Download Deep Space Above and Beyond 1.04 READ NFO keygen by TE

Added to site2005-12-12
Votes4 (207258 bytes)

Deep_Space_Above_and_Beyond_1_keygen.exe 218112 204576
TE.nfo 6116 2159


TE's keygen for Deep Space Above and Beyond 1.04 READ NFO


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                                      TWISTED ENDZ 2005                                              
Release :  Deep Space: Above and Beyond v1.04 (c) 2005 Above and Beyond Software 

Date : 12/12/2005

Cracked By : Twisted EndZ

Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other

[ ] Loader Patcher     [X] Patch     [ ] Precracked     [X] RegFile               [ ] GOLD
Release Notes:

Deep Space: Above and Beyond is 100% spyware free!

Peer into the farthest reaches of deep space with Deep Space: Above and Beyond!  Featuring
breathtaking images from the Hubble Space Telescope and a beatiful, inspiring original score
composed exclusively for this screensaver!

Everything in this screensaver is real.  There are no artists's impressions or computer-generated
scenes.  These are real images taken of the real cosmos by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Music samples:
(NOTE: These are short samples of all the music that can be heard in the full version of the
screensaver.  Length indicates the running time of the piece in the full version.  These samples
are of lower quality than what can be found in the screensaver.) 

Title Length (m:ss)
Birth of Stars 2:53
Emergence of Worlds 2:28
Nova 3:15
Timescape 3:08

In addition to the beatiful music included, the screensaver will also allow you to play your own
music files and song playlists while the screensaver runs.
* MP3 support is still pending.

The following file formats are currently supported:

Music files:
--WMA (Windows Media)*
--ASF (Windows Media)
--OGG (Ogg-Vorbis)
(MP3 pending) 
* Rights-managed WMAs are not currently supported

Playlist formats:

Minimum system requirements:

CPU: 200 MHz (400 MHz or higher and 3D accelerator recommended)
Operating System: Windows 95, 98, XP and 2000

Whats New In v1.04 Of Deep Space: Above and Beyond?:

╖ Features optional image captions.

For More Info on Deep Space: Above and Beyond Visit:

	TE Release Filename:
Installation Notes :

	  Install dsaab_1.exe.  After installation DON'T enable the screensaver yet, just close
that window and close the Deep Space: Above and Beyond configuration window (make sure its still
not running in memory by using your task manager, if it is, kill it).  Copy crack patcher from
crack folder into Deep Space: Above and Beyond's installed folder.  Execute crack patcher and patch
files DeepSpaceAnB.exe and DeepSpaceAnB.scr.  Now import Registration.reg file included in the
crack folder into your registry (double click file).  Deep Space: Above and Beyond is now fully
registered and can now be set as your default screensaver.  Make sure to run the configuration
manager after as well to set the screensaver to your likings.

Thats it!  Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.

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