CDRWin/DAO V3.8A+ Open-Source Keymaker V1.0 - Some Notes
This is my contribution to everyone who is sick and tired of burning
coasters over and over again.
If you have used the following Keymaker,
10-22-1999 67 KB CDRWin.v3.8A.Win9xNT.Keygen.Only-TMG
you were probably already counting your coaster collection. Well, forget
the TMG keymaker; instead, replace the CDRWIN.DAT file in your CDRWin
path with a clean one (you can use the one supplied in this release), and
afterwards reenter your registration information using my keymaker.
And for God's sake, don't use old V3.4, V3.5 or V3.6 keygens, since
Jeff Arnold has added new checks since then.
Little technical information:
The unlock key consists of four dwords,
1) xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-XXXXXXXX
The forth dword is determined as a checksum calculated from your
name/company/email. It is also the only part which differentiates
between the unlock codes for CDRWin and the unlock codes for DAO.
Note that they use two different tables to generate the checksum.
Also, this part is used to determine whether the entered user
information is blacklisted or not - beware, a blacklisted key
leads to unwanted results :)
2) xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxXXXX-xxxxxxxx
The Version information.
3) xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-XXXXxxxx-xxxxxxxx
Another Checksum that is used the first time CDRWin is started
after the user has entered the registration information. If it
fails, CDRWin will bring a nice piracy message.
4) XXXXxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
Just another Checksum, hidden this time (i.e. no error messages,
only unwanted behavior of the program).
5) xxxxxxxx-xxxxXXXX-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
And finally another Checksum, again hidden.
6) xxxxXXXX-XXXXxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
Note that these two words are still left unchecked; at one place
CDRWin accesses those words, though they are not yet meaningfully
used. THIS is the place where Jeff is going to add some more
checks, hence beware for future versions of CDRWin, which might
as well disable keys made with this keygen (or add to your coaster
collection again). Of course, I will be informed and add those
checks as soon as they are present.
Last words:
- BUY your personal key from Goldenhawk, since the price is
decent and the product is great!
- If you intent to use parts or the whole of this keymaker
for your own group release, feel free, I don't give a fuck,
as there are already more lamers on earth as I could count
- When I checked the keys generated with other keymakers,
I something found something rather suspicious.
Take a look at the following keymakers:
CR-CD37F.EXE - CDRWin V3.7F Keygen by Lorian/Core
KEYGEN.EXE - CDRWin/DAO V3.7B Keygen by Aesculapius
???.EXE - CDRWin V3.6B Keygen by Crowman/PC
They all produce the same registration information, e.g.
Name: Natalie Postman
Company/Email: Star Wars
Unlock Code: 74C16A1B-67CF610A-16CD49E4-4D435FD5
Check Code: 398235CE-130E0B11-710228EE-5B8E1631
The question is of course, how is that possible, as we know by now
that at least two words are not checked yet? ... Well, who knows...
one must have had great interest in the other's keymaker and then
considered it his own work :) (the three keygens generate the two
words in the same way - in the wrong way, which you could see if you
compared the output with a real key).
Greetings to all who love and hate me.