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.:. Uru: Ages Beyond Myst .:.
  Expansion Pack 2: The Path of the Shell 

- Walkthrough by Coelho Buda (aka Orlando Soares, [email protected])
- Version 1.0

--- A. Table of Contents ---
 A. Table of Contents
 B. Version history
 C. FAQs
 D. Walkthrough
    1. Relto
    2. Restoration Guild (Watcher's Sanctuary)
    3. Ahnonay Cathedral and Ahnonay
      3.1 Water and crab Ahnonay
      3.2 Mist and Crystal Ahnonay
      3.3 Outer space Ahnonay
      3.4 Water Ahnonay revisited
      3.5 Collecting Ahnonay Relto Page
    4. Er'cana
    5. Restoration Guild revisited
    6. Myst
    7. K'veer
    8. Myst revisited and Kadish Tolesa
    9. Final Considerations
 E. Expansion Pack Features 
    1. Bahro Stones
    2. Short Guide to Relto Pages
    3. Hats and Clothing
 F. Contributors
 G. Legal Stuff

--- B. Version history ---

 (10.07.2004)- Corrected some more errors. Corrected Maker's Words on section 
               5 and the corresponding clue tags on sections 3.1 and 3.4. 
               Updated contributors list. Update sites list. Updated section 9 
               and Hats and Clothing section with new item.

 (09.07.2004)- Corrected some grammar and orthographical errors. Added a note 
               to section 2. Corrected the first and second notes on section 
               3.4. Corrected note on section 3.5. Added a note to section 5. 
               Updated list of sites allowed to post the walkthrough. Added 
               size of the download file. Updated contributors list.

 Version 1.0 - Completed walkthrough with all the sections. (08.07.2004)

 Version 0.2 - Started walkthrough. Laid skeleton for sections. Completed 
               Relto, Watcher's Sanctuary and Ahnonay. Bahro Stones, Relto 
               Page Guide and Hats and Clothing sections done. (08.07.2004)

All dates are in European format which means dd/mm/yyyy.

--- C. FAQ ---

Q: Where can I get the expansion pack?
A: Through the shops or available as a payable download at: (USA) (Europe)

Q: How big is the download and how big is the game?
A: The download is 447 MB and it becomes a whooping 2.5 GB after 
   installation. It also includes the To D'ni expansion pack.

Q: How do I save the game?
A: Unfortunately, there is no way for a user to save the game when he wants
   to. :p The game automatically saves any change you make to the Ages, and
   the Journey Cloths save your position within an Age, enabling you to return
   to it by linking from Relto. By default the game always loads to Relto Age.

Q: I really want to make a backup of my progress. What can I do?
A: In the Uru install directory there's a subdirectory called 'sav'. Whenever
   you quit, make a copy of everything in that directory and place it in 
   another location.  When you need it, delete whatever is in the original 
   directory and then copy in the stuff you last saved before restarting Uru.  
   This causes it to restart with everything as it was when you last started 
   the game. 

Q: Where is ? / What does  do?
A: See my short guide for Relto pages at the end of the walkthrough. That
   way you will not read any major spoiler.

Q: Can I change my Avatar's name/sex after I have started a game?
A: No. You are bound to the Avatar you created. If you want a different one,
   you will have to start a new game.

Q: I want to return to the beginning of an Age but I can only see the Journey
   Cloth marker in the book. What can I do?
A: Look to the bottom left or bottom right corner of the Age's book. There is 
   a bent corner that you can press to turn the pages. This allows to select
   whether to return to the last touched Journey Cloth, the beginning of the
   Ages or other places within the Ages.

I will post more if I come across any more frequent questions.

--- D. Walkthrough ---
Hello. Coelho Buda here (or for those familiar with the Guild of Greeters, 
Rabbit) back with a new walkthrough. The Path of the Shell is the second and 
final expansion to Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and it's my pleasure to write my 
third walkthrough with it being its subject. As always and as in the previous 
two walkthroughs, any contributions will be gladly accepted. ^_^

Questions, contributions, corrections and general praise ^_^ can be sent to my

Warning: This walkthrough contains major spoilers. It could seriously affect 
your enjoyment of the game. I do not give out hints or nudges. I simply state 
how a given puzzle should be solved. That said, read on at your own risk.

This walkthrough assumes you have finished Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and the To 
D'ni expansion pack before going on to The Path of the Shell. If you haven't 
done so, some of the things I have written below may not make sense. If you 
still haven't finished Uru or To D'ni, and need help, my other walkthroughs 
are available on the Internet.

So without further ado, on to the expansion pack.

