Download Change MAC-Address on Demand CMAoD v4.0.2017 serial by iTs0dAY

Added to site2005-07-30
Votes10 (106969 bytes)

file_id.diz 910 325
its0day.nfo 8176 1445
keygen.exe 220160 104981


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  ╚╬            ╚═─═════─═╝═╩══╩═══╩════╩═════╩═════╩════╩═══╩══╩═╚═─═════─═╝            ╬╝
   ║                    ______           __       __  ______   __    __ 2005             ║
   ║                 __/\__  _\        /'__`\    /\ \/\  _  \ /\ \  /\ \                 ║
   ║                /\_\/_/\ \/   ____/\ \/\ \   \_\ \ \ \L\ \\ `\`\\/'/                 ║
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   ║                   \/_/  \/_/\/___/  \/___/  \/__,_ /\/_/\/_/   \/_/                 ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
  ╚╬╝            Change.MAC-Address.on.Demand.CMAoD.v4.0.2017-ITS0dAY                   ╚╬╝
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║² rls info  ²║    Cracker ......: iTs0dAY        Release-Date..: 13.07.2005          ║
   ╠═════════════╝    Packager......: iTs0dAY        Protection....: Serial              ║
   ║                  Supplier......: iTs0dAY        OS............: WinAll              ║
   ║                  Release-Type..: (N/A)          Disks.........: [xx/01]             ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║² rls notes ²║                                                                       ║
   ╠═════════════╝                                                                       ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║ Change MAC-Address on Demand v4.0.2017                                              ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║ CMAoD is a ver powerful, and  intuitive - easy-to-use                               ║
   ║ - Windows MAC Address identifying and modifying Utility                             ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║ CMAoD can do the following:                                                         ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║ 	- set specific MAC address of a network interface                                ║
   ║    - set the MAC randomly                                                           ║
   ║	- set a MAC of another vendor                                                    ║
   ║	- set another MAC of the same vendor                                             ║
   ║	- set a MAC of the same kind (eg: wireless card)                                 ║
   ║	- Indentifys a manufactorer of a NIC by given MAC-Addres                         ║       ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║    For more details:                          ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║    .Net Framework 1.1 is required                                                   ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║² install   ²║                                                                       ║
   ╠═════════════╝                                                                       ║
   ║ 	unpack, install,                                                                 ║
   ║ 		use 458566-0505-0505-0505-0505 as serial                                 ║
   ║ 	enjoy                                                                            ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║² ITS0dAY news  ²║                                                                   ║
   ╠═════════════════╝                                                                   ║
   ║     iTs0dAY is a reverse engineers and release group composed of World crackers     ║
   ║   Our Group's aim is helping with quality  cracks to everyone worldwide & also      ║
   ║   contributing in the development of better software.                               ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                 ----------------░---░---░----------------                           ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║     - You can supply unreleased quality software                                    ║
   ║     - You can provide a 100mbit dump for our exclusive use                          ║
   ║     - You work for a software developer, distributor or publisher                   ║
   ║     - You work for a retail software store in any country                           ║
   ║     - You know someone who can supply and want to be a curry                        ║
   ║     - You Are Familiar with commercial protections (FlexLM, Dongle & etc)           ║
   ║     - You can create keygens for generic software                                   ║
   ║     - You review software for a living or know someone who does                     ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║      If any of the above describes you feel free to contact                         ║
   ║       any of our members!                                                           ║
   ║                                                                                     ║   
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║² greetings ²║    thxs: SSG, ROR, YAG, PARADOX                                       ║
   ╠═════════════╝                                                                       ║
   ║                                                                                     ║
   ║                     IRC  : none   EMAIL: none    WEB  : none                        ║ 
  ╚╬╝                   IF YOU LIKE THIS PROGRAM YOU SHOULD BUY IT!                     ╚╬╝

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