Download dBYTE Software Clean-Up v1.1 by PC

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes8 (85724 bytes)

EMX-OFPC.!!! 1862 453
FILE_ID.DIZ 581 276
PC.NFO 7207 1786
.exe 174080 82901


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┌─[PhRoZeN CReW pRESENTS]─────▀██▓▀[cH!]┐
│                                       │
│      dBYTE Software Clean-Up v1.1     │
│                                       │
│          -> SERiAL bY: eMX <-         │


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 │                                                                          │
 │               [*]   P h R O Z E N   C r E W   1 9 9 7   [*]              │
 │                                                                          │
 │ φ HεΓO oF tHε DÆY    : eMX!                                              │
 │ φ MεsSAGε Of tHε dÆY : RoCK mY HEART!                                    │
 ├──────── ────── ───── ── ────────────────────── ─  ──  ──── ─── ──────────┤
 | φ tITLE : Dosent BYTE SOFTWARE  fiLE Cleaner : CLEANuP v1.1              .
 : φ iNFO  : Serial Number                                                  :
 | φ wHεΓE :                                                 |
 : φ dÆTE  : 05/28/97                                                       :
 ├──────── ────── ───── ── ──  ─ ─ ──  ─  ────  ─ ─  ──  ─ ── ─── ──────────┤
 │                                                                          │
 |          CrÆcKεD ( )    sεRIÆL# (+)    kεYGEN ( )     rEGGεD ( )         |
 │                                                                          │
 ├──────── ────── ───── ── ──  ─  ─    ─ ── ──  ─ ─  ──  ──── ─── ──────────┤
 | φ nOTεs:                                                                 |
 │                  #rEG.nAME: EMX97                                        │
 │                  #rEG.cODE: 558056299756                                 │
 │                                                                          │
 └───── ───── ── ── ─ ─────────── ─ ─ ── ─────── ─ ─ ── ─── ──── ─── sk & X─┘

                             PC97 MeMBeRZ ─-───▄
                      ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

         [ The Keyboard Caper.................................... fOUNDER ]

         [ madmax!.............................................. tHA pREZ ]
         [ Archimede........................................... vICE pREZ ]

         [ n00dles....................................... hEAD mUCKY mUCK ]

         [ tHATDUDE.............................................. aDVISOR ]
         [ AlieN................................................. aDVISOR ]
         [ |mb|.................................................. aDVISOR ]

         [ aquad00d.............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ BLiTZ...............[iDLe]............................ cRACKER ]
         [ Byte Ripper........................................... cRACKER ]
         [ Creature of Hell...................................... cRACKER ]
         [ eMX!................[iDLe]............................ cRACKER ]
         [ FLiPKiCK.............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ G-RoM................................................. cRACKER ]
         [ HackerJack............................................ cRACKER ]
         [ Insidez............................................... cRACKER ]
         [ Jestrz................................................ cRACKER ]
         [ Killer+Bee............................................ cRACKER ]
         [ NuZ................................................... cRACKER ]
         [ NetSpider............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ raZZia................................................ cRACKER ]
         [ Reformed.............................................. cRACKER ]
         [ Saltine............................................... cRACKER ]
         [ STaRDoGG CHaMPioN..................................... cRACKER ]
         [ TeRaPhY............................................... cRACKER ]
         [ XLogic..............[iDLe]............................ cRACKER ]

         [ Pepper............................................... hONORARY ]

         [ alfi5................................................. cOURIER ]
         [ Baloosh............................................... cOURIER ]
         [ Fingers............................................... cOURIER ]
         [ RayF00................................................ cOURIER ]
         [ Turbo Assembler............................ sCRIPTER/bAWT D0OD ]
         [ |mb|..................................... sCRIPTER/bAWT mASTER ]
         [ Creature of Hell...................................... gRAPHIX ]
         [ daze97................................................ d0XDUDE ]

         [ Durk............................................ tRIAL cRACKER ]
         [ NatzGul......................................... tRIAL cRACKER ]
         [ TailGunner...................................... tRIAL cRACKER ]

                          - GRouP AFFiLz -─-───▄
                      ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
        [ MiLLeNiuM .......................... OFFICIAL COURIERS FOR PC! ]
        [ GorGeouS LaDieS Of WaReZ ..... PC IS OFFICIAL CRACKERZ FOR EM! ]

 gREETS: [ GLoW, #cracking, Razor, PWA, DoD, THG, MnM                     ]

   nEWS: [ PhRoZeN CReW is looking for high-quality crackers, asm coders, ]
         [ and dupe checkers.  If you're interested, contact [madmax] or  ]
         [ Archimede on IRC.                                              ]

cOMMENT: [ If you arent in this NFO, and think you should be, contact us. ]

                          We ALWAYS get what we want!  -───▄
                      ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

[Logo design by cH. NFO created by shadow killer ([email protected])] [05/12/97]

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