Download Proactive System Password Recovery v4.0.9 crack by CW2K

Added to site2005-07-30
Votes2 (954491 bytes)

awprhook.dll 57344 19771
awprserv.dll 37888 34984
esil.dll 43008 35915
info.txt 15182 5502
pspr.exe 2357583 857821


 ______                   __                                ______ __    
|      |.----.---.-.----.|  |--.--.--.--.---.-.----.-----. |__    |  |--.
|   ---||   _|  _  |  __||    <|  |  |  |  _  |   _|  -__| |    __|    < 
|______||__| |___._|____||__|__|________|___._|__| |_____| |______|__|__|

									proudly presents
				  Proactive System Password Recovery 4.0.9

how to use:

	0. Download & install Proactive System Password Recovery 4.0.9 from:
	1. copy pspr.exe into 'Proactive System Password Recovery' dir 
		(and overwrite the original one)
	2. Enjoy.

	To provide standalone functionality I include awprhook.dll, esil.dll, awprserv.dll 
	inside that	zip what only makes it 88 KB bigger - but now ppa.exe will run without an
	installation of Proactive System Password Recovery (PSPR).
	However PSPR included an Password dictionary and help-file with isn't included.



The programmer left some backdoor-keyscombos to come over the limitation.
Well for this pspr.exe you don't need them anymore, but anyway it's good
to know the cheat keys. It's likly that they will be still there in the 
next version and if you don't have a crack that might come in handy.

Recovered hashes
	SAM database editor -> OK button unlocked
	(Hold Alt+Ctrl+Shift when click on the link or the OK button to overide demo-restrictions.

Recovered hashes	
	Get SYSTEM privileges - > Link visible	
	(There are no keys to skip)

Domain cached credentials
	When you rightclick on an item -> 'Change Password' appears
	(Hold Shift when rightclick)

	Behind asterisks -> get HTML source in manual mode enable
	(Hold Shift when drag icon on a window)

you are allowed to run more than one instance of the program

Contact:	[email protected]



	 1. Get SYSTEM privileges	QXdwckNoZWF0QWJvdXRNZQ//
	 2. get HTML source			QXdwckNoZWF0RG9tYWluQ3JlZGVudGlhbHM/
	 3. SAM database editor		QXdwckNoZWF0U2FtRWRpdG9y
	 4. Domain credentials		QXdwckNoZWF0SHRtbFNvdXJjZQ//
	 5. Logo in aboutbox			QXdwckNoZWF0SGFzaExpbms/


Proactive System Password Recovery (PSPR; former Advanced Windows Password Recovery) 
	Advanced Windows Password Recovery	 WDPR-4URK-SV9Y-ETFW-QJDFE-ABKN-VFFRA

oep:				IDT:          
00139471       0015B000      
00539471       0055B000...858

Security envelope: ASProtect SKE 2.11
ASPR Tricks:

0. Set Breakpoints at loadlibrary at the end(at Ret) and not at the beginning
   or they will cause troubles. Like getting int3 when copied, detected or skipped
1.   Uses GetCurrentProcessId and hardcodes PID into polymorph code it produces
   The PID is stored in the thread Info block at the end of user mem (here 7FFDD000).
   That's all what GetCurrentProcessId does

   FS:Get 20 GetCurrentProcessId

   00E50000    64:A1 18000000  MOV     EAX, [FS:18]
   00E50006    8B40 20         MOV     EAX, [EAX+20]

		The TIB (thread Info block)
		7FFDD000  0012FFE0  (Pointer to SEH chain)
		7FFDD004  00130000  (Top of thread's stack)
		7FFDD008  0012D000  (Bottom of thread's stack)
		7FFDD00C  00000000
		7FFDD010  00001E00
		7FFDD014  00000000
		7FFDD018  7FFDD000		<- FS:18 pointer on self
		7FFDD01C  00000000
		7FFDD020  00000F0C		<- EAX+20 = ProcessID (PID)
		7FFDD024  000022E0  (Thread ID)
		7FFDD028  00000000
		7FFDD02C  00000000  (Pointer to Thread Local Storage)
		7FFDD030  7FFDE000
		7FFDD034  00000006  (Last error = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
   so you need to fix the PID 
   for example like this (if PID is 021f)
   	mov eax, 021f
   before you can dumped the exe together with Aspr code from Mem

