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├ Nordic Engineering Corporation ┤
└────────────────────┘ └───────────────────┘
Type.................: Serial
Protection...........: Serial
Release Date.........: 28.11.2005
Product Company......: (C) QUNOM Software
Product Website......: http://www.qunom.com/
Product Costs........: $29.95,-
OS Supported.........: WinALL
CD Bank Cataloguer Beta
CD Bank Cataloguer allows you to maintain and organize a catalog of your
media collection, including CD-ROMs, audio CDs, DVDs, or any other media that
can be accessed as a removable drive. It can provide access to the contents
of any media you have from a cataloged database, even if the media itself is
not available now on the system.
Your friends at NEC brings you this release regged in Professional Mode :)
Install Program.
Use this info for registration:
Name: [email protected]
Code: 82I71F06C97A63EA
Name: [email protected]
Code: 82I9821B30D15BFS
We do not wish to make any certain
greetings or equal, becouse we do
not believe that will help us in any
way we like it to. Take care and do
not attempt to contact us, `cus we
do not wish to have friends nor do
we wish to have any contacts!
Team NEC 2005 :)