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$$P date....................: 17 mar 2004 4$$
$$' diskz...................: 02 `$$
$$ type....................: util $$
$$ OS......................: winALL $$
$$ cracked by..............: SavaGe $$
$$ $$
$$ registration info: $$
$$ $$
$$ name: FOSI $$
$$ e-mail: [email protected] $$
$$ reg. code: EG-DEJK-HINOLM $$
$$ $$
$$ The Sleuthhound! Pro Power Pack provides the edge you need to succeed $$
$$ either professionally or personally. The Sleuthhound! Pro Power Pack $$
$$ allows you to find data on your hard drive, just as you would using an $$
$$ Internet search engine for more than 17 popular document formats $$
$$ include documents zipped in archives, Adobe Acrobat (PDF) documents, $$
$$ MS PowerPoint presentations and slides, WordPerfect documents and more. $$
$$ Also the "Favorite Searches" panel in Results Browser allows you to $$
$$ save your popular searches. The Sleuthhound! Pro Power Pack brings your $$
$$ the FULL STRENGTH AND POWER of search technologies developed by $$
$$ iSleuthHound and ranked as "5 STAR SOFTWARE" $$
$$ on many shareware web sites. $$
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`$$' $$ file updated on 20 jan 1999 $$ `$$'
., `$$ F.O.S.I. $$' ,.
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