Download Tray Helper v4.1 serial by CHiCNCREAM

Added to site2004-04-20
Votes8 (98832 bytes)

chic.nfo 18249 2720
file_id.diz 734 226
keygen.exe 192000 95602


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║    ║    - -- --- [ ChiC&CrEaM r00lz since 14/04/2001 ] --- -- -    ║    ║
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║ ║                           We LoVe WoMeN!                            ║ ║
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║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║   ReLeaSe  NaMe   ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
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║    ║              Tray.helper.v4.1.WinALL-CHiCNCREAM               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║          ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Supplier        : CHiCNCREAM TEAM       ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Ripper          : CHiCNCREAM TEAM       ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Packager        : CHiCNCREAM TEAM       ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Release Date    : 4/3/04                ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Release Size    : 1 x 5Mb               ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Protection      : NAME / SERIAL         ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ OS              : WINALL                ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Rate            : 7                     ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ║ Type            : RIPAppz               ║          ║    ║
║    ║          ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝          ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                      ║    ║
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║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║   Release Notes   ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ It's SMALL Windows application that takes only ONE place next ║    ║
║    ║ to your tray system clock, "eats" a little of memory and CPU  ║    ║
║    ║                        power but can:                         ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║   * remind YOU about all YOUR meetings, important events,     ║    ║
║    ║                        birthdays etc..                        ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║  * check all YOUR e-mail accounts (up to 50 !) in background  ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║         * auto-delete spam messages on that accounts          ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║       * forward important emails to your mobile device        ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║  * build in auto-responder can auto-repply at all incomming   ║    ║
║    ║                             mail                              ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ * watch your browser's windows and kill all unwanted pop-ups  ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║   * take advantage of Tray helper's plugins (look below) !    ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ List of plugins currently available to work with Tray helper: ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ * Small WWW server - changes your PC to small WWW server in   ║    ║
║    ║                    less than one minute !                     ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ * Atom time clock synchronizer - synchronize clock of YOUR PC ║    ║
║    ║                   with atomic time server.                    ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                * Tasks - just a TO DO list :)                 ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║    * Notes - forget about yellow sticky notes around your     ║    ║
║    ║                          work-place.                          ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║  * Pinger - it tracks presence of computers in YOUR LAN or    ║    ║
║    ║         Internet and do some actions when it changes          ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ * WebSpy - it can track changes on www pages and inform you   ║    ║
║    ║                           about it.                           ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                        Other features:                        ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║   * There is support for MS agent technology - you can be     ║    ║
║    ║ notified about new mail, events ect - by live, 3d, speaking,  ║    ║
║    ║                        cool characters                        ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ * Tray Helper is secure - you can set a password and no one   ║    ║
║    ║        will be able to view your e-mails, events, etc.        ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ * all your reminders (about meetings, birthdays etc...) can   ║    ║
║    ║              be forwarded to your mobile device,              ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║   * program can check via Internet if new version of main     ║    ║
║    ║             application and plugins is available              ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║            * you can change the program's LANGUAGE            ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║   Install Notes   ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                       NAME : CHICNCREAM                       ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                  SERIAL : 272-4275-0567-7322                  ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║      CoNtAcT      ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                    * Wanna join our crew?                     ║    ║
║    ║                   * Do you own 10mbit+ box?                   ║    ║
║    ║         * Can you supply any kind of legal software?          ║    ║
║    ║                        (fast connections)                     ║    ║
║    ║    * Can you get us Affiled on 10mbit+ legal HQ to pre our    ║    ║
║    ║                            releases?                          ║    ║
║    ║           * Can you get us a DEDICATED site as WHQ?           ║    ║
║    ║                          (internal use)                       ║    ║
║    ║      * Can you crack using your own tools and using your      ║    ║
║    ║                          own knowledge?                       ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║  ... well just contact us ... IRC: #ChiC&CrEaM on EFNET ;-)   ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║ ╔══╩═════════════════════╦═══════════════════╦═════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║------------------------║     GReeTiNgS     ║------------------------║ ║
║ ╚══╦═════════════════════╩═══════════════════╩═════════════════════╦══╝ ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║        * Greetings to our main Headquarters who chose         ║    ║
║    ║                          to Affil us                          ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║        * Greetings to all groups that fight to release        ║    ║
║    ║       anything and increase the scene (anything useful)       ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║                * Greetings to all Spanish crew                ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║    ║ * Greetings to Littel ( you are the big Dude - kiss for ya )  ║    ║
║    ║                                                               ║    ║
║ ╔══╩═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╩══╗ ║
║ ║                           CHiCNCREAM.2k3                            ║ ║
║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
╚══════════════════════════════NfO by NaXoS═══════════════════════════════╝


   4/3/04                    CHiCNCREAM TeaM                     xx/01
   *   ____ _     _  ____     ___       ____      _____      __  __  *  
   *  / ___| |__ (_)/ ___|   ( _ )     / ___|_ __| ____|__ _|  \/  | *  
   * | |   | '_ \| | |       / _ \/\  | |   | '__|  _| / _` | |\/| | *  
   * | |___| | | | | |___   | (_>  <  | |___| |  | |__| (_| | |  | | *  
   *  \____|_| |_|_|\____|   \___/\/   \____|_|  |_____\__,_|_|  |_| *  
   *                                                                 *  

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