Flowers Find Plus v2.2 (32-bit) *Patcher*
Eliminates nags and 30-day expiration
by ZuLu
See the ZuLu.nfo *TEXT* file for details
Flowers Find Plus v2.2 (32-bit) *Patcher*
Eliminates nags and 30-day expiration
by ZuLu
Download: Sorry, I don't have a direct link
What is it: Auto-updating disk indexing/file-find utility that's
fast, creates small index files, and allows manipulation
of multiple files across multiple drives.
Patch Details:
Target file : FindPlus.exe (396,288 bytes)
Backup file : None
Patcher size: 707 bytes
1. Close the FlowerFind+ program if you have it running.
2. Unzip the patcher (flowfp22.exe) to the directory where you
installed the FlowerFind+ program.
3. Double click on the patcher (flowfp22.exe).
4. When finished patching, you may delete the patcher.
5. No need to enter any registration info.