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Target Program: [ GetRight 5.0 ]
Cracker: [ nuLL ]
Crack Type: [ Serial ]
OS: [ Win9x/NT/2000/XP ]
Release Date: [ 03-09-2003 ]
Language: [ English ]
Packer: [ DRO ]
Tester: [ DRO ]
Source: [ Digit Magazine, June 2003 (Tips & Tricks) ]
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GetRight is a download manager program to help you download files
from the Internet. It lets you resume broken download, thus letting
you download the file from the point where it stopped, without
restarting the full download. Get Right saves you time and effort,
and also has advanced features such as scheduling downloads, and
re-dialing the modem automatically on being disconnected.
Use the following to register the program:- serial:
WWW: [ http://www.crackdigit.tk ]
WWW: [ http://kickme.to/crackdigit]
WWW: [ http://zor.org/crackdigit ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
ScrEEmur [ Founder, Web ]
DRO [ Founder, Ascii, GFX, Web ]
GoldiLOKKS [ Admin, Coder ]
iNanIm8 [ Cracker ]
DrastiK [ Cracker ]
xOr [ Cracker ]
miNUS41 [ Cracker ]
TOD [ Cracker ]
nuLL [ Cracker ]
b4me [ Cracker ]
boNeR [ Cracker ]
swastik [ Trial Member ]
CoDe_BrEaKeR [ Trial Member ]
NFO last updated 28.05.03
Best viewed in Notepad in 'Terminal' Font