Download Elven Legacy Siege ADDON Retail keygen by OUTLAWS

Added to site2009-11-21
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OUTLAWS presents keygen for Elven Legacy Siege ADDON Retail


_______ ___ __ _                                                     pk/iMP
 \  _____________________________________________________.    ._____________
  \ \    .     /   _/   \          /        \______    /  \/\/  \          /
   \ \__ :  __/__  \   __\___  ___/__    ____\__  / __/__      __\___  \__/  /
   _\  /____\   /______\   /____\   /_______\  /____\   /______\    \   \   /
   \  /_____________________                           _ __ _____________\ _\
    \________________      /
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                   /     /     P R O U D L Y    P R E S E N T S . . .
                  /     /
           |\____/     /____________________ ______ _____ ____ ___ __  _
           |  __      _____________________//_____//____//___//__//_/ // /
           |  \/     /
           |        /     GAME ......... Elven Legacy Siege
           |       /      LANGUAGE ..... English
           |       \      DEVELOPER .... Paradox
           |        \     DISKS ........ 35x5.00MB
           |_________\    DATE ......... 21/11/2009
                          GENRE ........ GAME
                          PROTECTION ... None
                          RiPPED ....... NOthing!
       ____________________________________ ______ _____ ____ ___ __  _
       \  ________________________________//_____//____//___//__//_/ // /
        \ \
         \ \/\
          \   \          _______ _________ _________ ______
          /____\        _\_____/  __     (_   _____(   .  (_
                       /_______\__/________\    _|__________\
          Several months have passed since the events of Elven Legacy: R
          Outcast elves, living under the leadership of the elven Lord S
          aggitel, have                                                 
          once more acted provocatively and dared to cross into the real
          m of man.                                                     
          Yet, the human armies await. Inciting the wrath of the fearsom
          e knight of                                                   
          the Holy Inquisition, along with the agent of New Tixus, the r
          anger Cornelius,                                              
          Saggitel is now the target of retribution. How far can Saggite
          l run before he                                               
          is caught up to?                                              
          Stand in battle with a fierce army behind you and withstand mi
          ghty sieges in                                                
          your quest for survival and victory. The ancient impregnable f
          ortresses of the                                              
          dwarves, the enchanted cities of the elves, and the historic c
          apital cities of                                              
          Eolia, all set the stage for historic battles that will foreve
          r be remembered.                                              


          If you like the game, support the developers and buy it!

      ____________________________________ ______ _____ ____ ___ __  _
      \  ________________________________//_____//____//___//__//_/ // /
       \ \
        \ \/\
         \   \     ___________ _________________________________________
         /____\    \   _     (_    .    (___     ___/    .___(___   ---/_
                   /___/_______\ _________\________\__________/__'_______\

          1.) Unpack and install                                                          
          2.) Use our keygen to register                                                  
          3.) Enjoy!                                                                      
          We currently have a position open for: CLOSED (We will find you)

          greetz: ViTALiTY / HTG / VACE / ROGUE / REUNION / CRD / DVT / BrEWeRS

   ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________     ______
  _\   .  (____  | (_____  _/____    (_______ (____\ / (____   _(____ \    /
  \    :      /  |     /  /     /    /   /  /     /        /\__     /  \   \
  /__________/________/________/________/________/________/________/    \/\ \
               _  __ ___ ____ _____ ______ ________________________________\ \
             \ \\ \_\\__\\___\\____\\_____\\__________________________________\

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