Otev°φt hlavnφ zobrazenφ",
	"Volnß pam∞¥",			
	"Chlazenφ obvodu",			//195
	"Chlazenφ zapnuto",
	"Alarm zapnut",
	"Alarm vypnut",		
	"NouzovΘ chlazenφ vypnuto",	
	"Zastavit hru",				//200
	"Spustit hru",
	"Updaterate %d sec ",
	"Vypnout chlazenφ",
	"Zastavit ΦasovaΦ pravidelnΘho postupu",
	"VolnΘ Megabity pam∞ti (MByte)",  //205
	"Nastav FSB na MHz",
	"Postupy kdy₧ tray item zastavφ hru je vybran²",
	"UvΘst do p∙vodnφho stavu chlazenφ",
	"UvΘst do p∙vodnφho stavu ΦasovaΦ pravidelnΘho postupu",
	"TEPL1 senzor termistor", //210
	"TEPL2 senzor termistor",
	"TEPL3 senzor termistor",
	"snφ₧it FSB na",
	"Jestli teplota klesne",
	"nastav starou FSB znovu",   //215
	"Obsahy EEPROMS na SDRAM ( ve zkrßcenΘ form∞)",
	"Kontrolnφ souΦet",
	"PoΦet Byt∙ v EEPROM",
	"CAS Zpo₧d∞nφ",
	"SDRAM Φas cyklu",			//220
	"SDRAM p°φstupov² Φas",
	"SDRAM druh² Φas cyklu",
	"SDRAM druh² p°φstupov² Φas",
	"PC100 t°φda",
	"RozÜφ°en² v²kon (v²stup)",			//225
	"RAS do CAS Odlo₧enφ",
	"RAS Precharge ╚as",
	"Aktualizace pouze v tray modu",
	"Äßdnß aktualizace",
	"Minimalizovat v²stupnφ okno",           //230
	"P°ed∞lat v²stupnφ okno",	
	"Chladφcφ m≤d",
	"CPU optimalizace",
	"CPU m∞°iΦ frekvence (FSB)",
	"Windows pam∞¥ optimalizace",					//235
	"Zobraz nastavenφ",
	"Limity teploty, volta₧e, a rychlosti v∞trßku",
	"Odchylka teploty",
	"Celzi∙ / Stup≥∙ Fahrenheita",				//240
	"CPUCooL spuÜt∞nφ",
	"CPUCooL priorita",
	"Tray item game start",
	"Log soubor",
	"CPUCooL Hlavnφ zobrazenφ konfigurace",		//245
	"╚φsla a obecn∞...",
	"GrafickΘ limity",
	"Povolit regulaci otßΦek u CPUCooL",
	"Teplota a rychlost v∞trßku pro ni₧Üφ ·rove≥ v∞trßnφ",			 //250
	"Teplota a rychlost v∞trßku pro vyÜÜφ ·rove≥ v∞trßnφ",
	"Kontrolnφ senzor",
	"Sledujte nßpov∞du (Klßvesa F1)",
	"Äßdnß zßkladnφ deska poΦφtaΦe analyzovßna p°i spuÜt∞nφ",
	"EEPROM jsem prßzdn² nebo nep°φtomn²",			//255
	"Vytßhn∞te vÜechny vym∞nitelnΘ jednotky",
	"P°i vypnutφ nastav FSB na",
	"Jestli chcete zm∞nit FrontSideBus vaÜφ zßkladnφ desky musφte oznaΦit PLL.Jestli znßte v²robce a typ vaÜφ zßkladnφ desky, prosφm vyberte je hned", //260
	"V²robce desky",
	"Typ zßkladnφ desky",
	"Vytßhn∞te vym∞nitelnß mΘdia",
	"V²b∞r zßkladnφ desky",
	"Pro plnou funkΦnost CPUCooL prosφm restartujte Windows a p°ihlaste se jako administrßtor jednou!\nThe service coolsrv.exe is not working properly.", //265
	"Jestli vaÜe deska nenφ v seznamu vÜechno by m∞lo pracovat dob°e bez v²b∞ru. jestli ne nebo jestli najdete PLL v²robce a typ, prosφm napiÜte mi e-mail at [email protected]",
	"Jestli₧e zjistφte v²robce a typ vaÜφ zßkladnφ desky, prosφm vyberte volby -> v²b∞r zßkladnφ desky pro v²b∞r vaÜφ desky.",
	"ano",							//270