2. ASPR detects breakpoints on range like bpmr 401000 15b000 via
   kernel32.VirtualQuery. So if you've set an bpmr to easy find the OEP
   also set an breakpoint on VirtualQuery and keep an eye on retvalues

3. selfchecks inside ASPR code. avoid normal cc-breakpoint - use hardwarebpx
   instead. To disable those copy original aspr-code to an other mem location
   and redirect pointers to this. So it will check not check the actually code
   but get's out the correct checksums

4. The come around filesself check after you've dumped it. Let it check
   original instead of the real one. modify the retval of GetModuleFilename.
   for ex it it's "\dumped.exe" change it to "\dumped.ex1" and copy
   myapp.exe -> dumped.ex1

imports make by aspr

00C7B9D0  kernel32.GetProcAddress
00C7B9D4  kernel32.LoadLibraryA
00C7B9D8  kernel32.MapViewOfFile
00C7B9DC  kernel32.FindResourceA
00C7B9E0  kernel32.IsBadReadPtr
00C7B9E4  kernel32.UnmapViewOfFile
00C7B9E8  kernel32.CloseHandle
00C7B9EC  kernel32.CreateFileMappingA
00C7B9F0  kernel32.CreateFileA
00C7B9F4  kernel32.IsDebuggerPresent
00C7B9F8  kernel32.GetSystemTime
00C7B9FC  kernel32.VirtualAlloc
00C7BA00  kernel32.VirtualFree
00C7BA04  kernel32.GetCurrentProcessId

Log data
7C801D77   CALL to LoadLibraryA from 00C778C3
             FileName = "OLEAUT32.dll"
7C801D77   CALL to LoadLibraryA from 00C778C3
             FileName = "OLEAUT32.dll"
7C801D77   CALL to LoadLibraryA from 00C778C3
             FileName = "OLEAUT32.dll"
00C6A0F5   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
7C80994E   CALL to GetCurrentProcessId from 00C6A1F9
00C6A383   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6A53B   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6A6F1   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6A7CE   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6C8DE   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
7C801A24   CALL to CreateFileA from 00C61607
             FileName = "\\.\Scsi0:"
             Access = GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE
             pSecurity = NULL
             Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
             Attributes = 0
             hTemplateFile = NULL
00C6CA6A   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
7C80994E   CALL to GetCurrentProcessId from 00C6AC2B
00C6CC28   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6D03A   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6D50F   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6D6E1   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6956F   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00C6AF46   Access violation when writing to [00000000]
00539471   Hardware breakpoint 4 at 

***************** Deobfuscation ************

In the polymorph code creator is some hardcodeflag
something like mov dl,01 that will enable/disable
junkcode and obfuscation...

	4   addr
	8   ObjNewAdr
10   junk math
11   junk jmps
	14 Objoldadr
	18 ObjCounter

if 11,12,13=0 and 14=-1 then selfmod

eax+13 = 00 
eax+11 = 00 -> no junk   ! is normally 1
eax+12 = 00 
eax+14 = dw -1 

**** Finding OEP ***

bp on CreateFileA or VirtualQuery
bpr 401000 {a0000} <-BP on Range of .text section
in ollydbg open memorywindow .text, press f2..

*** rebuilding Imports ***

write a script:

1.inside Aspr-redirector-call set bp when API is resolved
	write the resolved API over the aspr call and return
2. scans whole .text section for redirect API- calls (Call ea0000) and excute it

*** my OllyScript's ***

Note: Expect 'ASProtect 2.0 OEP-finder.txt' which runs well.
The others will need some manual adaption.
After I downloaded some ASProtect 2.0 i saw:
To understand a script is often hard and more timeconsuming than to
write an own one. So if you feel confused - I really advice you to write your own script.