1. Relto

You begin the game in your Relto. If you look around, you will notice that a 
new island has been added to the others ones that already were here and that 
it seems to have a spiral path on it. When you are finished looking around, go 
inside the hut. On the lower shelf of the bookshelf to the right you will find 
several new books. On the left there's a red book with a stylized pen which 
can be picked up and becomes a journal where you can write notes, and on the 
right there are 6 blue books containing information you will be needing 
throughout the game: one that talks about the Maker and how the words from the 
Maker where handed over and five that are the transcribed words of the Maker.

There's also a new book on the left bookshelf. This is the one that allows you 
to start The Path of the Shell. Here is the complete list of the books on the 
left bookshelf and where they link to (numbered from left to right):

01 Desert Cleft                      (Tan book with green slit)
   01. Rainy
   02. Dry
02 Gahreesen                         (Pale green book with Maintainer's crest)
   01. Gahreesen
   02. Gahreesen Prison 
03 Teledahn                          (Orange book)
   01. Teledahn
   02. Tree Stump
   03. Dock *
04 Kadish Tolesa                     (Purple book)
   01. Kadish
   02. Kadish Vault future +
05 Eder Gira                         (Red book)
06 Eder Kemo                         (Green book)
07 Ae'gura (1)                       (Brown book with stylized tree)
   01. K'veer +
   02. Kadish Gallery 
   03. Canyon Alley Balcony view 
   04. Kerath Arch Balcony view 
   05. Tokotah Rooftop 
   06. Tokotah Alley *  
   07. Palace Alcove *  
   08. Library Courtyard *  
   09. Concert Hall Foyer *  
   10. Spy Room *  
   11. Great Zero Observation Room *  
   12. Great Shaft Antechamber *
   13. Baron's Office
08 Bevin Neighborhood                (Blue book with golden spiral) 
   01. Fountain Plaza
   02. Balcony view
   03. Classroom rooftop view *
09 Nexus Book                        (Yellow book with green motif)
10 Restoration Guild                 (Blue with blue and yellow leaves)
11 Er'cana                           (Rust with black motif)
12 Ahnonay Cathedral                 (Brown with gears and circles)
13 Ahnonay                           (Brown with gear with circles within)
14 Myst                              (Brown with Myst written on the spine) 

Links with an * are available in To D'ni expansion pack and will only appear 
after you have linked there at least once after using the appropriate Bahro 
Links with a + are available in The Path of the Shell expansion pack and will 
only appear after you have linked there at least once after using the 
appropriate link.
(1) This is the final configuration of this book. During the game, pages will 
be in different positions depending on what links you already have.

Approach the left bookshelf, select the new book that leads to the Restoration 
Guild and link there.

2. Restoration Guild (Watcher's Sanctuary)

You arrive at a room with a holo projector in front of you. It's projecting a 
drawing and a shell symbol. Make sure you copy the drawing or take a KI shot. 
If drawing it do it in an 8x6 grid. You will need it later on in the game. 
There's a double sweeping stairway on the other side of the room and an alcove 
to the left.

On the alcove you will find three pedestals with books: the one in the center 
is a journal written by DRC's Simpson describing this Age. The one on the left 
links to Er'cana, the industrial Age and the one on the right leads to Ahnonay 
Cathedral. For now, read the journal, but don't link anywhere yet. 

Note: You may ask why am I calling this Age Restoration Guild if Simpson 
describes this Age as Watcher's Sanctuary. If you look at the Uru files you 
will see it's called Restoration Guild. That's why I corrected it. There's 
also another name to it, Rolep, which is found on the first book about the 
Maker. I prefer to use Restoration Guild though.

Return to the place where you linked in and you will notice another alcove, 
this one with a balcony showing a view of the Great Tree. Reaching that door 
will be one of the greatest objectives of the game. On the handrail you will 
find your first item of clothing: a Great Tree Jersey. Pick it up to add it to 
your wardrobe. On turning around to return to the original link spot you will 
see a piece of paper on the wall with the numbers 1:38 written on it.

You will find clues like these scattered throughout the various Ages and they 
will help you solve the Path of the Shell. They work like this: the first 
number refers to the book back on Relto you will have to read and the second 
number refers to the line you should read. Each book is called a "section", so 
this clue tells you to read section 1, line 38 which reads "The passing of 
time gives the path to the gathered." Make a note of it.

Return to the inside and climb the stairway. On the upper floor there's an 
alcove with a blue button. Press it to open the door here. Inside, you will 
find a room with a huge boulder, a button that turns on a light shining on a 
metal plate with a shell on it and a huge machine on the wall. You can push 
the boulder if you want to and press the button to see what happens, but for 
now nothing of importance will occur. This will be the first path of the shell 
you'll have to solve. Make a note of the clue (1:4) that reads: "The door lies 
at the end of the path". Then return to the outside and circle around the 
upper floor.

