Download Raduga V2.29 regfile

Added to site2002-12-31
Votes10 (3256 bytes)

PSK.nfo 7828 1963
File_id.diz 861 387


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║                        p s y K e d e l i c       ║
║                        presents                  ║
║                                                  ║
 ║                      ║
 ║                      ║
 ║                      ║
 ║   RADUGA V2.29       ╠═════════╗
 ║                      ║         ║
 ║                      ║         ║
 ║                      ║         ║
 ╚══════════════════════╝         ║
		       ║-Supplied by..GLuconzip ║
		       ║-Cracked  by...SiFLyiNG ║
		       ║-Packaged by..Gluconzip ║
		       ║-Rls. date : 06/12/99   ║
		       ║-Size      : 1 x 1.44Mb ║
		       ║-Protection: Time limit ║
		       ║-Type      : RadioApp   ║
		       ║-OS system : Win 9X/NT  ║
║                             ┌─────────────────────┐                        ║
╠─────────────────────────────┤Release Informations:├────────────────────────╣
║                             └─────────────────────┘                        ║
║                                                                            ║
║  Raduga is the software that makes radio automation easier.                ║
║  Raduga lets you create a playlist simply by dragging audio                ║
║  files from the explorer into the Raduga window. Then you                  ║
║  can rearrange the songs by dragging them with the mouse                   ║
║  from one position to another. When you're finished with                   ║
║  the playlist, turn on your radio equipment, press the play                ║
║  button and you are on air. That's it.                                     ║
║                                                                            ║
		 ║          ┌──────────────────────────┐        ║
		 ╠──────────┤Installation instructions:├────────╣
		 ║          └──────────────────────────┘        ║
		 ║                                              ║
	         ║  Install the software in the right directory ║
                 ║  Then put the : Rdgcrack.exe                 ║
          	 ║                 Rdgcrack.reg                 ║
       ╔═════════╣  in the raduga directory and run these       ║
       ║         ║  two files :) . Voila                        ║
       ║         ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════╝
║                          ┌────────────┐                           ║
╠──────────────────────────┤Group infos:├───────────────────────────╣
║                          └────────────┘                           ║
║   -PsyKedelic is a all new group on the scene and we hope that    ║
║    you'll enjoy our releases.                                     ║
║                                                                   ║
║   -We are looking for : -CRACKERS-                                ║
║                         -SUPPLIERS-                               ║
║                         -COURIERS-                                ║
║                         -CODERS-                                  ║
║                         -SITEOPS-                                 ║
║                                                                   ║
║   -We need a World, an European, a Courier, and finally a US HQ ! ║
║                                                                   ║
║   PsyKedelic is one of the most recent groups on the scene,       ║
║   but it tries to be one of the most active (of course we         ║
║   can't release as many progs as SiEGE or RADIUM for the moment)  ║
║   and be sure that it's the coolest ;).                           ║
║   If you want to join a group that has no pressure and a good     ║
║   atmosphere, try PSK!                                            ║
║                                                                   ║
	  ║                   ┌───────────┐                     ║
	  ╠───────────────────┤Team infos:├─────────────────────╣
	  ║                   └───────────┘                     ║
	  ║                                                     ║
	  ║   Council ................... Cygnus|x, Gluconzip   ║
	  ║                 |............... Earwax, SiFLyiNG   ║
	  ║                                                     ║
	  ║   Crackers .................. Gluconzip, SiFLyiNG   ║
	  ║                                                     ║
	  ║   Coders ............................... SiFLyiNG   ║
	  ║                                                     ║
	  ║   Gfx .................................... Earwax   ║
	  ║                                                     ║
	  ║   Supplier ............................. Cygnus|x   ║
	  ║                                                     ║
	  ║   Couriers ............................. Cygnus|x   ║
	  ║                                                     ║
    ║            ┌──────┐             ║
    ║            └──────┘             ║
    ║                                 ║
    ║         WE NEED SITES !!!       ║
    ║                                 ║
    ║                                 ║
║                   ┌───────┐                    ║
║                   └───────┘                    ║
║                                                ║
║  HSECTiON, UCF, PC, SiEGE, GLoW, Radium, DoD   ║    ╔══════════════════════╗
║                                                ╠════╣     ┌─────────┐      ║
║  fTP_|OOK, [[NICO]], [DARK], FlaVoR`, Yo_oY    ║    ╠─────┤Contacts:├──────╣
║  FormatC, Dani, Tibur, Arbogad, Mininimbus,    ║    ║     └─────────┘      ║
║  HarvestR, all at #warezfrance, #warezfrancais ║    ║ [email protected] ║
║  & #warez<>francais, and YOU of course ;).     ║    ║                      ║
║                                                ║    ║    #PSK on EFnet     ║
╚════════════════════════════════════════════════╝    ║                      ║


  ┌── psykedelic! ────────┐ ,
  │                       │$$
  s$$$$$s.      £$    .   $$!
  $$.  `$$ s$$s $$  .$$   $$'
  $$$$$$$``$$.  $$s$$²'   $°
  $$`°°`    $$; $$~²$s.   °
  $$      °$$$' $$   ²$s s$&
  $$            ²$     ~ `²"
      │               │
      │ Raduga V2.29  │
      │               │
    ┌─────────┴─────────┐  ┌───────────┐
    │     Crack  (X)    │  │ Disk: 1/1 │
    │     Serial ( )    ├──┤           │
    │     Keygen ( )    │  └───────────┘
    │     Other  ( )    │
   │ Cracker....SiFLyiNG │
   │ Supplier...GLuconzip│
   │ Rls date...06/12/99 │

 [=] DSC AHQ [=] DF AHQ [=] HiD CHQ [=] 

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