Download Sonic Foundry ExpressFX 1

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes15 (17420 bytes)

Watodo.nfo 10429 1988
ueo_efx1_10a.exe 18173 15206


   │Ye Ye, A brand new NFO... just a celebration :-)
 ░││   READ THIS FIRST   │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ PROGRAM: Sonic Foundry ExpressFX 1               ││░ ▓
 ░││ RELEASE: DEMO                                    ││░ ▓
 ░││ VERSION: 1.0a                                    ││░H▓
 ░││ BUILD  : 178                                     ││░e▓
 ░││ DATE   : 12-01-2000  14:53                       ││░a▓
 ░││                                                  ││░v▓
 ░││ OS/VER : Win 9X/NT/2K                            ││░e▓
 ░││ LANG   : Eng US                                  ││░n▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ (x)patch  (x)serial  ( )tut  (x)url  ( )program  ││░s▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ Reversed by: UmanErrOr                           ││░w▓
 ░││ PackageName: UEO_EFX1_10A.ZIP                    ││░h▓
 ░││                                                  ││░e▓
 ░││ SerialNr   : 6W-FSRT0Z-MX7BVZ-EGYL6V             ││░r▓
 ░││                                                  ││░e▓
 ░││ Patch      : UEO_EFX1_10A.EXE                    ││░ ▓
 ░││ Target     : SFXPFX1.DLL                         ││░U▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ Other      : -                                   ││░e▓
 ░││                                                  ││░v▓
 ░││                                                  ││░r▓
 ░││ ExpressFX 1 contains 4 discrete plug-ins:        ││░ ▓
 ░││ Distortion, Flange/Wah-Wah, Reverb and Stutter.  ││░w▓
 ░││                                                  ││░a▓
 ░││ As far as i know there is no proper crack        ││░n▓
 ░││ to avoid asking U for an unlock-key.             ││░t▓
 ░││ So keep your trial for ever and ever with this   ││░e▓
 ░││ patch :-)                                        ││░d▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░t▓
 ░││                                                  ││░o▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░b▓
 ░││                                                  ││░e▓
 ░││                                                  ││░,▓
 ░└┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴┘░ ▓
 ░░│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▓
 ░││   HOW TO DO IT    │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ 1) Get a demo                                    ││░b▓
 ░││                                                  ││░u▓
 ░││ 2) Install the stuff.                            ││░t▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ 3) Run the host, like WaveLab or Sonic Acid.     ││░n▓
 ░││                                                  ││░e▓
 ░││ 4) Enter the serialnr.                           ││░v▓
 ░││                                                  ││░e▓
 ░││ 5) Close the host.                               ││░r▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ 6) Run UEO_EFX1_10A.EXE and tell it where your   ││░h▓
 ░││    plugin directory is.                          ││░a▓
 ░││                                                  ││░d▓
 ░││ 7) Hit the startbutton and pray U installed      ││░ ▓
 ░││    the proper version of the DEMO.               ││░t▓
 ░││                                                  ││░h▓
 ░││ 8) hehe, thanx :-)                               ││░e▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░m▓
 ░││ NOTE:                                            ││░o▓
 ░││                                                  ││░n▓
 ░││ Due to timelimits of the serials it's            ││░e▓
 ░││ possible you get a message there is no time      ││░y▓
 ░││ left on this serial... Don't bother; just        ││░ ▓
 ░││ reverse the installation steps.                  ││░f▓
 ░││ So:                                              ││░o▓
 ░││                                                  ││░r▓
 ░││ 1st run the patch EUR_SFP10C.EXE and then        ││░.▓
 ░││ enter the serialnr. :-)                          ││░.▓
 ░││                                                  ││░.▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ OTHER NOTE:                                      ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ Because my time is limited for a while, there is ││░ ▓
 ░││ no reversing tut included this time.             ││░ ▓
 ░││ I suggest U find out on your own or explore the  ││░ ▓
 ░││ tuts of the other Sonic stuff I wrote.           ││░ ▓
 ░││ Basicly this one is not different from them.     ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││ Well, a short hint, try offset: 00430D24         ││░ ▓
 ░││ (jnz    430D3C)                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││             good luck ;-)                        ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░└┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴┘░ ▓
 ░││  THANKS TO        │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
 ░││ The RHA crew; Northstar, Nasty Boy, Sav||or,     ││░ ▓
 ░││               Corvin and Vic.                    ││░e▓
 ░││               For their serial.                  ││░x▓
 ░││                                                  ││░t▓
 ░││ Say hey guys, thanx and have a drink on them.    ││░e▓
 ░││                                                  ││░r▓
 ░││                                                  ││░n▓
 ░││                                                  ││░a▓
 ░││                                                  ││░l▓
 ░││                                                  ││░ ▓
 ░││                                                  ││░p▓
 ░││                                                  ││░o▓
 ░││ Sorry I can't have a drink with U all this time. ││░v▓
 ░││ See ya next time ;-)                             ││░i▓
 ░││                                                  ││░d▓
 ░││ If U are looking for me, try : ICQ 86651748      ││░e▓
 ░││ Or somewhere on EFNET. #BOZOSLIVESOMEWHEREELSE   ││░r▓
 ░││                                                  ││░s▓
 ░└┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────┴┘░ ▓
 ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ▓

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            ░░ Hell is where Microsoft rules ░░▒
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                  And U pay bucks for bugs.

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