Opposite the upper alcove you will find another clue on the wall, 1:89. This 
one says "Be still and the path will be made known". With these three clues it 
would be possible to solve the first path of the shell, but we are missing 
some other elements that would let us finish the game. So let us go on. Return 
to the lower floor and to the alcove with the linking books. Approach the book 
on the right and link to Ahnonay Cathedral.

3. Ahnonay Cathedral and Ahnonay

You will be seeing a lot of the Cathedral and a lot of Ahnonay too. This is 
the Age where you will have to do the most linking in and out you have ever 
done on a Myst game.

You arrive in a cylindrical room with only one exit. Take it. It opens into a 
corridor with some lovely paintings you have seen before. Cross the corridor 
to the end. Notice that Ahnonay's symbol is a huge circle with four small 
circles inside. This will become relevant once you proceed. Before you link to 
Ahnonay proper, turn around. There's a clue on the wall here, 2:18 which reads 
"The action of the gathered means nothing." After writing it down, link to 

  3.1 Water and crab Ahnonay

Welcome to the island of crabs. Ahnonay is a watery Age (at least this version 
is, but more on that in a little while) and your Avatar has a new ability. It 
can swim. With running mode engaged it will swim in crawl style and with 
walking mode engaged it will swim in breast stroke style.

The main island has trees on it, a lake with a device and a pedestal with a 
linking book on the other side of the island. You can see some more islands in 
the horizon and a tower to the right of where you linked in.

Notice that there are a lot of crabs on the island. The island has a large 
lake in the middle with a device on it. The top of this device has a screen 
with blue squares. Each square represents a moving being on top of the 
islands. What you need to do to proceed is to make sure that you are the only 
thing on top of the islands. Begin pushing every crab you see into the water. 
You just have to approach them like you were herding them and they will run 
into the water. You will pass by an opening on the right with a red tree. You 
can see the tower from here and you will also notice that there's a crab 
there. Will let him go for now. Continue forward and keep pushing the crabs.

You will pass by another opening. There's a shell marker on the wall so press 
it to save your position. Enter the opening and take care of the crab there. 
Unfortunately these are very stupid animals and instead of jumping into the 
water that surrounds the island it will want to go to the lake, so you will 
have to do some climbing. Notice that there are some stones jutting out from 
the water. You will have to use those as hoppers to get to the tower. For now, 
continue with the crab herding.

By the time you reach the book pedestal you should only have two lights on the 
radar device: one is you and the other one is the crab on the tower island. 
Let's take care of it. Return to the shell marker opening, turn left and jump 
onto the closest stone on the water. Jump to the other one. Making sure you 
are in running mode jump into the water in a north western direction. Keep 
swimming forward and the current will take you to Tower Island. There's a 
small ledge all around the island so you can stand on it if you need to and 
then circle to the stair.

If you miss it, the current will take you to the lake inside the island and 
you will have to climb out of it and try again. Keep doing it until you get to 
the tower.

Once on the tower take care of the crab. Climb the stairs and go around the 
tower. You will pass an indentation that looks like a door, but there's no way 
of opening it for now. Keep going around and you will find a drawing on the 
tower wall. Take a KI shot or copy it to paper in an 8x6 grid. Drop down to 
the ledge around the island and you will find another clue, 3:72 tells you 
"Take time to understand the path of the shell."

Jump into the water and swim to the lake. Climb onto the main island and go to 
the link pedestal. If you only see one blue square on the radar device, use 
the book and you will be back on Cathedral. If not, you still have a crab 
somewhere that needs to be pushed. Once on the Cathedral, open the door, cross 
the corridor and link to Ahnonay again. If all went well, you should be on a 
new version of Ahnonay. 

  3.2 Mist and Crystal Ahnonay

This version of Ahnonay is very eerie. The island looks desolate, there are 
lightning storms all around, and mists fill the air. There is a tower as in 
the previous Ahnonay and the same device is in the middle of where the lake 
used to be. This one is detecting crystals though, so you will need to break 
everyone of them by approaching it. Careful not to fall into the mists or you 
will link back to Relto.

When you get to the opening where the first marker was, cross it to the other 
side. There's a path hidden below the mists that leads to the tower. When you 
get to the tower, climb the stair and press the marker. Make sure to break the 
crystal tree here and then return to the main island. Keep breaking the 
crystal trees and when you are done, link to the Cathedral again. Once more, 
cross the corridor to the linking book and link to Ahnonay.

  3.3 Outer space Ahnonay

This is the most stunning of all the Ahnonay's versions. Everything is broken 
or on the verge of disappearing but the scenery is breathtaking. Speaking of 
which, how does the Avatar breathe in space, inquiring minds want to know? 
Anyway, there's not a lot to do here, the radar device is broken and nothing 
grows here apart from a few weeds. Link to Relto for now.

When on Relto, go to the Ahnonay link book and link via the shell marker, not 
the picture of Ahnonay. You will arrive at the position occupied by the marker 
you touched in the Mist version, but you will be in outer space Ahnonay. Press 
the marker on the stone in front of you and link back to Relto.

