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· ··-══════════╣ Crackers in Action presents: ╠══════════-·· ·
───╜ ╙───
Global Pets 98
╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═══ ═─ ─ ─ ║
║ SUPPLiER - HarvestR CRACKER - HarvestR ║
║ CODER - HarvestR PACKAGER - HarvestR ║
║ DATE - 98/12/15 CRACK TYPE - Keygen/keyfile ║
║ Location: http:// ║
╠══MiNiMUM REQS══ W95/98/NT4
╠══── ─
│ A new version of the tamagoshi... Install the game, the program will give
: an ID# (from 1 to 30). Run the Keygen, and you have your serial. If you
have problems with the serial, re-install the game, then replace the file
data1.dqw in your Windows/System directory by this one, and it's regged.
Enjoy !!! │
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· ··-═════════════════╣ CiA MEMBERS ╠════════════════-·· ·
───────────────╜ ╙──────────────
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││ └─┘ └─┘ └┘ └┘ └─┘
││[ The Keyboard Caper .......................... fOUNDER ]
││[ Aerosmith ................................. vICE pREZ ]
││[ AgorA ....................................... cRACKER ]
││[ Arcane ...................................... cRACKER ]
││[ BuL-LeT ........................ eSSAY wRITER/cRACKER ]
││[ DarkShadow .................................. cRACKER ]
││[ Excelsior ................................... cRACKER ]
││[ Genius ...................................... cRACKER ]
││[ _HAL_ ....................................... cRACKER ]
││[ HarvestR .................................... cRACKER ]
││[ H3llSp4wn .......................... sCRIPTER/cRACKER ]
││[ Northpole ................................... cRACKER ]
││[ Parker ...................................... cRACKER ]
││[ Tin-Man ..................................... cRACKER ]
││[ LagPRO ...................................... gRAPHIX ]
││[ Lazareth .................................... gRAPHIX ]
││[ Yahta ....................................... gRAPHIX ]
││[ Oluron ...................................... cOURIER ]
││[ WildFire1 ................................... cOURIER ]
││[ Ali3n ...................................... sCRIPTER ]
││[ Hydr0xide .................................. sCRIPTER ]
││[ T1 ...................................... cONTRIBUTOR ]
││[ Archimede ............................... cONTRIBUTOR ]
││[ aCD^^^ .................................. cONTRIBUTOR ]
└┘┌┐ ┌─┐ ┌─┐ ┌┐ ┌─┐
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──────────────────────---─- -·· · · ··· ··- ·-─-──────────────
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CiA is a pretty new group. We are in need of crackers, couriers and
suppliers. We specialize in high cracking software. If you think
you have good skills, stop by #c.i.a on EFNET!
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│ <|══|═══|═══| Updated Last by teekaycee on Dec 14, 1998 |══|═══|═══|> │