Download American Air Force Fighters Screen Saver v5.0 crack by FFF

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes11 (4395 bytes)

FiLE_iD.DiZ 445 168
FFF.NFO 4968 1282
CracK.exe 4608 2641


 American Air Force Fighters Screen Saver v5.0 (c) Software
                         ______   ______   ______
                        |  ____| |  ____| |  ____|
                        | |__    | |__    | |__
                        |  __|   |  __|   |  __|
                        | |      | |      | |
                        |_|      |_|      |_|

   [ TAiLLE : 2 x 1.44 Mo ]   [ DATE : 24/06/2002 ]   [ OS : WinAll ]


          │      ______ _  _____ _    _ _______ _ _   _  _____      │
          │     |  ____(_)/ ____| |  | |__   __(_) \ | |/ ____|     │
          │     | |__   _| |  __| |__| |  | |   _|  \| | |  __      │
          │     |  __| | | | |_ |  __  |  | |  | | . ` | | |_ |     │
          │     | |    | | |__| | |  | |  | |  | | |\  | |__| |     │
          │     |_|    |_|\_____|_|  |_|  |_|  |_|_| \_|\_____|     │
          │                                                         │
          │      ______ ____  _____        ______ _    _ _   _      │
          │     |  ____/ __ \|  __ \      |  ____| |  | | \ | |     │
          │     | |__ | |  | | |__) |     | |__  | |  | |  \| |     │
          │     |  __|| |  | |  _  /      |  __| | |  | | . ` |     │
          │     | |   | |__| | | \ \      | |    | |__| | |\  |     │
          │     |_|    \____/|_|  \_\     |_|     \____/|_| \_|     │
          │                                                         │
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             ┌──┼──┐                                       ┌──┼──┐
             │  │  │                                       │  │  │
          │                                                         │
          │                   LE CRACKiNG FRANCAiS                  │
          │                                                         │

                 American Air Force Fighters Screen Saver v5.0
                          (c) Software

    │ Supplieur... [ FiGHTiNG FOR FUN ] ║ Type....... [ Crack            ] │
    │ Crackeur.... [ AntarEs          ] ║ Date....... [ 24/06/2002       ] │
    │ Testeur..... [ FiGHTiNG FOR FUN ] ║ OS......... [ Win All          ] │
    │ Packageur....[ FiGHTiNG FOR FUN ] ║ Langage.... [ Anglais          ] │
    │ Protection.. [ Serial           ] ║ Taille..... [ 2 x 1.44 Mo      ] │
    │ Necessite :  [ Un PC avec Windows.                                 ] │
                         ║                             ║
    │ Web : [                                  ] │
    ┌───────────────────────────┤  iNFORMATiONS  ├─────────────────────────┐
     The    American    Air    Force    Fighters    Screensaver    displays
     spectacular    views    of    many    different    Air  Force fighters
     including    the   F-15  and  F-16,  new  planes  such  as  the  F-117
     and    the    F-22,  and  vintage  aircraft like  the  P-51.  See  the
     Thunderbirds   fly  in  tight  formation.  Experience  the  thrill  of
     flying    a  jet  fighter from  within  the  cockpit.  Watch  fighters
     drop        laser-guided       bombs      and      fire      missiles.

    ┌───────────────────────────┤  iNSTALLATiON  ├─────────────────────────┐

     - Copy and run "CracK.exe" in the directory where you installed the
       program (C:\WINNT\System32\ for Win 2000).
     - Delete "CracK.exe".

    ┌───────────────────────────┤    CONTACTS    ├─────────────────────────┐
    Vous pouvez nous contacter par differents moyens que voici :
    #WEB :
    #E-Mail : [email protected]
    #iRC : / 6667 / #FiGHTiNG-FOR-FUN

    ┌───────────────────────────┤  REMERCiEMENTS ├─────────────────────────┐
    │                           └────────────────┘                         │
    │               REMERCiEMENTS A TOUTE LA SCENE FRANCAiSE               │
                    │ NFO PAR FiGHTiNG FOR FUN - 22/03/2002 │

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