Use the 'osc' of the commandline to run a script which is fast than
to start it all the time from the plugin/menu.

ASProtect 2.0 OEP-finder.txt >>>

// Script for OllyScript plugin by CW2K -
* =========================================================
* ASProtect 2.0 OEP-finder script
* Author: CW2K
* note: ignore all exceptions and clear all breakpoints
* This script depends on API's:
* -CreateFileA(\\SCSI) - ASPR calls to get HD-Identifikation
* -VirtualQuery - ASPR calls to detect Memory Breakpoint on Range
   VirtualQuery is only call if OEP-Protection is enabled
* =========================================================
log "Storing CODEBASE & CODESIZE for use in 'Memory Breakpoint on Range' later"
   var cbase
   gmi eip, CODEBASE
   mov cbase, $RESULT

   var csize
   gmi eip, CODESIZE
   mov csize, $RESULT


log "Set one-shot BPX on end(Ret 001c) of CreateFileA (used to get HD-serial)..."
   gpa "CreateFileA","kernel32.dll"
   find $RESULT,#C21C00#
   log $RESULT
   go $RESULT

log "Setting Memory Breakpoint on Range"
log cbase
log csize
   bprm cbase, csize

log "Set one-shot BPX VirtualQuery..."
   gpa "VirtualQuery","kernel32.dll"
   go $RESULT

// Check whether VirtualQuery or CreateFileA hit
   var tmp
   mov tmp,cbase
   add tmp,csize
   cmp eip,tmp
   jb OEP-Found

   // it's VirtualQuery...
      log "BPX VirtualQuery Triggered! Temporary disabling bpmr to aviod detection..."   
      rtr   // = Run Till Return
      sto   // exit VirtualQuery

      sto   // exit ASPR bprm-detect

      rtr   // exit ASPR pointer init call

   log "Restoring Memory Breakpoint on Range"
      bprm cbase, csize
      run   // for some strange reason the second run is necessary

   cmt eip, "OEP found with CW2K's ASProtect 2.0 script"
   msgyn "Continue and rebuild redirected API's?"
   cmp $RESULT,1
   jne Norebuild
   #inc "ASProtect 2.0 Rebuild.txt"
   msgyn "Continue and decrypt ASPR-chunk's?"
   cmp $RESULT,1
   jne Nodecrypt
   msg "Execute code manually till filecheck to init Decryptionkey - then resume script."
   #inc "ASProtect 2.0 decrypt.txt"

ASProtect 2.0 Rebuild.txt >>>

// find all redirected Calls ('call EA0000')

var reladr
var bytedata
var ASPRCall
   mov ASPRCall, EA0000

VAR ImportStart
   mov ImportStart, 55B000

VAR ImportEnd
   mov ImportEnd, 55DA00

var oldIP
   mov oldIP,eip

var i

      sub ASPRCall,5
      GMI eip, CODEBASE      
      find $RESULT, #E8??????00#
      cmp $RESULT,0   
   je done

      mov reladr,ASPRCall
      sub reladr,$RESULT

   //   log adr
   //   log reladr
      inc $RESULT
      cmp [$RESULT], reladr
   je found1
      jmp loop

      eval "Done! - {count} API's fixed."
      log $RESULT

      mov eip,oldIP
      jmp end2 

   // Recover Call
      mov i,$RESULT

      var count
      inc count

      dec i
//      log i
      mov eip,i

// Break into Asprotect 2.0 Advance Import redirecting proc
// map
// MainExe
// ...
// call Ea000...
//    callC7xxxx ....
//         Call C76xxx
//            Call Checksum
//            Call 00C76255; getimportadr
go 00C76255         // Fix Offset!!!

