PC-RSBUY v 1.6 Reg-Tool for SalesAgent protected BUY-Software
by Pepper [PC] November 1997
more than a crack/patch/keygen: a complete system to register
2. Principle of BUY Program Protection
3. Contents of PC-RSBUY Pack
4. Installation of PC-RSBUY
5. Use of PC-RSBUY
6. Register Protected Programs Step by Step
7. FAQ - Troubleshooting
Don't mix up "BUY" Programs with "TRY and BUY" Programs. Both
use similar protection schemes but have to be treated totally
different. If you want to register "TRY and BUY" Software see
for the Registration System PC-RSAG - also from Pepper [PC].
Before using PC-RSBUY to unlock a Software it is recommended
to run the Software directly. By this you will see what kind
of Software it is (BUY ONLY or TRY and BUY). You also see the
possible Payment Methods (see later for that detail).
PC-RSBUY is programmed in VB 3.0 and therefore needs some
additional files (see Chapter 3). As VB 3.0 is a 16-bit
program all files in the "Open File" are displayed with
short filenames. Sample:
a file named "WonderfulWorld" is shown as "WONDER~1"
If there are a few programs in the same folder having the
same first 6 letters you may also see "WONDER~2" and so on.
Anyway PC-RSBUY runs without problems in Windows 95.
2. Principle of BUY Program Protection
A BUY-Program is similar to so called "TRY and BUY" Software
but cannot be run for a trial period. Often they are supplied
as a single EXE-File where no Installation is required. When
started immediately a Registration dialog appears and the
Program will finally be installed if a valid "Unlock Code"
was entered.
In few cases the BUY-Software is supplied with an Installer
but finally after the Insallation is finished there is a Main
Program that will start the BUY-Dialog.
3. Contents of PC-RSBUY Pack
PC-RSBUY is packed as a ZIP-file named PC-RSBUY.ZIP containing
PC-RSBUY.TXT The Info-File you read at the moment
FILE_ID.DIZ Shortcut of the Pack
PC.NFO General Info of the Pack and of [PC]
PC-RSBUY.SIG PGP Signature of the Main Program
PC-RSBUY is written in VB3 and needs to have installed
in your Windows System:
Get them from all over the Net...
(see Pages for Visual Basic 3.0)
4. Installation of PC-RSBUY
Copy PC-RSBUY on your harddisk wherever you want. Create an
Icon on your Win95 Desktop or in Windows 3.x as usual for easy
5. Use of PC-RSBUY
Before running PC-RSBUY you should know name and location of
the Program you want to register. Use the property function
of the Program icon (right mouse click) or use the Explorer
or File Manager to check the folders on your harddisk.
Now start PC-RSBUY. Click on the button "Select" and you get
an "Open File" menue. Select the appropriate drive and folder
as usual to find the Program you want to register. When found
click OK and check the Status line on the bottom. PC-RSBUY
scans the selected Program and if detected to be a BUY-File
will display the BUY-Type (see Chapter 6 for differences
of the BUY-Types).
If no BUY-Type was found you may have selected a TRY and BUY
Program or an unknown Type (see Chapter 7 for more).
You will see the button "Patch" enabled now. Click on "Patch"
and the buttons "Run" and "Clean" are enabled. Always a Copy
of the Original Program named PC-BUY.EXE is made and patched.
Later (or now) you can click on "Clean" to delete PC-BUY.EXE
To start the registration click on "Run". Now PC-BUY.EXE is
launched and runs like the original but you will be able to
register now (see Chapter 6). Lets assume you have done the
registration and closed the Program you are back at PC-RSBUY.
Remark: some Programs cannot be registered on the first time
and need a second start. If so, close the Program and when
back to PC-RSBUY click on "Run" a second time. Now complete
the registration, close the now registered Program and you
are back at PC-RSBUY. You may continue to register further
Programs or quit or to clean up. It is recommended always to
click on "Clean" because that will delete PC-BUY.EXE to save
Hard Disk space.
You do no longer need any patch or backup after successful
registration. All BUY-Type 1 programs are registered including
a valid License File. If you later will uninstall such Programs
and install again they remain registered. Thats typical for
"SalesAgent" of BUY-Type 1. You only lose the license when
reinstalling Windows 95 or crash your Registry. If so run
PC-RSBUY again. BUY-Type 2 Programs must be registered again
when deleted.
6. Register Protected Programs Step by Step
Two Types of SalesAgent Lockers for BUY-Software are detected:
- Type 1 using internal 32-bit SalesAgent
- Type 2 using internal 16-bit SalesAgent
Let us start with Type 2. Such Programs can always be unlocked
by PC-RSBUY. There is no need to walk thru all dialogs or to
enter any datas. Just run, click on the BUY NOW button (if one
is shown), click on the NEXT button and a messagebox appears
showing "Serial Number: ". Click on OK and you see the
typical screen that you are registered. IMPORTANT: to continue
you must click on the CANCEL button. Any other button will ask
for a name to be entered (what is impossible). But as soon as
you click on the CANCEL button the program will be installed.