Link back to Ahnonay via picture and go to the pedestal. Link to the Cathedral 
and from there to Ahnonay again. You should arrive on Water Ahnonay. Link back 
to Relto and use the shell marker to link back to Ahnonay. You should arrive 
inside the tower.

  3.4 Water Ahnonay revisited

The tower has three ladders you can climb to look through windows and see 
what's out there. It has a lever and a wheel on the back wall and a lever on 
the front all. Pulling the back lever once will make you advance one version 
of Ahnonay. I don't advise testing this theory by linking out of the Tower 
after you have pulled the lever unless you like to link in and out of ages a 
lot, as there are no controls within the tower in mist Ahnonay. 

Note: If you do want to test it, after pulling the lever, link out and link in 
via marker. You will arrive on misty Ahnonay. There's a clue here 3:66 which 
corresponds to "The passing of time brings the past to the present." on the 
book. If you did this you will then have to return to water Ahnonay by using 
the Relto book and the pedestal on the main island along with the Cathedral. 
When you get back to the inside of the tower in water Ahnonay you are ready to 

Pull the back lever once. You need to do this once because it also powers 
another lever you will need to use further on. Use the back wheel once. The 
wheel turns off the water currents in water Ahnonay, which means you can swim 
to those far off islands. Make sure you visit everyone of them. You will be 
surprised to see that they are all fake: nothing more than huge paintings. On 
the back of the one that is in front of the lake entrance you will find a clue 
(2:32) which says "Seek the path of the shell."

When you are done, swim to the painting that is NW of the tower. Behind it you 
will find an entrance tunnel. Take it and you will be inside of a harbor. 
Climb on to the right side and notice the Ahnonay symbol with the D'ni number 
1 on it. Enter the corridor and continue past a room with a door and a lever. 
Go to the other side of the control center and exit to the platform. Press the 
shell marker there. Return to the door and pull the lever. Link out to Relto 
and then link to Ahnonay via marker.

You will arrive at Control Center number 4. Notice the clue on the wall 2:30, 
"Darkness makes the righteous humble and the evil bold.", and continue on to 
the door and lever. Pull the lever and wait for it to finish its descent. The 
door will open. Enter the door. There's a long corridor with gears and a 
picture at the end of it showing the fourth Ahnonay version. By the middle of 
the walkway you are on, there are two ladders leading down. Take one of them. 
Once at the bottom, touch the shell marker. After this you can do one of two 
things: continue the game or go see the fourth version.

Note: to see the fourth version, link out to Relto and link in to Ahnonay via 
picture. Look around: there's a statue of Kadish being built, the framework 
for the tower which you can also get to and little else. This also explains 
how you could breathe in space: all ages were built by Kadish and they are 
illusions, so that space isn't real space. When you are ready to leave do so 
by linking out to Relto. Do not use the pedestal or you will trigger another 
time travel and have to do two more links instead of just one. Return to the 
Control Center by linking in to Ahnonay via marker.

There's a chair and a button here. The button doesn't work for now because 
it's used to call the chair when it isn't here. Sit on the chair and it will 
lower. You will be in a tunnel. The chair has three levers: one on top that 
makes the chair go up and down, one on the left that makes it turn around and 
one on the right that makes it go forward. Operate this one and enjoy the 
short ride. Operate it again and when it stops, operate it once more. When you 
get to the end, use the top lever to go up.

You will arrive in a small circular room connected to a corridor that leads to 
Kadish's Room antechamber. Proceed through the corridor. There's a cot on the 
right with your second item of clothing: a Kahlo Pub Jacket. Click on it to 
add it to your wardrobe. There's also a clue here: 5:57 "The path is folly for 
those who toil."

On the other side of this chamber, there's a button panel with some symbols 
you have seen before. There is also a door that isn't open. You'll have to 
open it by entering the right sequence on the panel. The symbols correspond to 
the paintings in the back top floor of Kadish Gallery. Entering them in 
sequence opens the door. What you have to do is give a number to each painting 
and note the order of the paintings in Kadish Gallery. Then number each button 
from 1 to 8, left to right and top to bottom like this:

                                1 2 3 4
                                5 6 7 8

Matching each painting to a button you get the following sequence: 3 2 1 4 8 5 
6 7. Press it to enter the room and see what's inside. There's a central 
structure with a Bahro Stone. There's a cupboard on the right with a drawing 
that seems to be an hourglass and a big circle with 625 written on it. There's 
also some sort of egg timer you can operate.