// Show actual/found API start offset
//log eax

// find Offset in original IAT
var impadr
mov impadr,ImportStart

cmp [impadr],eax
je found

add impadr,4
cmp impadr,ImportEnd
jb loop1

   log "imp_not_found"


// show found IAT Entry adress
//log impadr

//skip memchunk-part & get current call offset

//find eip, #8B45F8#
//mov eip, $RESULT
mov eip, 00C762B7

//8B45 F8         MOV     EAX, [EBP-8]
//83E8 04         SUB     EAX, 4
//8B55 F0         MOV     EDX, [EBP-10]
//8910            MOV     [EAX], EDX
//8B45 0C         MOV     EAX, [EBP+C]
//find eip, #8B450C#
//go $RESULT
go 00C762C2 

var retvar
log edx
mov retvar,edx

// Fix import Call  (edx:   CALL [i])
mov [edx],#FF15#
add edx,2
mov [edx],impadr

go retvar

      mov $RESULT,i
jmp continue


ASProtect 2.0 decrypt.txt >>>

// find & decrypt all crypted codepart ('call 004FF370')
Example codesnipped
  FF35 808C4000   PUSH    [DWORD 408C80]
  5A              POP     EDX
  68 808C4000     PUSH    00408C80   <-Start of data
  5A              POP     EDX
  68 318D4000     PUSH    00408D31   <-End of data
  58              POP     EAX
  8955 F4         MOV     [EBP-C], EDX
  2BC2            SUB     EAX, EDX
  8945 FC         MOV     [EBP-4], EAX
  8B4D FC         MOV     ECX, [EBP-4]
  51              PUSH    ECX
  8B55 F4         MOV     EDX, [EBP-C]
  52              PUSH    EDX
  B9 50125A00     MOV     ECX, 005A1250 <- Decryptionkey - comes from filechecksumproc 
  E8 05670F00     CALL    <004FF370>
  8945 F0         MOV     [EBP-10], EAX
  837D F0 00      CMP     [DWORD EBP-10], 0
  7D 05           JGE     SHORT 00408C79
  E9 C3000000     JMP     00408D3C         ;Skip enc data
  B8 808C4000     MOV     EAX, 00408C80   ;useless data start
  EB 0B           JMP     SHORT 00408C8B
  13FF            ADC     EDI, EDI
  2A66 9E         SUB     AH, [ESI-62]
  883D 99ACBFFF   MOV     [FFBFAC99], BH
  2E:90           NOP                      ;useless data end
  04 D2           ADD     AL, 0D2         ;encrypted data...
  51              PUSH    ECX


var reladr
var bytedata
var ASPRCall
   mov ASPRCall, 004FF370

var oldIP
   mov oldIP,eip

   sub ASPRCall,5

//B9 50125A00     MOV     ECX, 005A1250
      find $RESULT, #B950125A00E8#
      cmp $RESULT,0   
   je done

      add $RESULT,5
      mov reladr,ASPRCall
      sub reladr,$RESULT
      inc $RESULT
      cmp [$RESULT], reladr
   je found1

//      sub $RESULT,5
      jmp loop

      eval "Done! - {count} chunks fixed."
      log $RESULT
      mov eip,oldIP
      jmp eof1

// Recover Call
   var i
      mov i,$RESULT

   var count
   inc count

   var start
      mov start,i
      sub start,40
   // FF35 0AD64100   PUSH    [DWORD 41D60A]      
      find start, #FF35??????005a#
      mov start,$RESULT
      mov eip,start
    var ende
       mov ende, i
      add ende, 4
// execute

   var pre
      mov pre,edx
   var post      
      mov post,eax
      go ende
   var fixed
      mov fixed,ende
      log fixed

      sub ende,start
      fill start, ende, 90
      mov [start],#33c040#      
      sub pre,7
      fill pre, 12, 90
      sub post,7
      fill post, 12, 90
      mov $RESULT,i
jmp continue


# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z