Download PSmyTrade Practical Software Stock Trading Tools v2.1.4 crack by TE

Added to site2006-04-08
Votes10 (11113 bytes)

PSmyTrade.Practical.Software.Stock.Trading.Tools.v2.1.4-TE/Crack/PSmyTradeStockTradingSoftware2x_GOLDCrack.exe 12288 8133
PSmyTrade.Practical.Software.Stock.Trading.Tools.v2.1.4-TE/file_id.diz 274 172
PSmyTrade.Practical.Software.Stock.Trading.Tools.v2.1.4-TE/te.nfo 5890 2034


PSmyTrade Practical Software Stock Trading Tools v2.1.4 *Cracked*
OS:   WinALL
DATE: 01/31/06
DiSK: XX/04
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>>>> Twisted EndZ <<<<


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                                      TWISTED ENDZ 2006                                              
Release :  Practical Software Stock Trading Tools (PSmyTrade) v2.1.4 (c) 2006 Practical Software  

Date : 01/31/2006

Cracked By : Twisted EndZ

Release Type :
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other:

[ ] Loader Patcher     [X] Patch     [ ] Precracked     [ ] RegFile               [X] GOLD
Release Notes:

This release contains a GOLD crack meaning it works on all v2.x builds of PSmyTrade Stock Trading
Software.  This GOLD crack should work on many future versions as well.  When a new version of
PSmyTrade Stock Trading Software is released, just install the new version and run this patcher

Practical Software Stock Trading Tools (PSmyTrade)

PSmyTrade is a simplest software trading tool for stock trading analysis. There are many features
so that helping you to make decision for your trading. The stock quote data will direct download
from Yahoo finance web site that mean you can use this software over worldwide stock market as far
as they are found in Yahoo!.

There are interesting features as following:

* Simply setup and download stock historical prices from Yahoo finance web site and convert it to
  Microsoft« Access Database. Also retain the original format (CSV) in separate folder so that you
  can use it for another purpose.

* Multiple Charts Window and exportable for Candlestick, selectable SMA (10, 25, 50, 60, 120, 180
  days), MACD, RSI (Close, Open/Close), Volume and EMA Volume. 

* Automate finding the well known pattern signals of candlestick chart both positive and negative
  signaling such as Upside and Downside Reversal, Upside and Downside Key Reversal, Harami Line,
  Bullish and Bearish Engulfing, Dark Cloud Cover and Piercing Line, Morning and Evening Star,
  Island Bottom and Top, Tweezers Bottom and Top etc. You can also learn more for these signaling
  from many web sites by enter each into any search engine site, for instance from Google 

* And much more... 

For More Info on PSmyTrade Visit:

	TE Release Filename:
Installation Notes :

	  Install setup.exe.  Copy crack patcher from crack folder into PSmyTrade's installed
folder.  Execute crack patcher and patch file PSmyTrade.exe.  PSmyTrade is now fully registered!
You can now launch PSmyTrade.

Thats it!  Enjoy.
Don't hate the hacker, hate the code.

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