Open the windows, by pressing the button on the left side of the room and 
don't forget to press the shell marker. Looking outside you will see a strange 
machine with four spheres. Each of those spheres contains a version of 
Ahnonay. You cycle through them by using the levers in Tower Island and the 
ones by the doors in the Control Center. Also by linking to the Cathedral and 
from there to Ahnonay. At least I think that's how it works. :p

If you want to you can go visit the Bahro Cavern. According to the drawing 
there seems to be two caverns stacked on top of each other. This stone links 
to the bottom cave. Unfortunately the link won't be added to any book so once 
you leave here, the only way to return to the cave is to link back here. Link 
to the cave and have a look around. There is a clue on the wall, 5:32, "Roll 
the stone to know the Deceiver" and some stone squares like in those other 
drawings, but there are no lines. There seems to be something missing here.

Link out to Relto and from there to Ahnonay. We are almost done with this Age. 
All that is left to do is getting the Relto page and then return to Kadish 
Room to set the shell marker there as the one we want to return to.

  3.5 Collecting Ahnonay Relto Page

Make sure you are in the water version. Swim to Control Center number 1 and 
press the shell marker there. Link out to Relto and link to Ahnonay via 
picture or swim back to the island. Go to the pedestal book and link to the 
Cathedral. Link to misty Ahnonay.

Link to Relto. Link to Ahnonay via marker. You should be on Control Center 
number 2. Go to the other side and press the shell marker there. Link to 
Relto. Link to misty Ahnonay via picture. Go around to the pedestal and link 
to the Cathedral. Link to space Ahnonay. Link to Relto.

Link to Ahnonay via shell marker. You should arrive on Control Center number 
3. Exit to the platform and press the shell marker there. Link out to Relto. 
Link in to Ahnonay via picture. Go around to the pedestal and link to the 
Cathedral. Link to water Ahnonay. Once more, go around to the pedestal and 
link to the Cathedral. Link to misty Ahnonay.

Link out to Relto. Link to Ahnonay via shell marker. You should arrive on 
Control Center number 2 and on the correct side to collect the Relto page. 
Grab it and activate it. This one adds a D'ni clock to the new island on 
Relto. If you managed to get here, good work!

Now to return to Kadish room and set the correct shell marker. 

Note: what I'm about to do is to make sure you arrive on the inside of the 
tower if by any chance the door to it is closed. It happened to me once and 
let's just say it got really ugly. If you don't want to do it, just link until 
you get to water Ahnonay (ignore my instructions about the shell markers) and 
swim to the tower. If the door is open, lucky you. If not... well you'll have 
some more serious linking to do.

Let's go for the final link dance. Link to Relto and link to Ahnonay via 
picture. Go to the tower and click on the shell marker there. Go to the 
pedestal and link to Cathedral. Link to space Ahnonay. Link to Relto.

Link to space Ahnonay via marker. Click on marker on the stone. Link to Relto. 
Link to space Ahnonay. Go to pedestal and link to Cathedral. Link to water 
Ahnonay. Link to Relto. Link to water Ahnonay via marker.

Pull lever on back wall of tower. Open door by pulling lever on the front wall 
of tower. Swim to Control Center. Press shell marker. Return to Control Center 
Door and pull lever. Link out to Relto. Link to Ahnonay via shell marker.

You should arrive on Control Center number 4. Pull lever to open round door. 
Proceed downstairs. Press the button to call the chair and sit on the chair to 
travel through the tunnel.

Cross to Kadish's room and press shell marker there. That's it. No more 
Ahnonay, except for a little visit further on.

4. Er'cana

Link back to Relto and from there to Restoration Guild. Go to the alcove with 
the books. Proceed to the left one and link to Er'cana. You will arrive inside 
of a tunnel cave. From the link in spot, go forward and deeper into the cave. 
You will arrive at a chamber with plants growing in the middle of water. 
Behind them there's a drawing. Take a KI shot or copy it to paper to an 8x6 

Return to the link in spot and from there proceed until you arrive outside. 
You'll be in a canyon with a two separate train tracks in front of you. There 
are lots of plants and water puddles around. If you want to, turn NW and start 
going forward to an opening in the canyon wall. There's a cleft drawing there, 
with lots of stars depicting the Star Fissure. When you are done return to the 
start point outside the cavern and go right.

Continue until you get to a machine with a ladder leading up. Climb aboard and 
go to the front of the machine. Click on the console to get a close up view. 
There's two levers (one on each side), a central lever on top and a switch. 
Lift the central lever and then pull the one on the right. Enjoy the ride.

When it stops, cross to the other part of the machine and pull the lever 
there. This small tram will take you inside the water treatment facility. Upon 
stopping, pull the lever once again, but retreat from the tram. Let it return 
to the train without you. Turn around. Inspect your surroundings to find the 
first shell marker on the left. Press it. Go around and find the ladder 
leading down on the inner railing opposite the marker. There's a stairway 
leading out but it's a dead end. Climb down to the lower level.

