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..╔═════════════════: tRIO bIZARRE pROUDLY pRESENTZ :══════════════╗..
..║............ Crack for O & O CleverCache 1.0 Build 127 Server ..........║..
..║.cRACKED bY: fFL............dATE: 01/02/99..............oS: NT......║..
..║.wHERE: ftp://ftp.oo-software.de/pub/ooclevercache/trial ...............║..
..║......../server/ooccs10.exe ............................................║..
..║.sIZE: 990.540 bYTES.................................................║..
..║.sUBJECT: O&O CleverCache! It significantly improves the NT File .......║..
..║..........Caching behavior, bringing you back memory resources .........║..
..║..........wasted by NT. ................................................║..
..║.fULLpROGiNSIDE[.]......................eMAIL: [email protected]..║..
..║...1. install program ..................................................║..
..║...2. stop O & O CleverCache Service ..................................║..
..║...3. run 'TBC.EXE' in directory containing ooccsvc.exe ................║..
..║...4. start CleverCache control program ................................║..
..║...5. choose Registration and enter any name and .......................║..
..║......19 DIGIT !!! registration code ... ..............................║..
..║...6. exit & restart that's all ;))) ...................................║..
..║.gREETZ: eXTERMINATORS, uCF & aLL cRACKERZ .............................║..
..║.tHANX: all crackers for making these great tutorials ! ................║..
..║........(The Keyboard Caper, XLogic, ED!SON, +ORC, Qapla, ..............║..
..║........TERAPHY, NaTzGUL, Aesculapius, _CbD_ etc.) .....................║..
..║.cOMMENTS: all credz for this crack goes to Saltine - ..................║..
..║...........he cracked this baby first. .................................║..
. .
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