Download MailList Controller v1.0 by CC

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes9 (62823 bytes)

cckgamc10.exe 66048 61071
file_id.diz 300 166
cc.nfo 5540 1276


    +==The Celebrity Crackers====+
+==MailList Controller.v1.0 Keygen Only==+
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     ▓██   ▓█          ▓██          ▓██      - niK! -    ▀  ▓██
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 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄██▓▒░[T h e  C e l e b r i t y  C r a c k e r s]░▒▓██▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
█                                                                             █
█ ┌──┐┌──┐┌┐┌────┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐ ┌─┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌┐                          █
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█ │  ┤│ ─┤│└─┐│ ─┤│  │├──││ ─┤ │ ││ │││ ┌┘│ ││├──│┌┐                          ▒
▓ └─┴┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└─┴┘└──┘└──┘ └─┘└─┴┘└─┘ └──┘└──┘└┘                          ░
▒                                                                             ▄
░                                                                             ▀
▄ [Arclab.MailList.Controller.v1.00.Win9xNT.Keygen.only-CC..................] ░
▀                                                                             ▒
░ [Supplier.............................................................niK!] ▓
▒ [Cracker.........................................................TaMaMBoLo] █
▓ [Packager.............................................................niK!] █
█ [Date....................24/01/2000] [Number of disks............01*1.44mb] █
█                                                                             █
█ ┌──┐┌──┐┌┐┌────┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐ ┌──┐┌──┐┌───┐┌──┐┌──┐┌┐                        ▓
█ │ │││──┤││└─┐──┤│ │││ ─┤│──┤ │ │││ ││└─┐┌┘│──┤│ ─┤└┘                        ▒
█ │  ┤│ ─┤│└─┐│ ─┤│  │├──││ ─┤ │ │││ ││  ││ │ ─┤├──│┌┐                        ░
█ └─┴┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└─┴┘└──┘└──┘ └─┴┘└──┘  └┘ └──┘└──┘└┘                        ▄
█ Arclab MailList Controller is  a POP3/SMTP  based application to create and 
█ manage mail- or newslists.
█ All you need is  arclab MailList Controller and an email account. Users can
█ add/remove  from the lists by sending an email to the lists,  filling out a
█ webform. You can also add/remove recipients manually. You can send messages
█ to the lists by sending a single email (using your mailclient) to the list.
█ This email will be forwarded to all list recipients. 
█ Arclab  MailList  Controller  has  advanced  features  like:  auto  remove
█ recipients with mail error (returned mail), send automated welcome and bye
█ messages or recipient limits for the SMTP server.
█                                                            - niK!
█                                                                             ▀
█ ┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌─┬┐ ┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌┐                                 ░
█ │  ││ │││ │││  ││ ││ │ │││ ││└┐┌┘│──┤│ ─┤└┘                                 ▒
█ │├─┤│  ┤│  ││├─┤│  ┤ │ │││ ││ ││ │ ─┤├──│┌┐                                 ▓
█ └──┘└─┴┘└─┴┘└──┘└─┴┘ └─┴┘└──┘ └┘ └──┘└──┘└┘                                 █
█                                                                             █
█ Run the keygen..                                                            █
█                                                                             █
█ ┌──┐┌──┐ ┌──┐┌──┐┌┬┬┐┌──┐┌┐                                                 █
█ │  ││  │ │ │││──┤│││││ ─┤└┘                                                 █
█ │├─┤│├─┤ │ │││ ─┤││││├──│┌┐                                                 █
█ └──┘└──┘ └─┴┘└──┘└──┘└──┘└┘                                                 █
█                                                                             █
█ We are looking for a dump..                                                 ▓
█ mail [email protected]                                         ▒
█                                                                             ░
█ ┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐┌───┐┌──┐┌┐                                                 ▄
█ │  ││ │││──┤│──┤└┐┌─┘│ ─┤└┘                                                 ▀
█ │┌─┤│  ┤│ ─┤│ ─┤ ││┌─┴──│┌┐                                                 ░
█ └──┘└─┴┘└──┘└──┘ └┘└────┘└┘                                                 ▒
█                                                                             ▓
█                     CORE - ECLiPSE - MiB - UCF - TMG                        █
█                                                                             █

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