Download Winzip Self Extractor v2.2 build 3210 keygen by rXX

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes10 (8938 bytes)

File_Id.diz 551 230
keygen.exe 8192 4760
rXX.nfo 13538 3642


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   |    °.° ·    °$$°                      d!J/bAfh |
   :                      refleXXion                :
   ·─ [Winzip Self Extractor v2.2 build 3210 [01/01]·


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                                 -> Reflexxion Most Proudly Present <-

 °°°°°°°°$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$refleXXion roXX tha world!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$°°°°°°
   $$$$$        °°°°°°$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$°°°°°°        $$$$$
   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$      °°°°$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$°°°       $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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   $$$  │  ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │ $$$$
   │$$$ │  │          Winzip Self Extractor v2.2 build 3210           │  │ $$$│
   │ $$$$  └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  Supplier ..: sMok3al0t         Release Date.: 10/15-00        $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  Cracker ...: sMok3 & Gratiz!   Release Type.: packer tool     $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  Packager ..: tEAM rXX          Disk(s) .....: 1 * 2,88 mb     $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  Protection.: l33t algo/serial  Rating ......: [oooooooooo]    $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                           			      [1o/1o]    $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  CPU.......: 200 Mhz                                           $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  RAM.......: [ ] 16   [ ] 32      [X] 64  [ ] 128              $$$$ │
   │$$$$│  GFX.......: [ ] 3DFX [ ] OPEN GL [ ] D3D [ ] SOFTWARE         │$$$$│
   $$$$ │                                                                │ $$$$
  ┌$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┐
  ├──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──$$$  RELEASE NOTE!  $$$──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──┤
  └$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┘

  What is WinZip Self-Extractor?

  WinZip Self-Extractor creates Windows self-extracting Zip files.
  These self-extracting Zip files are ideal for Internet file distribution 
  because they: 

  (1) can contain multiple compressed files, minimizing download time and
      ensuring that important files do not become separated from the rest
      of the package;

  (2) allow the receiver to use a familiar Windows interface to decompress
      files, without owning or knowing how to use a separate unzip utility;

  (3) optionally run a "setup" or "installation" program,which may be included
      by the developer when the files are decompressed. 

  WinZip Self-Extractor is a more powerful version of WinZip Self-Extractor 
  Personal Edition, which is included with WinZip, an award-winning utility to
  manipulate Zip files.  
  For more information on WinZip see About WinZip.

  For information describing Zip files and self-extracting Zip files, 
  the benefits of self-extracting Zip files, and a brief overview of WinZip 
  Self-Extractor operation, see About self-extracting Zip files.

  Summary of key WinZip Self-Extractor features

   ╖ Easy distribution of one or more compressed files.

   ╖ Wizard simplifies building new self-extracting Zip files.

   ╖ Supports the ability to create a single self-extracting Zip file that
     spans multiple removable disks. No special software is required during 

   ╖ You can use your own icon for self-extracting Zip files.

   ╖ You can specify an optional command to run when the unzip operation 
     completes, making it easy to run a SETUP program included in a 
     self-extracting Zip file.

   ╖ Any folder information in the Zip file is automatically restored.

   ╖ 100% compatible with the Zip 2.0 standard.

  Awards and quotes

   ╖ "5-Cow Rating",
   ╖ "5-Star Rating",
   ╖ "Get It Rating", Windows
   ╖ "Best Choice Pick of the Week", WUGNET


  * You may notice TRPS┤s Self Extractor Release in the middle of '98 *

  06-02-1998 - Winzip_SelfExtractor_V2.2_Build1110_Regged-TRPS  

  This one is very old and the only one find on site lists, we proudly
  present you the newest build 3210 after 1 1/2 year of nonupdate.

  Here are other details which also changed between build 1110 / 3210.

    ╖ If an .INF file was specified as a parameter to the command to execute
      after the unzip operation completes, the .INF was used as the command 
      instead. This has been corrected. 
    ╖ .PIF files can once again be specified as the optional command to
      execute after the unzip operation completes. 

    ╖ Support for code-signed self-extracting Zip files using Microsoft
      Authenticode has been restored. 

    ╖ Uninstalling WinZip Self-Extractor now displays a message
      indicating the uninstall has completed. 

    ╖ Attempting to start WinZip Self-Extractor when another instance is
      running will now display a message that WinZip Self-Extractor is busy 
      and to try again later. 

    ╖ This build now runs under Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0,
      Windows 2000, and Windows Me, and the self-extracting Zip files it 
      creates will run under all the same operating systems. 
      All self-extracting Zip files are now full 32-bit applications and will
      not run under Windows 3.1. 

