TEAM YAG presents:
ApacheConf v6.0
Release-Date: 2007-12-01
Program Typ : configure Apache Servers
ApacheConf is a shell (GUI) for configuring Apache web servers. It will help you to tune
the main configuration file of Apache web server (httpd.conf) as well as the files on
which this file refers (files from the "Include" directive, .htpasswd, .htgroup,
.htaccess, log files).
ApacheConf presents all the information in the httpd.conf file in a structured view.
All of the server's directives are grouped by category (Global directives, Directories,
Virtual hosts, etc) and all these groups are represented as a tree. In this way, you can
see the entire structure of the server at a glance and you can easily manage all of the
server's directives, as well as the directories and virtual hosts.
You save time because you use a complete GUI for configuring your server!
A good Apache web server configuration GUI is a great way to introduce you to Apache and
using the Apache web server configuration GUI is faster and easier than configuring
Apache server by hand.
ApacheConf has advanced descriptions all of the server's directives and parameters. You
can easily get help about any directive at any time. It helps the beginner to quickly
master the Apache web server and it will provide a real tutorial for you. For the
experienced user it is an indispensable administrative tool.
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