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: Studio Software Setup Studio v1.0.8 :
. .
Release Date : 21/08/2007 Platform: WinAll
Protection : dotNET/Serial Disk Numbers: 13x5.00MB
Cracker : CFF Team Packer: CFFpACKER
Supplier : CFF Team Language: English
Release Type : Cracked Rating: [ YOU RATE IT!! ]
Company/Publisher : Studio Software Ltd.
Website: http://www.setupstudio.net/
Full releasename:
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: :
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`_ _'
(________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________)
.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( RELEASE INFOS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
: _ _ :
`:.' `.:'
. .
: :
` '
Setup Studio is an automated installation system for Windows XP and
Windows Vista. It will install the PC in exactly the same manner as you
would, but the installation will be fully automated and doesn't require
your presence. Using Setup Studio saves a significant amount of your
time and effort.
Whether you are a PC enthusiast, an IT specialist or a technician in a
PC Store, you can benefit from using Setup Studio. Create an ultimate
installation project, add programs, drivers, service pack and hotfixes
to it, pre-configure the system and even add special tweaks, all
prepared carefully in advance.
Then, just boot the project media and everything is done automatically
and without any additional effort. Setup studio is also suitable when
migrating from old to new PC. Just select all the data you wish to
preserve and add it to the new installation.
Setup Studio provides the most comprehensive solution for silent
installation management for home users, enthusiast and IT professionals.
╖ Microsoft NET.framework 2.0
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`_ _'
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.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( INSTALL INFOS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
: _ _ :
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: :
` '
Install, and copy cracked content into installdir!
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: :
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`_ _'
(________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________)
.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( GROUP INFOS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
: _ _ :
`:.' `.:'
. .
: :
` '
We are looking for crackers/keygenners:
* Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
* Must know the basics of keygenning...
* Must give proof for at least 100 cracks/keygens have been done...
We are looking for suppliers/retailers:
* Must have at least 1 year of experience from another group...
* Must at least deliver 4 supplies/retails per month...
If you can do any of these above, please don`t hesitate to contact us
via [email protected] - and you can ask to apply for a 30
days trial time!
/CFF 2007
. .
: :
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`_ _'
(________ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________)
.:::::;''''''\ (___.--( GREETINGS )----------------.___) /``````;:::::.
:;'' \---' `---/ ``;:
: _ _ :
`:.' `.:'
. .
: :
` '
There is many groups and individuals we really wish to greet, but due to
security reasons - these are all removed for all eternity and so on!
. ::
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