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P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S . * .
┌──┤ ICare Data Recovery Enterprise v3.8.2 WinALL Regged ├──┐
.│ └┬─│───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│─┬┘ │.
│. │ .│
│: CRACKER .............: YPOGEiOS │ RELEASE DATE ......: 04/08/2010 :│
││ SUPPLiER ............: YPOGEiOS │ FiLE TYPE ............: ZiP/RAR ││
││ PACKER ..............: YPOGEiOS │ FiLE SiZE .........: 01/.5.00MB ││
││ RELEASE TYPE .....: APPLiCATiON │ OS ....................: WinALL ││
││ CRACK TYPE ............: SERiAL . PROTECTOR ...............: NONE ││
.: :.
┌[]██████████████████[ ..:: RELEASE DESCRiPTiON ::.. ]██████████████████[]┐
:. .:
││ Making the best of data disaster rescue with iCare Data ││
││ Recovery Enterprise, the data rescue tool allows company ││
││ unlimited use and it is the best value of company data recovery. ││
││ ││
││ iCare Data Recovery Enterprise is a powerful and reliable ││
││ application designed to recover files from formatted drives, ││
││ RAW file system, RAW drives, undelete files from recycle bin, ││
││ recover files due to partition lost, system crash, software ││
││ crash, bad boot sector, missing boot sector, bad MBR, MFT ││
││ damaged, lost partition table, lost or damaged FAT, virus ││
││ infections, power failure, and other unknown data loss. ││
..│ │..
┌[]█████████████████████[ ..:: iNSTALL NOTES ::.. ]█████████████████████[]┐
:. .:
││ 1. Install the application. ││
││ ││
││ 2. Register the application with the details below: ││
││ ││
││ Serial...: 32E_AU3RAK748IDR0SSN42OJ1EYFEAIT ││
││ ││
││ 3. Enjoy this YPOGEiOS release! ││
││ ││
││ HAPPY B-DAY TO MR.P!!!!!! ││
..│ │..
┌[]██████████████████████[ ..:: GROUP NOTES ::.. ]██████████████████████[]┐
:. .:
││ Currently we're looking for: ││
││ ││
││ [] talented crackers who are able to crack applications for any ││
││ Windows OS. ││
││ ││
││ [] talented crackers who are able to tackle the most used ││
││ protectors such as Armadillo, Asprotect, ActiveMark etc. ││
││ ││
││ [] talented keygenners who are able to keygen the most used reg ││
││ schemes such as MD5, RSA, BLOWFiSH or any custom sheme. ││
││ ││
││ [] talented gamehackers who are able to train the newest games ││
││ for the Windows OS. ││
││ ││
││ [] 100MBiT EU affil sites. ││
││ ││
││ If you think we could use you contact us: [email protected] ││
.│ │.
┌[]███████████████████████[ ..:: GREETZ TO ::.. ]███████████████████████[]┐
││ ││
:│ NeoX * CAMERA * HHS * USZ * PDFwriters │:
└. .┘
ANSCii BY: p43 nFO BY ***^YGS