This patch will enable a small slider control,
hidden within the download screen of DAP5
This slider increases the bandwidth of the download,
and dramatically increases the download speed.
Use Keygen 1st to register DAP5 then copy the patch
into the DAP directory and run it.
[ [email protected] ]
slider control!
It is diffront for every one.
It depends on the type of modem you have and or ISP your with for best results
the best thing to do is try out some tests and see what works best for you!
But mostly it works out like this:
S = high bandwidth is faster but slower update.
F = low bandwidth is slower but a faster update.
if you download is on the "S" and it seems to slow down then
slide the slider down to "F" then back to "S" and you should
get a better download speed, just like before you will have to
play around a bit to see what is best for your needs.