Exit through the opening and before taking another ladder down, lift the 
switch on the wall to turn on the lights. Go down and cross the steam tunnel. 
Almost at the end, you will see a clue on the wall, 4:96 "Rest in the light". 
Continue forward and climb the ladder. Lift the switch there to turn on the 
lights and then enter into the next room.

This room is identical to the one you just came in through, so locate the 
ladder on the left and climb to the upper level. There's the tram platform but 
this one doesn't work. Cross to the other side and climb the stairway. Before 
continuing to the metal catwalk, turn around and walk back and to the left. On 
the back of the outside wall on the left, there's a clue (4:81) "The future is 
always reveled to those who wait.". Make a note of it and proceed to the metal 

At the fork turn right and enter the building. This building has 4 exits and 
three huge millstones in the middle of it. On the exit opposite this one, 
there's a shell marker and a switch. Touch the marker and lift the switch. 
This will get the generator working. Proceed through this door, up the stairs 
to the control center. There's a panel on the right showing the areas where 
there is power (lit in blue) at the station. Opposite there's a control chair. 
Sit on the chair and click on the left blue button twice.

You will see four blue circles with fans and a red circle in the middle. You 
will also see four buttons with the D'ni numerals from one to four on them. 
Clicking on a number selects one of the blue circles and brings up a control 
display on the right with controls for the fan, the hatch (red) and water 
release (blue). Number one water release isn't working, but that shouldn't be 
a problem. Turn off every fan, open every hatch and drain the water on the 
ones that can be drained by selecting a number and then the appropriate 

Next click on the blue bottom left button so the screen scrolls left. Again 
you will see four circles (two yellow) and four buttons with the D'ni 
numerals. Clicking on them makes a yellow button appear on the right panel. 
Turn off all the yellow circles. When you are done, stand up and go outside.

When you exit, turn left and go to the turbine. Climb down and enter the water 
pipe. At the end of it you will find Er'cana's Relto page that adds fire 
marbles to the inside of the hut. Return to the control center and from there 
to the generator room. Turn to the right and exit through that opening. 
Continue to the wall to find another clue. This one is 4:52 "The way is made 
clear at the end of time." Return to the generator room.

Cross the room and exit through the opening. Proceed to the far most metal 
grate, which is broken. Enter the water tunnel and continue until you arrive 
at the water turbine. Climb the ladder and continue forward on the metal 
catwalk. At the junction, turn right and enter the building. Lift the switch 
there. There is now power on the elevator in here. Press the white button to 
go up.

Exit through one of the openings and continue to outside. Keep going until you 
are on the rooftop of the stone pellet machine room. There's a backpack on the 
rooftop, so collect it. Another nice addition to the wardrobe. Climb down the 
metal ladder into the room below. Turn right and go to the shell marker. Press 
it. Go outside and click on the stone slab to make a bridge. Notice clue on 
the left wall 4:10 "The number of the watcher is six hundred and twenty five." 
which is the same number on the drawing in Kadish's Room.

Return to the stone pellet machine room. There are two links here: a Bahro 
Stone to the upper cavern and a book to a location on Ae'gura. Link to the 
cavern. Observe all the paintings on the walls, the symbols inside each circle 
and how many spokes there are in each circle. Clue 5:18 reads "The gathered 
will find rest when the light comes.". Link to Relto and from there use shell 
marker on Er'cana book to return to stone pellet machine room.

Once there, retrace your steps back to the control room (up the ladder to the 
rooftop, down the elevator to the four mixers room, through turbine tunnel, 
turn right on generator room, climb stairs). You need to turn power back on on 
the yellow circles. Sit on the chair and turn each of them on.

Now return to the room with the elevator and the four mixers. Each of these 
has three controls and a button. Each control has a symbol that corresponds to 
the drawings on the upper Bahro Cavern. By setting the controls to the number 
of spokes on each wheel you will produce stone pellets with the right amount 
of energy. You will be testing them anyway to see if they are correct.

Go to each viewer. The scales have red and black lines: each red line is a one 
level increment and each black line is a five level increment. Set the 
controls for 40, 30 and 20 or on the 8th, 6th and 4th black line counting from 
the bottom. After the fourth mixer has been set, press the big yellow button. 
Now, remember the 625 number? That's how much real time you will have to wait 
until the pellets are ready, which translates to 10 minutes of real time.

When they are ready go to the pellet machine room and press the blue button. 
The machine will open. DO NOT PULL the lever in any circumstance unless you 
want to produce another batch of pellets. Click on the blue button that 
appears and a pellet will come out. Click on the pellet and link to the city 

This is a testing area. If your pellet was correctly made, the meter will fill 
up and the pellet will release an intense white light when it hits the water 
down there. Before you leave this location, climb the stairs to the upper 
level and see the clue there: 3:110 says "The path of the stone is toil for 
the gathered.". Return downstairs and link to the stone pellet machine room.

