We've developed a small desktop calendar for Windows 95, which would allow you to embed your own graphic at the top. This program could thus serve as a desktop "business card". Since Windows 95 does not ship with a calendar, we can guarantee that it would generate a lot of interest. It's both great advertising and great public relations.
The graphic must be a 190 x 50 bitmap. Once created, name the file "LOGO.IMG" and put it in the Calendar's directory. I've included a sample graphic with the attached file. The name of the program, and the install program can be easily changed to meet your needs.
If you wish, the program can change the graphic each month. This, of course, would require you to design 12 graphics, named "LOGO1.IMG", "LOGO2.IMG", "LOGO3.IMG", etc. If these are present, the program will load the graphic that corresponds to the current month.
Additional features which are not documented in the help file:
1. Double clicking on the graphic will show the ABOUT CT CALENDAR dialog. This dialog can be customized to meet your needs.
2. Right-clicking on the ACTIVATE SCREENSAVER button will cause the button to replaced by a digital clock. Right-clicking on the clock will cause the button to re-appear.
To contact us, e-mail on Compuserve at 75264,3237, on AOL at Ron2222, or the internet address of [email protected].
The following files represent the inventory of this archive:
The following files represent the VB4 Runtime Module and MUST be in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory:
If you do not have these files, they can be obtained from the CT Software Home Page. Please feel free to visit this WEB site, as it will allow access to the very latest version of all of the shareware offered by CT Software, in addition to offering links to other excellent shareware programs. The URL is "http://members.aol.com/ron2222".