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.......... . .DDDD8..
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . Benutec Network Mechanic v2.9 ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . Release Date: 05/06/2008 ...... .
.......... . Protection: ASProtect+Serial Check ...... .
.......... . Software URL: http://www.benutec.com/ ...... .
.......... . Crack Type: Crack ...... .
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . iNSTALLATiON ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . 1.) Unpack. ...... .
.......... . 2.) Install. ...... .
.......... . 3.) Copy crack. ...... .
.......... . 4.) Enjoy. ...... .
.......... . ...... .
..DDDD8... . .DDDD8 .
.......... . iNFO ABOUT APPLiCATiON ...... .
.......... . ...... .
.......... . A software that optimizes your Internet connection, providing faster speeds ........
.......... . Network Mechanic is an application that optimizes your Internet connection, providing ........
.......... . faster download speeds and fewer delays while you're browsing. It acts as an accelerator ........
.......... . for your network connection. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Such parameters as packet size, receive and transmit window sizes, the number and size of bu ........
.......... . ffers used usually are adjusted by the qualified experts. Now with the help of our ........
.......... . program you can optimize TCP/IP protocol according to your opportunities of network without ........
.......... . a studying all bases TCP/IP networks. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . How Network Mechanic does it? ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Network Mechanic asks you to provide some simple information about your networking, and uses ........
.......... . that information to analyze your system. It then adjusts your network ........
.......... . setup to maximize your Internet (Web) performance. And unlike programs such as TweakDUN and ........
.......... . InternetBoost, it safely modifies your low-level TCP/IP settings without forcing you to unde ........
.......... . rstand a bunch of network jargon. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . What does Network Mechanic actually do? ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Network Mechanic modifies a wide series of parameters that control how your TCP/IP stack ope ........
.......... . rates. Depending on your operating system and the selection you make for how you use your PC ........
.......... . it selects the parameters to change and what appropriate values for those ........
.......... . parameters should be. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . A partial list of parameters it examines and (may) adjust includes: Default Time To Live, Ma ........
.......... . ximum Transmission Unit, Black Hole Router detection, Keep Alive Intervals, Initial Large Bu ........
.......... . ffer Count, Medium Buffer Count, Small Buffer Count, Default Receive Window, Default Send Wi ........
.......... . ndow, Large Buffer Size, Medium Buffer Size, and others. The values chosen will vary dependi ........
.......... . ng on your operating system and the type of network setup you have. ........
.......... . ........
.......... . Here are some key features of "Benutec Network Mechanic": ........
.......... . ........
.......... . ╖ Key Features in Network Mechanic ........
.......... . ╖ Optimizes TCP/IP protocol ........
.......... . ╖ Erases Firefox Cache ........
.......... . ╖ Erases Internet Explorer Cache ........
.......... . ╖ Erases Opera Cache ........
.......... . ╖ Erases America Online Cache ........
.......... . ╖ Enhancements for Outlook Express ........
.......... . ╖ Enhancements for Internet Explorer ........