Click on the blue button to get another stone pellet and link with this one to 
the upper Bahro Cavern. The avatar will link there with the stone pellet and 
drop it in the water. You now have 10 real time minutes to get to the lower 
Bahro Cavern so, get to it. Link to Relto and from there link to Ahnonay via 
the shell marker. From Kadish's Room, link to the lower Bahro Cavern.

Wait for the remainder of the time you have. Place yourself on a good spot to 
take a KI shot of the drawing with the four stones. You will see the pellet 
falling on the water and illuminating the whole room. You have about 5 seconds 
to see what's around you, so unless you want to go drop another stone pellet 
on the upper Cavern, return here and wait for it to come, you better get that 
KI shot at first attempt. There are also some lovely drawings on the wall, but 
there isn't enough time to see them.

Once you have the KI shot copy it to an 8x6 grid. That's it. You're done with 
Er'cana. Link to Relto and let us continue to the Path of the Shell.

5. Restoration Guild revisited

Link to Restoration Guild and go to the upper level. Enter the room. Now, with 
all the assembled clues, the solution for this room reads as follows:

1:4   The door lies at the end of the path.
1:38  The passing of time gives the path to the gathered.
1:89  Be still and the path will be made known.
2:18  The action of the gathered means nothing.
2:30  Darkness makes the righteous humble and the evil bold.
2:32  Seek the path of the shell.
3:66  The passing of time brings the past to the present.
3:72  Take time to understand the path of the shell.
3:110 The path of the stone is toil for the gathered.
4:10  The number of the watcher is six hundred and twenty five.
4:52  The way is made clear at the end of time.
4:81  The future is always revealed to those who wait.
4:96  Rest in the light.
5:18  The gathered will find rest when the light comes.
5:32  Roll the stone to know the deceiver.
5:57  The path is folly for those who toil.

So, rolling that stone up the path won't lead you anywhere. What you have to 
do is stand on the metal plate with the shell symbol, turn on the light and 
wait for another 10 real time minutes without moving. When you hear a noise of 
metal scrapping on stone, wait for it to end. When it has ended, turn around.

Note: If the ten minute wait isn't working, stand under the light until you 
hear the sound. Also, if you look to the bottom middle left side of the screen 
you will see one metal rod sliding to the position where it will allow you 
to climb the ladder when the sound begins. I think I may have the timing wrong 
as 625 seconds translate to 10 minutes and 25 seconds.

If you look to the wall next to the huge boulder, you will see metal bars 
forming a ladder. Climb it. Once up there walk the path of the shell until the 
end. Click on the blue button at the end of the path to have a walkway extend 
to where you are. Cross it to the other side.

You are in a chamber with a stair leading down. Follow it and exit to the 
Great Tree. Cross the wooden bridge and enter the Great Tree. There's another 
drawing on the wall, a spiral path on the floor, a blue button and a shell 
marker on the wall. Press the shell marker. The button turns the lights on and 
off and makes the walkway you crossed to get here retract. Leave it on for the 
gathered love the light.

Take a KI shot of the drawing or copy it to an 8x6 grid. When you are done, 
find the start of the path near the entrance and walk along it until you get 
to the center. You will be linked to another Age.

6. Myst

You'll arrive inside the fireplace on the Library in Myst Island. Press the 
red button to open the panel and click on the empty space to exit. Look 
around, but there isn't much to see. Pick up Katherine's outfit on the NE 
shelf. Return to the fireplace. Press the red button to close the panel. 

Now, here's the tricky part. Remember all those drawings you have been 
collecting? Merge them all into one and you will have one of the solutions to 
the fireplace panel. The final drawing should look like this:


where X means the panel should be in and O means it should be out. Click on 
the panel to have a close up view and then enter the above sequence. This is 
just like the original Myst puzzle. Press the red button and the room will 
rotate showing you a link to the next Age. Click on it to link to...

7. K'veer

You won't be able to do much here. As soon as you link in you will hear 
Yeesha's speech. Listen carefully to it. She will also link you to Ae'gura and 
literally dazzle you. Then you will see the final message for the Path of the 
Shell and that "perhaps the ending has not been written yet."

Well the game sure isn't finished. We are still missing a couple of things. 
When you are back on K'veer look in front of you. Go to the desk. There's a 
Relto page here that adds lovely green plants to it. There's a letter from 
Yeesha to her parents and on the chair there's Atrus outfit. Collect it. 
Nothing more to do here, except to link out to Relto.

