Download True Launch Bar v1.1.0.9 beta by TSRh

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes11 (98068 bytes)

namesizecompressed 2133 2133
file_id.diz 581 244
tsrh.nfo 2934 883
.exe 220160 94486


┌-───────┐ ┌-────┐  ┌-────┐  ┌-─┬──┐
└──┤  ├─-┘ |   ·-┤  │  │  │  │  ·  │
   │  │    ├──·  │  │  · ─┤  │  .  │
   │  :    └─────┘  └──┴─-┘  └──┴─-┘
   |  .  The Sabotage Rebelion hackers
   :  ·       Proudly Presents:
   .    ╔════─────────────────────────--··
   ·    ║ True Launch Bar v1.1.0.9 Beta                          
        │ Registration crack                                     
        | 22.09.2001                                             


              ┌-─────────┐  ┌-──────┐   ┌-──────┐   ┌-──┬───┐
              |          │  │       │   |       │   |   │   │
              └──┤    ├─-┘  |    ·-─┤   │   │   │   │       │
                 │    │     ├──-·   │   │   · -─┤   │   .   │
                 │    |     │       |   │   |   |   │   |   |
                 │    :     └──────-┘   └───┴──-┘   └───┴──-┘
      · ·────═══ |    . ═════════════════════════════════════────· ·
                 :    ·  ... The Sabotage Rebelion hackers ...
                 .              ... Proudly Presents ...

         Target │  [ True Launch Bar v1.1.0.9 Beta                        ] 
  ·         URL │  [                          ] 
  ·     Cracker │  [ Nitrogen                                             ] 
     Crack Type │  [ Registration crack                                   ] 
   Release Date │  [ 22.09.2001                                           ] 
   Release Name │  [                                    ] 


   The True Launch Bar is a shell add-on and can replace the standard "Quick
   Launch" toolbar in the WindowsÖ taskbar. The "True Launch Bar" is more
   customizable and efficient. The main feature of the True Launch Bar allows
   you to group your shortcuts into popup menus. It also supports drag & drop
   operations and is fully compatible with "Quick Launch" (uses the same
   folder for the shortcuts). 



   1) Copy patch in prog.dir
   2) Close 'True Launch Bar'
   3) WARNING: You must REBOOT COMPUTER before run patch!
   4) Be sure that 'True Launch Bar' is not running

   5) Run patch

   5) Program is now registered



     . OxEn ......... [ cracker, founder, design                          ]
     . B-$hep ....... [ cracker, founder                                  ]
     . Dr_Net ....... [ cracker, coder, design                            ]
     . Nitrogen ..... [ cracker, coder                                    ]
     . Cannabis ..... [ gfx                                               ]


                                                    [NF0 & Header by Nitrogen]

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