	"Vybral jste si zßkladnφ desku %s S pll V²robce : %s typ : %s. je to sprßvn∞?",
	"Zφskat frekvenci",
	"L2 Cache Nastavenφ",
	"Motorola / Mitsubishi cache typ",
	"NEC / SEC cache typ",
	"Prosφm otestujte nejd°φve L2 rychlostnφ nastavenφ",
	"SouΦasnß L2",			//280
	"L2 cache optimalizace p°i startu CPUCooL",
	"Jestli slyÜφte n∞jakΘ zvuky nebo vidφte boxy se sprßvami, m∙₧ete vypnout zvuky v BIOS nebo vypn∞te boxy se sprßvami v jinΘm monitorovacφm programu",
	"Prosφm registrujte se s administrßtorsk²mi privilegii dejte CPUCooL Server service!",
	"Mo₧nost PLL p°φstupu",
	"P°ed zm∞nou vstupnφ metody pro PLL prosφm prvnφ vypn∞te poΦφtaΦ",
	"Frekvence nebyla ·sp∞Ün∞ zm∞n∞na!",
	"L2 cache ·sp∞Ün∞ zm∞n∞no",
	"Chyba p°i zm∞n∞ L2 cache",
	"stupe≥, start",
	"stupe≥, start",
	"Teplota °φdφcφ spuÜt∞nφ programu",
	"Teplota °φdφcφ spuÜt∞nφ programu program vypla",
	"Spustit program",
	"V²robce %s zm∞nil PLL b∞hem produkce. Mo₧nΘ typy jsou: v²robce: %s  typ: %s nebo  v²robce: %s typ: %s Prosφm podφvejte se na vaÜi zßkladnφ desku pro vybrßnφ typu!",
	"FrontSideBus nebyl zm∞n∞n. V²sledek m∙₧e b²t Üpatn²",
	"Opustit CPUFSB hned po zavolßnφ z autostart slo₧ky",
	"Pou₧ij ASUS GrafickΘ karty",
	"bez otßzek",
	"Zapnout teplotu zßvislou na FSB nastavenφ",
	"P°epnout na teplotu pod°φzenou nucenΘmu chlazenφ",
	"P°epnout na teplotu pod°φzenou vypnutφ poΦφtaΦe",
	"NucenΘ ukonΦenφ bez ulo₧enφ nastavenφ",  //305
	"Zobrazenφ chlazenφ",
	"Hlavnφ zobrazenφ",
	"NucenΘ chlazenφ",
	"Snφ₧it FSB",
	"Vypnutφ poΦφtaΦe",
	"SpuÜt∞nφ programu",
	"Teplota pod°φzenß programu se spustφ jestli₧e je teplota nad limitem(1)",
	"Teplota pod°φzenß programu se spustφ jestli₧e je teplota pod limitem(2)",
	"Prvnφ to musφ jφt nad limit (1) a pak pod (2)",
	"Teolotn∞ zßvislΘ chlazenφ",							//315
	"ObecnΘ nastavenφ",
	"Nastavenφ zobrazenφ",
	"ZobrazenΘ nßzvy teplot, voltß₧φ a v∞trßk∙",	//320
	"Teplotn∞ zßvislΘ chlazenφ nad limitem",
	"Teplotn∞ zßvislΘ chlazenφ pod limitem",
	"spustit CPU chlazenφ",
	"zastavit CPU chlazenφ",
	"Zobrazit obsahy SPD EEPROM", //325
	"V²stup PLL by mohl b²t Üpatn². Prosφm prvnφ nastavte frekvenci!",
	"ATHLON nucenΘ chlazenφ. Na n∞kter²ch deskßch by mohl b²t n∞jak² Üum ze zvukovΘ karty",
	"Ulo₧it",							//330
	"otev°φt malou nabφdku jinak spustit dialog",
	"JemnΘ lad∞nφ",
	"Pou₧φt frekvenci 'jemnΘ %d' v CPUCooL",
	"Varovßnφ!!! Frekvence 'JemnΘ %d' nenφ testovanß! Tak₧e nenφ dostupnß v CPUCooL! Prosφm zkuste to d°φve!",
	"Nastavit frekvenci",
	"Nastavenφ FSB m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! It je na vlastnφ nebezpeΦφ! Äßdnß zoodpov∞dnost! jestli system zustane zamrzly odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu! V²robce  : %s Typ          : %s Frekvence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz CPU frekvence : %d.%1d MHz",
