Download TextAloud MP3 v1.4xx serial by CrackDigit

Added to site2003-12-31
Votes10 (58752 bytes)

file_id.diz 283 80
CRACKDIGIT.nfo 4601 1320
keygen.exe 169984 57128


     ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
    ||C |||R |||A |||C |||K |||D |||I |||G |||I |||T ||
    TextAloud MP3 v1.4xx


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                            │││┌┤└┤┌┤ ├─│┌┤ ││││┌┤││
                            └┘└─┴─┴─┴┴┴─┴─┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘

      Target Program: [ TextAloud MP3 v1.4xx                       ]
      Cracker:        [ xOr                                        ]
      Crack Type:     [ Serial                                     ]
      OS:             [ Win9x/NT/2000/XP                           ]
      Release Date:   [ 03-06-2003                                 ]
      Language:       [ English                                    ]
      Packer:         [ DRO                                        ]
      Tester:         [ DRO                                        ]
      Source:         [ Digit Magazine May 2003 (Mindware)         ]

                            ┌─┬┬┬─┬─┬┬┬─┬──┐ ┌┬─┬─┬─┐
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                            │┌┤││││││││ ││││ ││││┌┤││
                            └┘└┘└─┴─┴┘└┴┴┴┴┘ └┴┴┴┘└─┘

      TextAloud  MP3  enables  your PC to read text aloud in any of several
      available  voices.  It  resides in your Windows tray, always ready to
      read  aloud  your  text from email, web pages, and documents. You can
      listen  immediately  or  prefer  to  save to WAV or MP3 files to hear
      later  at  your  convenience.  Use  TextAloud MP3 to store your daily
      reading materials on MP3 audio files for portable MP3 players, Pocket
      PCs  or  Palms  so  you  can  listen  while  exercising, commuting or


      Use the following to register TextAloud MP3 v1.415:
      RegKey: 2221111129012480 


                      WWW:  [   ]
                      WWW:  []
                      WWW:  [  ]

                      Mail: [ [email protected]    ]
                      Mail: [ [email protected]    ]


                         ScrEEmur          [ Founder, Web ]
                         DRO               [ Founder, Ascii, GFX, Web ]
                         GoldiLOKKS        [ Admin, Coder ]
                         iNanIm8           [ Cracker ]
                         DrastiK           [ Cracker ]
                         xOr               [ Cracker ]
                         miNUS41           [ Cracker ]
                         TOD               [ Cracker ]
                         nuLL              [ Cracker ]
                         b4me              [ Cracker ]
                         boNeR             [ Cracker ]
                         swastik           [ Trial Member ]

                          NFO last updated 28.05.03

                   Best viewed in Notepad in 'Terminal' Font

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