PROGRAM NAME: THtmlViewer and TFrameViewer 6.12 (Delphi 1.x/4.x)
CRACK DATE: 16 October 1998
DESCRIPTION: What are the HTML Viewer Components?
The ThtmlViewer and TFrameViewer components provide an easy
way to display HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents in a
Borland Delphi program. ThtmlViewer supports single HTML
document display and TFrameViewer allows multiple document
display within separate frames.
- Frames
- Images (Bitmap, GIF, PNG, and JPEG)
- Animated GIF
- Transparent images
- Image caching
- Left and right floating images
- Image sizing attributes
- Client side image maps
- Large HTML files
- HTML Tables
- HTML Forms
- Font sizes, styles, and colors with HTML tags or default
- Background colors and images
- Formatted printing of the HTML document
- Text search
- Copy to clipboard
- Subscripts and superscripts
While HTML documents are normally associated with the Internet
World Wide Web, they are also very useful for displaying all
kinds of textual material such as documentation, helpfiles,
etc. Graphics are easily incorporated in these documents.
PROTECTION: Imaging software for GIF, JPEG, and PNG images with no shareware
reminder messages. <--- removed.
NOTES: Copy the crack to the directory that contains 'ilda32t.dll' and
run it. Boom, your software is free of NAGS :). Remember,
include the cracked file 'ilda32t.dll' in distribution of every
software you made with THtmlViewer and TFrameViewer.