Download FireBurner v2.1.7 crack by CrackDigit

Added to site2003-12-31
Votes5 (113897 bytes)

FireBurner_v2.1.7/CRACKDIGIT.nfo 4560 1292
FireBurner_v2.1.7/file_id.diz 283 76
FireBurner_v2.1.7/ 0 0
FireBurner_v2.1.7/crack.exe 221696 112121


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                            └┘└─┴─┴─┴┴┴─┴─┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘

      Target Program: [ FireBurner 2.1.7                           ]
      Cracker:        [ nuLL                                       ]
      Crack Type:     [ Serial                                     ]
      OS:             [ Win9x/NT/2000/XP                           ]
      Release Date:   [ 03-09-2003                                 ]
      Language:       [ English                                    ]
      Packer:         [ DRO                                        ]
      Tester:         [ DRO                                        ]
      Source:         [ Digit Magazine, June 2003 (Tips & Tricks)  ]

                            ┌─┬┬┬─┬─┬┬┬─┬──┐ ┌┬─┬─┬─┐
                            │││┌┤││┌┤┌┤│││││ ├┤││─┤││
                            │┌┤││││││││ ││││ ││││┌┤││
                            └┘└┘└─┴─┴┘└┴┴┴┴┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘

      FireBurner  is  a  compact  yet  full-featured  CD  writing  software
      package.  FireBurner  supports both CD-Rs and CD-RWs and allows users
      to easily burn custom data, audio, or mixed mode CDs. With its unique
      multi-threaded  cache  and  design, users can burn CDs at high speeds
      with  little  chance  of buffer underrun. FireBurner various formats,
      including Bin/Cue, WAV, PCM, and the ISO image file formats.


      Use the following to register the program:- Name: CRACKDIGIT RegCode:


                      WWW:  [   ]
                      WWW:  []
                      WWW:  [  ]

                      Mail: [ [email protected]    ]
                      Mail: [ [email protected]    ]


                         ScrEEmur          [ Founder, Web ]
                         DRO               [ Founder, Ascii, GFX, Web ]
                         GoldiLOKKS        [ Admin, Coder ]
                         iNanIm8           [ Cracker ]
                         DrastiK           [ Cracker ]
                         xOr               [ Cracker ]
                         miNUS41           [ Cracker ]
                         TOD               [ Cracker ]
                         nuLL              [ Cracker ]
                         b4me              [ Cracker ]
                         boNeR             [ Cracker ]
                         swastik           [ Trial Member ]
                         CoDe_BrEaKeR      [ Trial Member ]

                          NFO last updated 28.05.03

                   Best viewed in Notepad in 'Terminal' Font


     ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
    ||C |||R |||A |||C |||K |||D |||I |||G |||I |||T ||
    FireBurner 2.1.7

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z