Tickle v1.7 (32-bit) *Patcher*
Eliminates nags and expiration
by ZuLu
Download: http://www.voicenet.com/~pgerhart/tickle17.zip
Homepage: http://www.voicenet.com/~pgerhart/
What is it: Internet auto-pinger to prevent being dropped by
your ISP.
Run patcher (tick17-c.exe)in TICKLE program directory
Tickle v1.7 (32-bit) *Patcher*
Eliminates nags and expiration
by ZuLu
See the ZuLu.nfo *TEXT* file for details
Tickle application note:
Tickle was created for Windows95/98 and NT4/5.
Tickle is shareware - it is not free.
There is a 30 trial evaluation period.
The license.txt should be read before use.
The application is Tickle.exe and it runs in the Tray Area of the
Task Bar. Tickle keeps a winsock channel alive. Most Internet Service
Providers (ISP) monitor your connection for activity. If you leave
the line quiet for too long they will break the connection, forcing
you to redial. Tickle will keep some 'heartbeat' activity so the ISP
will not hang-up on you. Plus, the new 'randomize' features will have
any server convinced you are actually surfing - not just mindlessly
pinging the same address once a minute.
Unzip the download file and run setup.exe. Take the defaults
and the program will be installed in the Program Files\Tickle
directory with a shortcut on your desktop and on the Start Programs menu.
Comments should be sent to [email protected]
end of application note