8. Myst revisited and Kadish Tolesa

On linking back to Relto take a moment to appreciate how beautiful it has 
become... but we are still missing two Relto pages. Go to the hut and link to 
Myst. Once you arrive in the fireplace get a close up on the panel. For those 
of you who played Myst recently or have the notes from when you played it 
handy, this should be easy. For those of you who like me haven't played it in 
ten years and don't remember the original solution to the fireplace panel, 
well here it is courtesy of Tijara:


where X means the panel should be in and O means it should be out. Click on 
the panel to have a close up view and then enter the above sequence. Once 
more, press the red button and the room will rotate revealing a shelf with a 
Relto page on it. Congratulations, you now have a brand new fireplace on 
Relto. Enjoy it. Think of all the cookies you can bake! Link back to Relto and 
you'll see it outside the hut.

Now, remember Yeesha's speech saying something about Kadish's body not being 
on the vault anymore? And something else about new life? Let's take a closer 
look at Kadish Tolesa. Open the book to Kadish and link to the marker if the 
last one you touched was the one inside the vault. If not you will have to 
make your way there.

Once in the vault, approach the entrance and turn to the right. You will find 
a linking book there. Touch it to link to a different version of Kadish vault.
Upon arriving notice the red butterflies. Wow! Continue forward to find a 
Relto page that adds them to your Relto. Now go to the floor of the vault. 
There are pieces of a letter strewn around. Apparently Yeesha now has the 
powers of the Gods and has saved Kadish's life. There's also a helmet on top 
of some sacks. Pick it up to add to the wardrobe. Link back to Relto.

9. Final Considerations

There is something new on Gahreesen. Link there and go to the big rotating 
building. Once inside go to one of the Locker rooms. Stand under the pipe and 
you will be equipped with a Maintainer's suit which you can take anywhere. It 
will be on the head section of the wardrobe in Relto and you will only see the 
helmet there. When you select the helmet, the full suit will be outfitted on 
the Avatar.

There's also something to be collected from the dry version of the Cleft. Link 
there from Relto by using the first book on the left bookshelf. Make your way 
to the cleft and climb down. Next fall to the bottom of the cleft and make 
your way to the second fallen wooden walkway that you can climb. When you 
finish climbing, turn to the room on the right. On the top of the stone table 
with the  near the entrance you'll see a pair of goggles that can be picked up 
and added to your wardrobe collection.

I will try to update this walkthrough as I discover new features or new 
information comes out. Please send me any corrections/contributions that I 
might have missed.

That is it.
Hope you enjoyed my walkthrough and the expansion pack!

--- E. Expansion Pack Features ---

1. Bahro Stones
     Er'cana - Panel off to the side of the stone pellet machine, links to 
               Upper Bahro Cavern. This link isn't stored in any book.
     Ahnonay - Central structure within Kadish's room, links to Lower Bahro 
               Cavern. This link isn't stored in any book.


2. Short Guide to Relto Pages
      Behind a closed door in Harbor Room #2, only accessible via shell 
      marker, adds a D'ni clock to the new island in Relto.
      End of water disposal tunnel #4 (northwest one when exiting from the 
      control room), adds five fire marbles to Relto.

      Shelf on rotating fireplace after original Myst code is inserted, adds a 

      After finishing the game, on the table with Yeesha's note to her 
      parents, allows greenery to grow on Relto.

    Kadish Tolesa
      After finishing the game, in future version of the Vault. Brings two 
      swarms of butterflies to Relto.

3. Hats and Clothing
    Great Tree Jersey
      Restoration Guild: on the handrail of the outside balcony that looks 
      on the Great Tree.

    Pub Jacket
      Ahnonay: top of cot on the right side of Kadish's room antechamber.

    Backpack 2
      Er'cana: rooftop of stone pellet machine chamber.

    Katherine's outfit
      Myst: shelve on Myst library after exiting from the fireplace.

    Atrus' outfit
      K'veer: on the chair behind writing desk with note from Yeesha.

      Kadish Tolesa: (only available after finishing the game) future version 
      of Kadish Tolesa floor of vault room.

    Maintainer's Suit
      Gahreesen: stand below the tube in one of Gahreesen locker rooms.

      Cleft (dry version): on the stone table on the right side of the 
      entrance to the room with Atrus' letter to Yeesha.

--- F. Contributors ---

 - Me. ^_^
 - Tijara: thanks for all the help and support given. Wouldn't been able to do 
   it without you.
 - Bionikai001 for the correct name for Ahnonay Cathedral.
 - Shangra for the help he gave me and for finding the reference to Rolep for 
 - G'ildor for sending me the corrected tags for clues 2:32, 3:66 and 3:72.

--- G. Legal Stuff ---

This document is copyrighted to me, Orlando Soares. Please do not alter it or
use parts of it without my permission and without quoting me.
The sites with permission to post this guide are:
 - Guild of Greeters    (
 - Uru Forums           (
 - GameFAQs             (
 - Cheat Central        (
 - Action Trip          (
 - Cheat Happens        (
 - Henk Gamesolves      (

Copyright 2004 Orlando Soares.

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