SUPPLiER.....: Team Substance RELEASEDATE..: 03-10-2004
CRACKER......: Team Substance DiSKS........: 13x5MB
PACKAGER.....: Team Substance TYPE.........: util
R e l e a s e N o t e s
DEFORM-2D is a Finite Element Method (FEM) based process simulation system
designed to analyze two dimensional (2D) flow of various metal forming
processes. It provides vital information about material and thermal flow
during the forming process to facilitate the design of products and required
tooling. DEFORMâ•“-2D has been used by companies worldwide to analyze forging,
extrusion, drawing, heading, upsetting and many other metal forming processes.
DEFORMâ•“-2D offers state-of-the-art process simulation technology. Its powerful
simulation engine is capable of analyzing complex interactions of multiple
deforming objects with different material properties during the metal forming
process. This allows a realistic and accurate modeling of the metal forming
process under production environment. Its sophisticated mesh generator automat-
ically generates an optimized mesh system whenever necessary. By considering
the solution behavior, the mesh generator generates finer elements in regions
where greater solution accuracy is required, thus reducing the overall problem
size and computing requirements. Its flexible and powerful graphical user
interface makes the preparation of input data and examination of result data
very easy to accomplish. The example on the left illustrates a sophisticated
multiple deforming body capability that is unmatched by any simulation program.
This hammer forging includes the entire die stack as elastic bodies. Shown are
contours of effective stress (red is higher). The workpiece (shown in orange)
is deforming with flash using a rigid-plastic material model. Top die stack
movement is based on the hammer energy model. The elastic energy due to die
deflection adds another dimension of accuracy to the simulation result. The 3D
graphic display is created using
I n s t a l l a t i o n
Read Notes.txt into the Crack dir for Install. Have Fun.
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