The License File will NOT show any Serial Number, but thats
no problem. You never need that License File after the program
is installed.
To register Type 1 Software you have to walk thru the complete
registration dialog. That could be like that:
- Fill in the "User Registration" - some fields must be filled
others can be left free, so try until the button "Continue"
- Jump over the next screen till "Select Payment Method"
- Often its your choice to select by Visa or by Check (Mail).
If only Payment by CreditCard is possible select Visa and
enter 1234-1234-1234-1378 for a valid Card Number, 09/99
for valid until and Visa as Card Name.
- Select Communications Method and there "Order by Mail"
- Click on "Done" and you are back in your Program
- Close the Program and run a second time
- Mostly it is sufficient to click on the OK button without
having entered any Unlock Code. If you get an errormessage
see below...
- If you select the Communications Method "by Phone" you will
be immediately asked for an "Unlocking Code". Just click on
the OK button and mostly you are registered.
ERRORMESSAGES: in few cases you may get an errormessage. If so
try to enter something for the Unlocking Code. Mostly 10 digits
are required. So try to enter from 5 to 20 digits (xyz...). If
nothinh works try another Payment method (click on Re-Register
and change the method). See Chapter 7 for details why sometimes
not all methods may work and what to do.
In few cases you will only have the choice to register Online
by INTERNET or by MODEM. If so you will NOT be able to register
a BUY-Type 1 program. Such a combination (Type 1 and only Online
Registration) was not found yet. If you know of such a Program
please send information to evaluate an upgrade for the same.
After you have registered ONE Program, your datas entered at
"User Registration" are stored in RSAGENT.INI in the Windows
directory. Also your "Method of Payment". Next time you register
another Program the procedure is shorter. If a registration is
not possible delete RSAGENT.INI and try again. Very few Programs
do not work if RSAGENT.INI was found.
7. FAQ - Troubleshooting
Q: Why is it sometimes necessary to enter the correct length
of a Dummy for the "Unlocking Code" and why does not always
any Payment Method work ?
A: The BUY-Programs have the "SalesAgent" inside and so it
is not possible to create an external "Crack DLL" like for
the "TRY and BUY" types. That means BUY-Programs are far away
from a "Standard" form and are much more difficult to scan.
All in all 4 scans are done to find BUY-Type 1 Programs. If
all 4 scans are successful you will have no trouble with the
Unlocking Code and both Payment Methods (by MAIL and by PHONE)
will work. If less than 4 scans are successful you may still
be able to register but less comfortable.
Q: Why does the patch not eliminate the VisaCard Number query ?
A: Same as above and to avoid too many scan procedures with
possible faults.
Q: Why are BUY-Type 1 Programs not patched like BUY-Type 2 ?
A: The methods are totally different - BUY Type 2 is the older
method and more simple.
Q: Does PC-RSBUY run in Windows NT ?
A: It runs in NT 4.0 but problems have been reported for Windows 98.
Q: Is there really no problem with long File Names ?
A: Not yet observed - but run Scandisk what is recommended
to be done regularly.
Q: I get messages of wrong Version or Language for a VBX or
DLL file when starting PC-RSBUY.
A: Make a copy of your VBX or DLL and try other Versions.
Q: Does PC-RSBUY also work with BUY Programs for Windows CE
Handheld Computers ?
A: If the BUY Program can be run in Windows 95 it will work.
But the unlocked Program will only run on the Handheld Computer
for which it was designed for.
Q: My TMP or TEMP folder is more and more filled with a lot of
stuff after registered some Programs.
A: Is not a subject of PC-RSBUY but a bad "side effect" of
"SalesAgent". Reboot and delete what Windows does not refuse.
Q: A BUY-Type 2 was found, anything seems to work but finally
did not.
A: Seldom observed but try to delete the RSAGENT.INI in your
Windows directory and start again.
Q: Everything worked, the Program was installed but when running
the Program I was asked for a Serial Number.
A: Not a subject of PC-RSBUY. That would happen also without
PC-RSBUY. Complain at the author of the Program.
Q: Everything worked, the Program was installed but when running
I got some errormessages.
A: Not a subject of PC-RSBUY. That would happen also without
PC-RSBUY. Complain at the author of the Program for bad packing.
Q: I have a Program with similar Registration Dialog but it
is not detected by PC-RSBUY.
A: Perhaps it's a "TRY and BUY" Program. If the trial period
is over you only can buy. Therefore run PC-RSAG which is the
right system to register "TRY and BUY" Programs protected with
Q: What should I do if nothing works ?
A: Write down all info displayed, Program Name, WEB Page
where to get from. The more details the better. Post the
request on Usenet "crack" pages, KeyWord "PC-RSBUY".
... with greetings to Saltine [PC] and many thanks
to Insane One for all the work with Beta Testing...
Pepper [PC]