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CFA Test v1.13 (c) CFA
- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─
│ SUPPLiER ···· : TeamGWA │ DATE ·· : 02/15/2000 │
│ CRACKER ····· : Andrenalin │ TYPE ·· : Kompression │
│ TESTER ······ : TeamGWA │ SiZE ·· : 01 x 2.88mb │
│ PACKAGER ···· : Andrenalin │ OPSYS · : Windows 9x / NT │
│ REQUiREMENTS : Windows PC │
│ ────══■ RELEASE NOTES ■══──── │
CFAtest finds and tests all the Zip's and Rar's on any drive or folder,
including all sub-folders.(fully recursive). And checks for missing Rar's.
Checks crc's of Rar's by getting the crc from the Rar then looking in the
same folder for the .sfv file and verifying. Rar crc verification is coded in
assembly and super fast (over 30M a sec.)
Comments: CFAtest is the fastest and only multi zip/rar tester made. Nothing
comes close to CFAtest's ability, speed and ease of operation.
│ ────══■ iNSTALL NOTES ■══──── │
just install the proggi and use our keygen.
have phun !
- Andrenalin [GWA]
│ ────══■ GROUP NEWS ■══──── │
Lo !
The new year is passing by and GWA is still bringing you the kewlest
Many other groups want to cheat you with their fucked up fake keygens,
that for example seem to generate a serial for your name, but in fact
the program accepts any serial with 18 chars for any name or the fake
keygen gives you valid serials, that are hardcoded and just collected
by the cracker !!! The reason is clear these ppl want fame, but they
don't deserve it for their fake-crap, we prefer making a regged release
then instead of doing a fake blabla.incl.Keygen-XXX release.
We don't mention the exact group names, coz we don't want to expose
those ppl and the keygen fakerz know who they are, another thing is
that we at GWA prefer releasing quality releases instead of talking
shit that nobody wants to know.
Finally don't expect such a shit done by members of GWA, just get our
quality releases and enjoy ;)
Greets from your favourite group ... - TEAM GWA
│ ────══■ APPLiCATiON NFO ■══──── │
│ │
│ We are looking only for highly qualified and dedicated people. If you think │
│ you would be a useful addition to the group and are willing to work hard │
│ contact us immediately. Generally we are looking for : │
│ │
│ Experienced Crackers on a good connection (especially Dongle-Crackers) │
│ Suppliers, who can supply unreleased retail software │
│ Suppliers working for a hardware store able to supply new hardware │
│ Shell-Suppliers (legal shells only) │
│ Reliable Site-Ops - with a T3+ Site │
│ revolutionary ideas... we are always trying to improve the group so │
│ please feel free to report them to us │
│ │
│ ──══■ Apply at : [email protected] ■══── │
│ │
│ ────══■CONTACT US■══──── │
│ ViA: │
│ iRC #gwa (non-public) │
│ EMAiL [email protected] or [email protected] │
│ WWW http://www.gwa-efnet.de │
│ │