Download All Unboxed Software 11bit patch by PC

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes4 (21593 bytes)

pc.nfo 8813 2835
boxpatch.exe 15887 15189
file_id.diz 521 258 1126 1108
ub.exe 2281 1719


                          ▄▄██▓▄▄                   ░
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       ▄■▀▀               ▀█▓▓██▄             ░    ▀▓██▄▄▀▀     ▄■ ▀      ▀ ▄
     ▄                ▄ ■ ▄  ▀▀▓██▄                 ▐▓▓▀    ░  ▐▌ ░░        ▐▌
    ▐▌              ▀      ▄ ▀    ▀▀▄         ░    ▄▀    ░ ░░░  ▀▄          █
     ▀▄           ▀        ▐█▄  [cH]▐█ ▀    ▄   ▀           ░      ▀    ▄  ▀
┌───────■──▄── ■▀─── ── ─ ▄▓▀ ▀▀─▄ ■▀          ─  ── ────── ─────── ────────┐
|  dATE: [ 12/17/96 ]  ■▀       cRACKED bY: [           Saltine           ] |
  tITLE: [ All Unboxed Software using an 11 digit control number          ]
| wHERE: [                                         ] |
├──── ──── ── ─── ── ─ ─- ──                        -    -  ─ ── ── ────────┤
|              pATCH (X)    sERIAL# ( )    kEYGEN ( )    cRACKED ( )        |
├───────── ────── ───── ── ──  ─  ─             ─ ─  ──  ──── ─── ──────────┤
|  dESC: [ Run the patch, from the command line, on the file you have.    ] |
:        [ For example: BOXPATCH coolapp.exe.                             ]
         [                                                                ]
         [ Now, run the program, select Unlock Now, then click Unlock!    ]
         [ on the next screen.                                            ]
         [                                                                ]
         [ This patch will ONLY work on the ones that use an 11 digit     ]
         [ control number. Furthermore, it has not been tested on         ]
         [ everything there, but is has worked consistently for me.       ]
         [                                                                ]
         [ I have included Pepperine's patcher in the archive as well.    ]
         [ His is a more intelligent patcher, that handles the 10 digit   ]
         [ ones as well.                                                  ]
:        [                                                                ] :
│        [ Enjoy!                                                         ] │
└────── ───── ── ── ─ ── ──    ─                 ─ ─ ── ─── ──── ─── ────sk─┘

                             PC97 MeMBeRs ─-───▄
                      ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
   pREZ: [ The Keyboard Caper......................... [email protected] ]
   vICE: [ tHATDUDE........................ [email protected] ]

cRACKER: [ Acp.................................. [email protected] ]
         [ aquad00d................................... [email protected] ]
         [ Byte Ripper.......................... [email protected] ]
         [ G-RoM................................. [email protected] ]
         [ Jestrz..................................... [email protected] ]
         [ Kristina.............................. [email protected] ]
         [ madmax!........................... [email protected] ]
         [ MegaByte........................ [email protected] ]
         [ NuZ............................................ [email protected] ]
         [ Saltine.......................... [email protected] ]
         [ surva.............................. [email protected] ]
         [ Sync............................. [email protected] ]
         [ XLogic............................ [email protected] ]

cOURIER: [ alfi5.................................. [email protected] ]
         [ Baloosh................................. [email protected] ]
         [ CyberJack.............................. [email protected] ]
         [ Saken...................................... [email protected] ]
         [ THe BoMB......................... [email protected] ]
         [ Whipe.................................... [email protected] ]
         [ z0ned...................................... [email protected] ]
         [ [email protected] ]

aDVISOR: [ [email protected] ]
         [ Archimede................................ [email protected] ]
         [ n00dles.......................... [email protected] ]

  gRPHX: [ Antha...................................... [email protected] ]
wEBDUDE: [ b0nes................................... [email protected] ]
  mUSIC: [ ^Cyber............................. [email protected] ]
d0XDUDE: [ FXer...................................... [email protected] ]
b0TDUDE: [ MegaByte............................... [email protected] ]

  tRIAL: [ jazp.................................... [email protected] ]
         [ Pr0m............................. [email protected] ]

                           - crEw bOards -─-───▄
                      ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

    wHQ: [ Wolfenstein        +012  TKC            28.8     PTA           ]
         [ Extacy (21h)       +012  Jakez/Ace      28.8 x2  PTA           ]
         [ Music Club         +012  Dr. Death      28.8     PTA           ]
         [ Gravestone          +76  XLogic         28.8     Australia     ]
         [ Star Trek TNG       +32  Psychotron     28.8     Belgium       ]
         [ PhantOm            +021  DaRKNiGHT      28.8     CT            ]
         [ Impulse             +49  MEPHiST0       28.8     Germany       ]
         [ PhreakOut (21h)     +11  PhreakMan      28.8     South Africa  ]
         [ Logics              +44  Fingers        28.8     United Kdm.   ]
         [ Morbid Vision       +49  cYcl0ne        ISDN x2  Germany       ]
         [ tHE uNKNoWN         +44  BLaCK SaBBATH  ISDN     United Kdm.   ]

 cANADA: [ neurosis            204  shadOw killer  33.6     Winnipeg, MB  ]

    uSA: [ Abuse (telnet/bbs)  305  Jock Itch      28.8     Keywest, FL   ]
         [ Evil Empire         209  Whipe          28.8     Fresno, CA    ]
         [ Hellfire            713  Fryguy         28.8     Houston, TX   ]
         [ HDC (615-395-9228)  615  Burning Angel  28.8     Nashville, TN ]

    fTP: [       713  Fryguy         T1       Houston, TX   ]
         [ xxx.xx.xx.xx        916  Archimede      ISDN     Sacramento,CA ]
         [       -   Cool-Hand      T1       YourHouse, XX ]
         [       -   n00dles        T1       BiaaTCH, CA   ]
         [ -=Coming Soon=-      -   PuBLiC FTP     T1       SomePlace, XX ]

    iRC: [           #PC97, #PC96, #Cracking or #uCF96 (EfNet)            ]
    wEB: [ Primary  :                       ]
         [ Secondary:            ]
         [ Secondary:            -= Soon to come =-                       ]
         [ Secondary:            -= Soon to come =-                       ]

 gREETS: [ All in PC/uCF/MCC.                                             ]
         [                                                                ]
         [                                                                ]

   nEWS: [ PhRoZeN CReW is looking for high-quality crackers, asm coders, ]
         [ and distribution sites (28.8x5+).  We are also looking for     ]
         [ a few select couriers...or a group. If you're interested, then ]
         [ contact TKC or tHATDUDE by E-Mail or IRC.                      ]

                         "We ALWAYS get what we want!" -───▄
                      ▀   ▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀              

[Logo design by cH. NFO created by shadow killer ([email protected])] [12/14/96]


tHE      ▄▄▄█▀█▄       ▄██▄
      ▀███▀   ▄█     ▄██▀  ▀
        ██▄▄▄█▀     ▄██
         ██▄ hRoZeN ██▄ ReW ▄
          ██▄        ▀██▄▄▄█▀
           █▀▀         ▀▀▀  '97
│ All Unboxed Software using an    │
│ 11 digit control number          │
│                                  │
│ [X]Application    [X]Utility     │
│ [X]Game           [X]Other       │
│                                  │
│ Crack Patch by Saltine/PC        │

# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z