Download Latshaw Systems Song List Generator v3.5.5 and Patch keygen by CFF

Added to site2007-07-20
Votes2 (180507 bytes)

CFF.nfo 15993 3657
Latshaw_Systems_Song_List_keygen.exe 187904 176314


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 :     Latshaw Systems Song List Generator v3.5.5 Incl Keygen and Patch       :
 .                                                                            .

   Release Date       : 20/07/2007                Platform: WinXP            
   Protection         : dotNET/Online Check   Disk Numbers: 01x5.00MB        
   Cracker            : stx                         Packer: CFFpACKER        
   Supplier           : CFF Team                  Language: English          
   Release Type       : Keygen and Patch            Rating: [ YOU RATE IT!! ]
   Company/Publisher  : Latshaw Systems                                      


   Full releasename:
 .                                                                            .

 :                                                                            :
 |                                                                            |
 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(  RELEASE INFOS   )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '
   Generate professional song books from your MP3, MP4, MP3+G karaoke, or    
   video files in just a few clicks!  Song List Generator simply reads the   
   music files right from your hard drive and creates a printable book of    
   songs, sliced and diced any way you want (by Artist, Title, DiscID,       
   multi-column, various font sizes, custom messages, custom paper and       
   margin sizes).  Exports to PDF format that you can have professionally    
   printed or posted on your web site to download!  Advanced users can       
   export raw song data to Microsoft Excel« for further processing.  If      
   you use binders with punch holes and want to print double sided, Song     
   List Generator can alternate the left and right margins on odd/even       
   pages for maximum space on each page.                                     
     - Supports MP3, MP4, MP3+G, MP3+G Zip, AAC, FLAC, KAR, KMA, KMF, M4A,   
   MID, MOV, MPG, MPEG, WAV, WMA, VOB and more.                              
     - Reads the files right from your hard drive.  No database              
   maintenance required!  Reads either file name format or MP3 ID tag.       
     - Save space by adjusting font size and generating multiple columns     
   per page                                                                  
     - Save space in your karaoke song books by eliminating song             
   duplicates and displaying the different versions all on the same line     
     - Utilize the maximum space on your pages with adjustable margins       
     - For pages with binder punch holes, alternate left and right margins   
   on odd and even page numbers for double sided printing                    
     - Automatically correct for underscores and common capitalization       
   ╖ .NET Framework 2.0                                                      
 .                                                                            .

 :                                                                            :
 |                                                                            |
 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(  INSTALL INFOS   )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '
   Install, copy and apply patch,                                            
   then use keygen for a valid serial!                                       
 .                                                                            .

 :                                                                            :
 |                                                                            |
 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(   GROUP INFOS    )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '

   We are looking for crackers/keygenners:
   * Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
   * Must know the basics of keygenning...
   * Must give proof for at least 100 cracks/keygens have been done...

   We are looking for suppliers/retailers:
   * Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
   * Must at least deliver 4 supplies/retails per month...

   If you can do any of these above, please don`t hesitate to contact us
   via "site msg" at any of our sites - and you can ask to apply for a 30
   days trial time!

   /CFF 2007
 .                                                                            .

 :                                                                            :
 |                                                                            |
 `_                                                                          _'
 (________ _ _   _                                            _   _ _ ________)
 .:::::;''''''\ (___.--(    GREETINGS     )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
 :;''          \---'                                        `---/          ``;:
 :  _                                                                      _  :
 `:.'                                                                      `.:'
 .                                                                            .
 :                                                                            :
 `                                                                            '

   There is many groups and individuals we really wish to greet, but due to
   security reasons - these are all removed for all eternity and so on!


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CFF presents keygen for Latshaw Systems Song List Generator v3.5.5 and Patch

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