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│ Come See Me Tonight *Picture Unlocker* │
Date.........: 2003-08-?? Disks........: 01 x 2.88
Company......: G-Collections Language.....: English
Requirements.: Windows 98/2K/ME/XP, CD-ROM
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Game Notes │
With this savegame you are able to watch all pictures in the 'View CG' menu
and 'View Scenes' menu in the game, they are in the 'Erotic Scenes' menu.
URL: http://www.g-collections.com/soft/10watashini/index.htm
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Installation Notes │
1. Unzip and unace with WinAce 2.x into the gamedir (make backup if needed)
2. Start the game with "KONYAUS.EXE"
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Group News │
FAS is trying to make rips and addons that the other groups don't do.
We try to do no english addon dupes. This means, if there are no difference
between the english and the german/swedish version we do no addons. So take
the english addon then.
We do not send any kind of missing files or releases, dont ask!
EMail: [email protected]
IRC : nope
WWW : nope
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│ ::::::\_____/::' Greetings │
│ If you enjoy this game, please buy it! Developers deserve your support! │