// CRaK - HeD \\
|| ||
\\ Introduces //
Sonic Foundry Acid Pro 3.0, build 189 -=LOADER=-
[x] Loader (CRaK-HeD's Loader)
[x] Patch (LASH's Patch)
!!! This loader file is not a stand alone patch. It must be used with
LASH (tm) patch and regfile, or buying the program serial for demo !!!
In this Final Version 1 of CRaK-Loader, LASH's patch has been included.
This means this package is a LASH patch with a CRaK-HeD Addon. GIVE
LASH 100% full credit for the patch and intense efforts they have endured.
CRaK-HeD and LASH have no affiliation with one another and do not accept
the other's responsibilty. The LASH patch has been included within the
seperate ls_acid30b189.zip file and all LASH documentation MUST be read !
IMPORTANT! This program is not intended to be used. Do not use this program !
Usage: If you recently purchased a SF Serial number and are being nagged !
When you install and run the trial version of SFAcid, you get a nag
screen every time you start, asking you to download an additional product
from Sonic Foundry. If you buy the serial number from Sonic Foundry
and register your demo copy, the nag screen remains and tells you that
you are eligable to download several products for free. This nag screen
is not removed by using the patches or reg patches availible from "LASH".
If you do legally purchase a serial number from sonic foundry, but loose
your registration and are forced to use a reg patch, such as "LASH's"
( LasH is: fanlashtic.tsx.org ) [Thanks to all] then you may use this
program to bypass the nag startup screen.
Confusing as it seems, the nag screen remains on a legally registered
copy of SF Acid 3.0. Use this loader to bypass it entirely.
Program: Currently Version 1.0 Final with Configuration editor.
This loader can be run from any point on your PC to load SF ACID 3.0
If you changed the SFAcid folder and need to setup the loader, you can
use the enclosed SFConfig.exe file to edit preferences, or with the old
way by simply start the SFloader.exe program with a /s switch. Example:
SFloader.exe /s
-------CRaK-HeD-------- 6-20-2k1
Do not use this file. Use of this loader may be a violation of law in your
area. The screens provided by Sonic Foundry are legal advertisment and are not
meant to be removed. Any use of this program illegally is no responsibility of
my own. This program is not to be distributed ! Simple bypass example final 1.
SONIC FOUNDRY ACID PRO 3.0 build 189 Demo
[x] Loader (When used with additional measures)
[x] Patch (LASH Patch, Shout outs to LASH !)
Loader By: CRaK-HeD (No affiliation with LASH or any participating persons)
Patch By: LASH (Please visit them and give them full credit)
This loader must be used in addition to LASH's patch or purchased upgrade.
LasH is: ReanimatoR│ Find us at:
: Shaligar│
│ The Netmech│
│ Sempai│ fanlashtic.tsx.org