Download littlepeter Save v1.0 patch by SnD

Added to site2003-12-31
Votes7 (26443 bytes)

crack.exe 78559 24017
file_id.diz 306 146
snd.nfo 7542 1803 71 71


    _________    _______      ________
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          \/            \/ b4d_s3c70r \/

 littlepeter Save v1.0 by TheDutchJewel


             ▄▄███▄                     ▄█▄            ▄█▓▓███████
            ▓▓██████                    ███▌           █▓▓▓█████████ 
           ▓▓████▀█▀             ▐▓█▄   ████            ▓▓▓█▀  ▀▓▓▓██
          ▓▓██▀                  ▓▓██▌  ▐███            █▓██      ▓▓██
         ▐▓█▌   ▄███▄▄          ▄▓▓██▌   ▓██▌           ▐▓██       ▓▓██
         ▓██  ▐████████         █▓▓███   ▓██▌           ▐▓██        ▓▓█▌
        ▓██▌ ▐████████▌         ▓▓████▌  ▓███           ▐▓██▌       ▐▓██
       ▐▓██ ▄███▀ ▐███          ▓▓█████  ▓▓██           ▐▓▓█▌        ▓██▌
       ▓██████▀   ▐██▌          █▓██ ██▌  ▓██           ▐█▓█▌        ███▌
       ▀███▀      ███           █▓█   ██▌ ▓██            █▓█▌       ████
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          ▐██    ███            ███    ▐█████▌           █▓██     ████
          ▓██▌  ███             ███     ▓█████           █▓██    ████
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           ▓▓███                ████       █▀           ▀█████▀
            ▓██                  ▀█

                       [:: s e e k n d e s t r o y ::]
     ┌─┬┐┌─┐ ┌┬─┬─┬─┐
   ┌─┤││││││ │││││││├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
   │ │ ┤││└┤ ││││└┤││                                                     │
   │ │││└┼┐│ ││││┌┤││ [ Cracker ......................... TheDutchJewel ] │
   │ └┴┴─┴─┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘ [ Rlz type ................................ Patch ] │
   │                  [ Program ................. littlepeter Save v1.0 ] │
   │                  [ URL ................ ] │
   │                  [ OS ..................................... WinAll ] │
   │                  [ Date ................................ 14-may-03 ] │
   │ ┌─┬─┬┬┐ ┌─┬─┬┐┌─┬─┐                                                  │
   ├─┤││││││ │││││└┤│││├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
   │ │├┤ ┤ ┤ │││││┌┤┌┤└┤                                                  │
   │ │││││││ ││││││││├┐│ Apply patch and enjoy!                           │
   │ └─┴┴┴┴┘ └┴┴─┴─┴─┴─┘                                                  │
   │                                                                      │
   │ ┌─┬─┬─┐ ┌┬─┬─┬─┐                                                     │
   ├─┤││││││ │││││││├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
   │ │┌┤ ┼┐│ ││││└┤││                                                     │
   │ │││││││ ││││┌┤││ This game combines action and strategy. You can     │
   │ └┘└┴┴─┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘ guide the civilians by putting arrows on the        │
   │                  ground. You must plan the paths so that the         │
   │                  civilians won't hit on an obstacle, such as a mine  │
   │                  or a bomb.                                          │
   │                                                                      │
   │                  You are not limited to walking away from the        │
   │                  obstacles, you can destroy them using items. Don't  │
   │                  forget to guide the civilians to pick up the items  │
   │                  also.                                               │
   │                                                                      │
   │                  There are a total of 10 types of obstacles, 6 types │
   │                  of items and 3 types of civilians, together with 50 │
   │                  stages and 1 bonus stage, the combinations of       │
   │                  obstacles and items are enormous. Some stages       │
   │                  require concentration, some requires quick          │
   │                  reaction, some requires strategy, and some requires │
   │                  luck.                                               │
   │ ┌─┬─┬─┬┬┬┐                                                           │
   │ │├┤ ┤┌┤│││                                                           │
   │ ││││││││││ [ PuNk!DuDe ..................... Founder/Cracker/Coder ] │
   │ └─┴┴┴─┴──┘ [ b4d_s3c70r ................. Co-Founder/Cracker/Coder ] │
   │            [ dC! ............................. Coder/Cracker/GFX'R ] │
   │            [ Majest1C .............................. Coder/Cracker ] │
   │            [ RaX ................................... Coder/Cracker ] │
   │            [ x3chun ................................ Coder/Cracker ] │
   │            [ FreddyK ............................... Coder/Cracker ] │
   │            [ TheDutchJewel ............................... Cracker ] │
   │            [ Nirpo ........................................ Carder ] │
   │            [ Ganesha^^ .................................... Carder ] │
   │            [ CoaXCable ..................................... GFX'R ] │
   │            [ [TSRhXP] ......................... Website maintainer ] │
   │ ┌─┬─┬┬┬┬─┐                                                           │
   │ │││┌┤│││└┤                                                           │
   │ │││││││├┐│ Well the group is new :D SND is new cracking group        │
   │ └┴┴─┴──┴─┘ consisted of good crackers and friends. Group started     │
   │            working on 22 January 2003 and is getting a outstanding   │
   │            rating for this few days. We urgently need crackers,      │
   │            carders, gfxers and webhosting. Anyone that can help      │
   │            please contact us!                                        │
   │ ┌─┬─┬─┬─┬┐┌─┐                                                        │
   │ ├┐│ ┤┌┤┌┤┌┤└┤                                                        │
   │ ││││││││││├┐│ I would like to say hello to all my friends, and all   │
   │ └─┴┴┴─┴─┴─┴─┘ members of SND. Also I would like to thank  to some    │
   │               people I don't know but who made a big contribution to │
   │               cracking scene and helped myself with their tuts.      │
   │               Esspecialy I would like to thank tKC and Krobar for    │
   │               their great tut collections.                           │
   │ ┌─┬─┬─┬┐┌─┬─┬┐                                                       │
   │ │├┤││││┌┤ │├┤┌┤                                                      │
   │ │││││││││││││││ [..................Site--Info......................] │
   │ └─┴─┴┴┴─┴┴┴─┴─┘ [WEBSite  :-] │
   │                 ---------------------------------------------------- │
   │                 [..................Contact--Info...................] │
   │                 [Forum:-   ...........] │
   │                 [Email:-    [email protected]  .............] │
   │                 [IRC:- #seekndestroy on efnet .....................] │
                         Logo & Layout by b4d_s3c70r

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