	"PoΦet horizontßlnφch Φar",
	"Pou₧φt frekvenci v tray a cpucool startu",
	"Pou₧φt frekvenci v tray a cpucool vypnutφ",
	"Pou₧φt p°i startu",
	"Zm∞na multiplikßtoru pro K6-2/3+",
	"Zapnout detekci pomalΘho v∞trßku",
	"Jestli %s detekuje Üpatn² multiplikßtor, prosφm opravit zde",
	"Aktußlnφ frekvence",
	"DodateΦnß zm∞na:",
	"1 clock at frames and CPU/PCI slave",
	"Fair CPU/PCI priorita, PCIBusMaster",
	"PCI MasterRead caching (nebezpeΦφ)", // 351
	"Redukovat zvukovΘ / USB problΘmy",
	"Zßkladnφ frekvence",
	"FSB",		//355
	"Hlavnφ priorita ob∞hu 2 cykly",
	"Odlo₧it transakci (nebezpeΦφ na VIA686B systemu)",
	"Tento PLL mß jemn∞ladenou volbu! Prosφm pou₧ijte ji jeliko₧ je to spolehliv∞jÜφ!",
	"Soubor",		//360
	"Ulo₧it nastavenφ",
	"Log soubro nastavenφ",
	"Log nßzev souboru",
	"Start logging",
	"Stop logging",
	"Updatovat Rate",
	"1 sec",
	"2 sec",
	"5 sec", //370
	"10 sec",
	"20 sec",
	"30 sec",
	"Chladφcφ m≤d / teplota zßvislß na p°epφnßnφ =",
	"Windows vypφnßnφ pomocφ kolßvesnice / Vysinout vÜechna z°φzenφ", 
	"Zm∞nit front side bus / zm∞nit rychlost CPU ",
	"CPU optimalizace",
	"Windows Memory pravidelnΘ ΦiÜt∞nφ",
	"Hranice Voltß₧φ, teplota rychlosti v∞trßku",
	"SDRAM EEPROM obsah",
	"SDRAM4",		//385
	"Nastavenφ Displaye",		//390
	"Tray display",
	"Tento display (Hlavnφ display)",
	"╚φseln² display",
	"Grafick² display",					
	"Mal² display",
	"hranice grafickΘho displaye",		//400
	"barvy  lower a mal² display",
	"V²b∞r mainboardu ",
	"V²b∞r senzoru teploty",			
	"Vyrovnßnφ teploty",		//405
	"Celsius Fahrenheit",
	"M∞°enφ zdrojov²ch konfiguracφ",
	"Language Choice",
	"P°i startu spustit CPUCooL",
	"Konfigurovat Tray Game polo₧ku",	//410
	"Zm∞nit nßzvy teplot, voltß₧φ a v∞trßku",
	"Priority CPUCooL",					
	"Registrovat se",
	"Informace o registraci ",		//415
	"Polo₧ky nßpov∞dy",					
	"Informace o CPUCooL ",
	"Tepl2",						//420
	"Tepl V∞tr 0",
	"Tepl V∞tr 1",
	"Tepl V∞tr 2",
	"Tepl V∞tr 3",
	"Tepl V∞tr 4",
	"Tepl V∞tr 5",
	"Tepl V∞tr 6",
	"Tepl V∞tr 7",
	"VJßdro 1",
	"VJßdro 2",
	"3,3 V",
	"5 V",
	"12 V",
	"V bat",
	"V opt",	
	"V accu",
	"-5 V",
	"-12 V",
	"V∞t 1",
	"V∞t 2",
	"V∞t 3",
	"V∞t 4",
	"% CPU ╚as 1",
	"% CPU ╚as 2",
	"Dial rec",
	"Dial trans",
	"Dial crc",
	"Dial celk rec",
	"Dial celk trans",		//450
	"Pam dostup",
	"Pam str",
	"Disk Φtenφ",
	"Disk zßpis",
	"Server total",
	"Klient total",
	"Pager pag",
	"SouΦ Frek",
	"",							//460
	"Tray font selection",
	"Save configuration to file",	//465
	"Load configuration from file",
	"% CPU usage / bargraph",
