Download ZIP Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.26 WinALL Regged keygen by YPOGEiOS

Added to site2009-07-02
Votes10 (209853 bytes)

YPOGEiOS.nfo 18494 4382
ZIP_Password_Recovery_Magic_v6_keygen.exe 219136 204918


keygen for ZIP Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.26 WinALL Regged by YPOGEiOS


________                THE FUTURE iS NEARBY!                ________
    /_     _/____________________________________________________/       /
     /    /      _/        /      /       /        /___/       /    /___/_
     \_____     /   _  /  /      /  _____/_   _   /___        /\____      \
         _/    /   //____/ /    /  /__    / \____/   /   /   /     /      /
  ASCii /_____/   /_  /________/_    /   /      /   /_______/      ______/
   BY:      /______/            /_______/\_____/____\      /______/
 nFO BY:
                        P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S

   ┌────┤     ZIP Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.26 WinALL Regged     ├────┐
  ┌│    └┬─│───────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┬┘    │┐
  ││                                                                       ││
  ││   CRACKER................YPOGEiOS │ RELEASE DATE.........02/07/2009   ││
  ││   SUPPLiER...............YPOGEiOS │ FiLE TYPE...............ZiP/RAR   ││
  ││   PACKER.................YPOGEiOS │ FiLE SiZE............99/.5.00MB   ││
  ││   RELEASE TYPE...............PROG │ OS.......................WinALL   ││
  ││   CRACK TYPE...............SERiAL │ PROTECTOR..................NONE   ││
  └│                                                                       │┘
   [   ]                      RELEASE DESCRiPTiON                      [   ]
        This is about Fresh.UI.v8.35.WinALL.Regged-YPOGEiOS wich got     
        nuked nuked for stolen serial from web. Its very funny how       
        nukers can be, sometimes it clear they have no knowledge         
        about the cracking art.                                          
        In this case the nuker claimed we STOLE a serial from a          
        website wich is located right over here:                         
        We are going to proof we DID NOT STEAL it from the web. Maybe    
        the nuker can learn something from this nfo and think twice      
        before he nuke something (no offense). Load the freshui.exe      
        in Olly. Now this target doesnt have a badboy message only a     
        goodboy message wich is located at:                              
        004CAD87  |.  B8 1CB04C00   MOV EAX,004CB01C                     
               ;  UNICODE "FreshUI has been registered successfully."    
        Now lets find the algo where the serial was calculated, wich     
        is at:                                                           
        004CAD47  |.  E8 A0FDFFFF   CALL 004CAAEC                        
        But a bp on it run the target, enter a name and a fake           
        serial. Olly will break right on the call. Now lets go in the    
        call, press F7. Now scroll down, you will see 3 routines,        
        since. Lets step and see what they're doing. The first           
        routine is:                                                      
        004CAB80  |> /8D45 F0       /LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-10]       
        004CAB83  |. |8B15 24D75B00 |MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[5BD724]       
        004CAB89  |. |E8 22A0F3FF   |CALL 00404BB0                       
        004CAB8E  |. |8B45 F0       |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-10]       
        004CAB91  |. |50            |PUSH EAX                            
        004CAB92  |. |8D4D EC       |LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-14]       
        004CAB95  |. |0FBFD6        |MOVSX EDX,SI                        
        004CAB98  |. |8B45 FC       |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4]        
        004CAB9B  |. |8B80 5C030000 |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+35C]      
        004CABA1  |. |8B80 48020000 |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+248]      
        004CABA7  |. |8B38          |MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]          
        004CABA9  |. |FF57 0C       |CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+C]           
        004CABAC  |. |8B55 EC       |MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-14]       
        004CABAF  |. |58            |POP EAX                             
        004CABB0  |. |E8 3FA1F3FF   |CALL 00404CF4                       
        004CABB5  |. |75 0A         |JNZ SHORT 004CABC1                  
        004CABB7  |. |C705 18D75B00>|MOV DWORD PTR DS:[5BD718],-1        
        004CABC1  |> |46            |INC ESI                             
        004CABC2  |. |66:FFCB       |DEC BX                              
        004CABC5  |.^\75 B9         \JNZ SHORT 004CAB80                  
        Step trough this routine and once when you get at:               
        004CABAC  |.  8B55 EC       |MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-14]       
        You will see the serial wich in our case is:                     
        If you use it in to register the application with it it will     
        say its an old serial and you need to purchase a new one.        
        Well guess what? We ain't buying anything today. The real        
        serial is generated at the 3th routine. Step to the 3th          
        routine wich is:                                                 
        004CAC4C  |> /8D45 E0       /LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-20]       
        004CAC4F  |. |8B15 24D75B00 |MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[5BD724]       
        004CAC55  |. |E8 569FF3FF   |CALL 00404BB0                       
        004CAC5A  |. |8B45 E0       |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-20]       
        004CAC5D  |. |50            |PUSH EAX                            
        004CAC5E  |. |8D4D DC       |LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-24]       
        004CAC61  |. |0FBFD6        |MOVSX EDX,SI                        
        004CAC64  |. |8B45 FC       |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4]        
        004CAC67  |. |8B80 58030000 |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+358]      
        004CAC6D  |. |8B80 48020000 |MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+248]      
        004CAC73  |. |8B38          |MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]          
        004CAC75  |. |FF57 0C       |CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+C]           
        004CAC78  |. |8B55 DC       |MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-24]       
        004CAC7B  |. |58            |POP EAX                             
        004CAC7C  |. |E8 73A0F3FF   |CALL 00404CF4                       