    ╖ The help dialog displayed when WinZip Self-Extractor is run using the
      /? command line option now includes updated information on the
      wzipse32.exe command line options. 

    ╖ Clicking "Help" while creating a large spanned self-extracting Zip 
      file now displays more meaningful help information. 
    ╖ The "Ready to Create" panel in the Wizard for self-extracting Zip files
      for Software Installation now displays the location of the selected 
      icon, if one is selected. 

  ┌$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┐
  ├──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──$$$  iNSTALL NOTE!  $$$──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──┤
  └$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┘

  This was one major bitch to keygen, it took us (Gratiz and sMok3al0t) one 
  whole night to make a successfully 100% working keygen, so its 11:23 am
  and were totally fucked up so enjoy another great release fromm ya 
  friends at refleXXion!

  Just install your chosen program and use the attached keygen to make your
  own valid serial for your name. (Use at least 1 char on your name)

     Gratiz // sMoke3al0t

  ┌$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┐
  ├──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──$$$ NEWS [10/15-00] $$$──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──┤
  └$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┘
   $$$$ │                                                                  $$$$
   │$$$ │  * refleXXion is always in need of skilled people, who want      $$$│
   │ $$$$    to be part in our family.                                   $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    Especially hunting for Software Supplier & Cracker :)       $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    Dont hesitate to contact us!                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  * MLM / MNT / TPG / CVS are now rXX affiled sites,            $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    a warm welcome to our site staff                            $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$  * You run a estabilished site & want to be affiled with rXX?  $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    No Problem!                                                 $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    Just contact your friends at refleXXion via                 $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    email/IRC and we shall make the deal.                       $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │$$$ │                                                  - sMok3al0t     $$$│
   $$$$ │                                                                  $$$$
  ┌$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┐
  ├──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──$$$   GROUP SiTES   $$$──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──┤
  └$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┘
   $$$$ │                                                                │ $$$$
   │$$$ │                                                                │ $$$│
   │ $$$$        [BPS] B*** P** S***** ... .. .. . . .. .. .RHQ          $$$$ │
   │ $$$$        [MLM] M**L****M.. ... ... .. .. . . .. .. EUHQ          $$$$ │
   │ $$$$        [CVS] C*V*S.. ... ... ... .. .. . .HungarianHQ          $$$$ │
   │ $$$$        [MNT] M**N***T... ... ... .. .. . . .Brazil HQ          $$$$ │
   │ $$$$        [TPG] T** P****** G****** .. .. . . .. ..USHQ!          $$$$ │
   │ $$$$        [XXX] . .. .. ... ... ... .. .. . . APPLY NOW!          $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$        WE'RE ESPECiALLY iN NEED OF VCD/iSO/MP3 SiTES!          $$$$ │
   │ $$$$        CONTACT US!                                             $$$$ │
   │$$$ │                                                                │ $$$│
   $$$$ │                                                                │ $$$$
  ┌$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┐
  ├──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──$$$    MEMBERSHiP   $$$──$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$──┤
  └$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  $$$───────────────$$$  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$┘
   $$$$ │                                                                │ $$$$
   │$$$ │                                                                │ $$$│
   │ $$$$             So, if you decided to join our awesome             $$$$ │
   │ $$$$             group - you can simply contact with us             $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                   through e-mail or reach us                   $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                     via Internet Relay Chat                    $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$             (WWW)  http://[email protected]   (WWW)             $$$$ │
   │ $$$$            (EMAiL)  [email protected]    (EMAiL)            $$$$ │
   │ $$$$ 	    (CHANNEL)  #refleXXion / efNet   (CHANNEL)           $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                                                                $$$$ │
   │ $$$$                           GREETINGS!                           $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    $$$$                                                 $$$$   $$$$ │
   │ $$$$   $$$$  Groups : CDX, PLT, SYC, RZR, CLS, BLH, SAE, SAC  $$$$  $$$$ │
   │ $$$$──$$$$            CRO, SLT, UCF, MYTH, E!, DOD, SHOCK...   $$$$─$$$$ │
   │ $$$$   $$$$                                                   $$$$  $$$$ │
   │ $$$$    $$$$    * LAST MONTH-TOP CRACKER WAS nobody WiTH *   $$$$   $$$$ │
   │$$$ │                         [00] OF [00]                           │ $$$│
   $$$$ │                            CRACKS                              │ $$$$
   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    .$.     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    ..$$$$$$$$$$..     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$      ....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...       $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
   $$$$$        ......$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......        $$$$$
 °°°°$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$° °$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$°°°°
°      $ Heather + Layout Done By Doc_Jones/BAFH * Nfo Update [10/15-00] $

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