	"% CPU usage / numbers",
	"No % CPU usage shown",
	"Display unused memory",
	"Add semicolon between values",
	"Close tray menu",
	"Clear all values",
	"Fan control",
	"HDD 1",							//475
	"HDD 2",
	"HDD 3",
	"HDD 4",
	"harddisk drives",
	"Additional Information",
	"Enable S.M.A.R.T.\n(if you have a SCSI system, please do not use that option)",
	"Model number",
	"Firmware rev",						//485
	"Serial number",
	"Raw Read Error Rate",
	"Throughput Performance",
	"Spin Up Time",
	"Start/Stop Count",					//490
	"Reallocated Sector Count",
	"Read Channel Margin",
	"Seek Error Rate",
	"Seek Time Performance",
	"Power On Hours Count",				//495
	"Spin Retry Count",
	"Calibration Retry Count",
	"Power Cycle Count",
	"Unknown attribute"
	"Current Value",					//500
	"Transhold Value",
	"Status Value",
	"RAW Value",
	"Worse Ever Value",
	"Nastavenφ FSB m∙₧e poÜkodit vßÜ hardware! na vlastnφ riziko! Äßdnß zodpov∞dnost! kdy₧ system zamrzne odpojte zdroj a zkuste to znovu! V²robce  : %s Typ          : %s Frekvence FSB : %3d.%1d MHz Frekvence PCI : %2d.%1d MHz Frekvence RAM : %2d.%1d MHz CPU Frekvence : %d.%1d MHz",
	"At every ... rd time of the common update the S.M.A.R.T. information is updated too",
	"There will be a message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes",
	"There will be a message if one of the standard S.M.A.R.T values (range 0 - 15) changes",
	"There will be no message if one of the S.M.A.R.T. values changes", 
	"Attention!!!\nS.M.A.R.T. Parameter %s changed from %d to %d",
	"Thanks for your Support!",
	"Search lower SMBus range",
	"Search upper SMBus Range",



                                -(o o)-
               │                 ReaL|sTy              │
               │        -----------------------        │
               │                                       │
               │            This Crack/Serial          │           
               │           was Submitted here by :     │
               │           ReaL|sTy The CracKer        │
               │                 Contact:              │
               │        [email protected]        │
               │                Enjoy!! :))            │
               │             .oooO   Oooo.             │
               └─────────────(   )───(   )─────────────┘
		              \ (     ) /
		               \_)   (_/


Get it here:

Program: CPUCool v7.0.6

Protection: Software Protection Labs

CracKed by: ReaL|sTy

Instructions: close CpuCool from the system tray, then run Cool.reg and Replace Messages.txt in the Cpu Directory with the one modified & Submitted by me.  Enjoy! ;)

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z