        004CAC81  |. |75 0A         |JNZ SHORT 004CAC8D                  
        004CAC83  |. |C705 14D75B00>|MOV DWORD PTR DS:[5BD714],-1        
        004CAC8D  |> |46            |INC ESI                             
        004CAC8E  |. |66:FFCB       |DEC BX                              
        004CAC91  |.^\75 B9         \JNZ SHORT 004CAC4C                  
        Put a bp on the first line of the routine and run the target     
        and register it again with a fake serial. Olly should break      
        now now step again trough this routine. Now when you come to:    
        004CAC78  |.  8B55 DC       |MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-24]       
        The serial will be shown wich is:                                
        Wich have been claimed as STOLEN by Mr. Nuker. Now wanna see     
        how they got more serials on the link Mr. Nuker provided?        
        Very simple, put a bp on the same line where the serial was      
        shown and tap down F9 (run) a few times. There it is, the        
        second serial is:                                                
        Stack SS:[0012ECF4]=001B82E4, (UNICODE "dq7c5u-7u6yj3b7-7d6y43") 
        Its the same like on the list, if you keep tapping F9 you        
        will get all the serials wich are listed on the site the         
        nuker supplied. You will even get the serials from Olly in       
        the same order.                                                  
        CONSLUSiON: we did not steal any serial, its a simple            
        application and we would never to look on the web,               
        copy n paste serials and pre them.                               
        If you dont know how this stuff works, then just forget          
        the scene.                                                       
        Oh we almost forgot the nuke reason was:                         
        No, its not free. Last time we had the same story with           
        this release, some one claimed we pred this release with         
        a free serial we got from the company. Well, you should be       
        a real idiot to believe that. Lets make it clear, this           
        serial is for the [Business License].                            
        The Business License is NOT free, its even written down on       
        the website of this application:                                 
        Just in case some one missed the link we will make it clear      
        like water:                                                      
        Fresh Download, Fresh Diagnose, Fresh UI, and Fresh View         
        are free for personal/private use only.                          
        You MUST purchase a license if you are using this software       
        in any business (home office, home business, small               
        business, medium business, or large business), commercial        
        educational institution, profit or non-profit organization       
         military or government organization.                            
        This license covers all four software published by                                                              
        Fresh Download, Fresh Diagnose, Fresh UI and Fresh View.         
        1 PC License                                                     
        (1 computer)                                                     
         US$ 39                                                          
        5 PC License                                                     
        (up to 5 computers)                                              
         US$ 99                                                          
        25 PC License                                                    
        (up to 25 computers)                                             
         US$ 299                                                         
        250 PC License                                                   
        (up to 250 computers)                                            
         US$ 899                                                         
        As far I can read I can conclude the serial we have              
        released with this target isnt for free. Normally you            
        would have to pay for it.                                        
        Conclusion: do your homework before you accuse some one          
        if you dont know what you're talking about then the scene        
        is no playground for you. Less games more education I            
        Thermo-Prop database contains intrinsic results of research      
        works carried out on the development of sound, accurate,         
        experimentally and physically based models for materials         
        Wide ranging data are available such as aluminium, copper and    
        ferrous alloys which also include more detailed information      
        concerning fraction solid, density and thermal conductivity      
        change in the mushy zone that intrinsically occur during         
        For example, the thermophysical and physical properties of       
        the liquid and solid phases are critical components in           
        casting simulations. Among these properties there are the        
        enthalpy release, the fraction solid transformed, thermal        
        conductivity and density, each of them as a function of          
   [   ]                         iNSTALL NOTES                         [   ]

        1. Install the application.                                     
        2. Register the application with the details below:             
           Serial...: g6xm-ph8k-n4tw-g7by-dc5a                          
        3. Enjoy this YPOGEiOS release!                                 
   [   ]                          GROUP NOTES                          [   ]
        We are a small group and we currently we could use some help we 
        are looking for the following:
        [] talended crackers who are able to crack applications for the
           Windows OS any other OS would be fine.
        [] talended  unpackers  who  are  able to  defeat the most used
           protectors such as Armadillo, Asprotect, ExeShield etc.
        [] talended keygenners who are able to keygen the most used reg
           schemes such  as  MD5, RDA,  DES, BLOWFiSH or any custom reg
        [] talended gamehackers who are able to train the newest games
           for the Windows platform.   

        [] 100MBiT EU/ASIA/US affil site.
        [] dumps for group ussage!
        If you think we could use you in our team then do not hesitate
        send us an email on: [email protected]

   [   ]                             GREETZ                            [   ]

            GQ   *   NeoX  *  CAMERA  *  HHS  *  USZ  *  PDFWriters

RLS-Crc: 434869434B454E:6D1719

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