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Target Program: [ Net Snippets ]
Cracker: [ nuLL ]
Crack Type: [ Serial ]
OS: [ Win9x/NT/2000/XP ]
Release Date: [ 03-09-2003 ]
Language: [ English ]
Packer: [ DRO ]
Tester: [ DRO ]
Source: [ Digit Magazine, June 2003 (Tips & Tricks) ]
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Net Snippets is a unique Internet information management application
designed to address the needs of researchers, students, information
specialists and individuals who rely heavily on the Internet as an
information source. Since it is integrated into the browser, Net
Snippets provides users for the first time with tools to clip,
annotate, edit and manage information found on the web without
leaving the comfort of their favorite browser interface.With a
drag-and-drop interface, this browsing tool allows you to select and
save portions of the Web page you need, besides snippets from other
Windows applications.
Use the following to register the program:- Name: CRACKDIGIT Serial:
WWW: [ http://www.crackdigit.tk ]
WWW: [ http://kickme.to/crackdigit]
WWW: [ http://zor.org/crackdigit ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
Mail: [ [email protected] ]
ScrEEmur [ Founder, Web ]
DRO [ Founder, Ascii, GFX, Web ]
GoldiLOKKS [ Admin, Coder ]
iNanIm8 [ Cracker ]
DrastiK [ Cracker ]
xOr [ Cracker ]
miNUS41 [ Cracker ]
TOD [ Cracker ]
nuLL [ Cracker ]
b4me [ Cracker ]
boNeR [ Cracker ]
swastik [ Trial Member ]
CoDe_BrEaKeR [ Trial Member ]
NFO last updated 28.05.03
Best viewed in Notepad in 'Terminal' Font