Download Batery Bar v1.09 serial by LasH

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes6 (122402 bytes)

file_id.diz 405 228
Lash.nfo 4487 1469
keygen.exe 224768 120421


  ┌─ ──── ─── ──────── ── ──  ─ ───┐
  │▄▄      Batery Bar v1.09        │
  █▓██─ ── ─ ──┐─ ─ ─── ─ ──── ─ ──┤
 █▓██      ▄██▀▓█▄  serial {x}     |
 ▀▓██▄ █▓█  ▄▄▄█▓█   patch  { }    |
   ▀▀▀▀▀▀  ▐██ ██▓▌   other  {x}   :
 p  ▄█▓▀██▄ ▀▀▀│▀▀▀                :
 r  ▀▓█▄▄▄  ▐██▓─ ── ─[26-06-2002]─┘
 e  ▄▄ ██▓█ ▓██▄██▄    More
  s  ▀▀▀▀▀   █▓█ ▓█▓       Or
    e n t s ▀▀▀  █▓█         Lash


       ████    │    :              :         ▄▄                       │
   :   ▐███    │   :│              │         ██                 │   │ │
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 │    │▀▀▀████████████████████████████████▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄      ▄▄▄█▄   ▄▄███▀
 │          │ ┌─▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█████████████████████████████▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀┬─┤           │
 ┼───       │ │    ┌───────┼────┘┌─▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀██ ▐█──┤          │ ├──   ──────┼
 :            │    │       │     │            ▀▀ ▐█  │          │    L A S H  │
              │    │       │                  ▀▀     │          │             │ :
              :            │           ┐             ─ ┼──      :             : │
      └─┐                  │    └┬─────┼               │                │       │
        │                  │     │     │  Cracked by: Shaligar        ──┼───────┘
   :    ├──  ─                    ─    │  Release date: 26-06-2002      │
 ──┤ Program: Batery Bar v1.09         │                                │
   :      ┌                          ──┘      ───────────────┼───       :
          │ Location:                           │
 :        : Protection: Serial                                   ──   ──┘
 ├─────────────────────────────- - -

  General Information...
    Battery Bar calculates the amount of time your battery will 
    last by monitoring how your laptop uses its batteries. The more 
    you use Battery Bar the more accurate it will be at 
    calculating your battery run time. When running on battery power, 
    Battery Bar will display the time until the battery is empty. 
    When charging the battery, Battery Bar will display the time 
    until a full battery charge is reached.  Battery Bar displays a 
    status icon both on the Battery Bar and in the system 
    tasktray, that the area with the clock on it.  The icons can 
    show a battery on AC, charging, battery powered, and a low 
    battery warning.


   To Register Enter:

   Name: Lash-Cracking
      ──────────── ─────- - ──────────────────────────────────- - -─┘
  :                                                                 ┌
  │       │     ──┬─────  Type:                      ─────┤
  ├──     │       │      ─ ──   ────────────────┬        ┌──
  :       │       │    ─┬                   ─ ──┤        ┤              ───┐
  │───┘   │       │    ┌┘ Reanimator - Cracker  └┐       │    ────┘ ─┐     │
          :            │  Shaligar   - Cracker   │       │           │     │
       ┬──────────── - │  Sempai     - Cracker   │       │         └─┘     │
     Greets fly        ┴  The Netmech- Cracker   │                         │
      out to the                               ┬─┘     Find us at:         :
    following            └─┐                   │
       people/groups:      ┼───   ──   ────────┘HTTP://ZOR.ORG/FANLASHTIC
                                                         - - ────────────┐
    :   - AFL -  Jazz - Elila - FLT - Laxity - TNT - TUIG - cLasHix -    │
    │  \   - Cosmo - Dark Gypsy - Djr - GEC - Mysfyt - Seal - Zor -  /   │
    │    \                                                         /     │
    │     - ──────┼-- ─────── ─────── ────────────-  ───────┬───── - -   :
    │  L A S H    │     "You have zero Privacy anyway,      │ Last update
    │  CRACKING   │            Get over it."                │ 10-2001 :
    ┼────────── - │ : Scott McNealy, Chief Executive Officer:   ──────┘
    :             └─┘     Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1999       :

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