IDA 4.9 - LocalLock Fix V2
This patch requires UNPACKED ida*.exe and ida*.wll.
Use CASPR or syd's ASPR-Stripper 2.07 to do the job !
I advice to use CASPR - if you use ASPR-Stripper press
ctrl+end to scroll down to the notes on the end of this doc.
About the patch:
ZWT released a version that was lock to russian only.
(you needed to set your timeszone to GMT+3 (Russian)
DVT released an fix. But it was improper it only patched
away MessageBox+Quit, but later many functions & modules don't load.
This patch will set the 'correct' value for the timezone right after the API - instead of trying to patch every jz.
In case you get "The processor module is prohibited by the key" use the included ida.key file
It unlocks Module 1..50 (50..64 is zero and probably for future use) what is seem to be
enough since there are only 33 loaderModuls in current version.
The Patch removes the blacklist so you can you use your old IDA.Key
(Background for this was that IDA.Key is stored inside the database.
So when you opened an older database containing blacklisted keydata
you get "Database corrupted" and it won't open)
As bonus patch the stupid about box at startup is removed so
IDA will start 3 seconds faster.
If you don't like the bonus remove(rename) idau64.exe, apply and
click on 'no' to stop the patch sequence.
Additional bonuspatches are the "Sorry, this database format is unsupported" fix
You normally get this message if you open an IDA 4.5 database and newer ones.
(IDA 4.3 and older works)
A more comprehensive "Database corrupted" patch than only blacklisted patch.
Now keydata can be missing or be 'corrupted' it doesn't matter anymore.
(+Patch Database is not save on close if key is invalid)
Since this is a search'n'replace patch it might also work
for future versions of IDA!
However in the first place it was made & test with version 4.9
[email protected] -
Here's a docu about UDP 23945 to clean up IDA undercover myths
This refers to post
Since some ppl were complaining about that this feature is not well documented here we go:
It's all depending on the data inside ida.key (-> Details added blow)
Idag.exe scan inside the registered-to text for the string "user" and gets the number above it.
If "user" is not found at all or found at position 0..3 or the number is above 1 the networkcheck is not started.
Note: Changing the "user" inside ida.key is a good idea but changing it inside idag.exe (-> CASPR 1.100 will do a good job in unpacking) will of course do the trick. :D
But back to the docu...
The check is performed within an extra thread (CreateThreadA!) whichs runs all the time beside the mainthread.
From the entired registered-to text a 128 bit MD5-CheckSum is created and submitted together with some other ID values like CurrentProcessId
as a 40-byte UDP broadcast packet on port 23945. (See below for details).
But before submit it tries to adds itself to the windows Firewall to avoid to get blocked
by calling win_fw.windows_firewall_enable_app dll inside IDA Dir.
win_fw.dll!#1 (0,"The Interactive Disassembler","C:\IDA\idag.exe")
Note: the 0 stands for Enable and 1 for Block traffic
->Btw nice small dll that can be easy be reused in other pojects ;)
Some quick look into it reveals that it uses the COM-Interface of [Windows]\SYSTEM32\HNETCFG.DLL
just as windows to open ports...
hnetcfg.FwAuthApps::Item ...
But again back to the UDP broadcast request. That is how it is performed in real.
So that should be also some good skeleton in case you want to implement some
simular check in you app.
Socket= WSOCK32.socket(
Family = AF_INET,
Protocol = IPPROTO_IP)
AddrLen = 0x10 )
Data, DataSize = 4)
Data, DataSize = 0x28 (40 Bytes),
Flags = 0 )
(Note: WSOCK32 is just a wrapper dll nearly all calls are redirect directly to WS2_32)
After that IDA switches into receivemode and listen for any incoming UDP-data on port 23945 which is
40 byte long and starts with "IDA" and is not the paket it has sent (CurrentProcessId).
which don't match with it's own. (Have a look 'Format of IDA Data Package' below now)
Data, DataSize = 0x28 (40 Bytes),
Flags = 0 )
If it receive a packet whose type is 0 (=Reply) it will compare the MD5-CheckSum with its own one and
if it matches will display a Message that someone else is also running IDA on the Network and quit.
Else (received a packet is a Request (type=1)) it will send it's will set Type=0(Reply) and the own packet again
after that it will enter the receiveloop again.
Format of IDA Data Package:
Offset ExampleData description
$+0 00414449 Const Signature "IDA."
$+4 00000001 Type (0=Reply, 1=Request)
$+8 FDE74450 Result of Kernel32!GetCurrentProcess
$+C 010C481B Result of Kernel32!GetCurrentProcessId
$+10 FF79D115 Result of Kernel32!GetCurrentThread
$+14 00433A7D Result of Kernel32!GetCurrentThreadId xor 'more'
Note: 'more' = (((((GetTickCount XOR GetCurrentProcess) <<1) XOR GetCurrentProcessId) <<1) XOR GetCurrentThread) <<1)
$+18 FFFFFFFF 128-bit MD5-Checksum(=0x10 Byte value)
FFFFFFFF of registered-to text
Ok thatz it so far!
What's inside IDA.Key
00000000h: 0D 0A 3C 49 44 41 20 50 72 6F 20 6B 65 79 20 66 ; .....xx
00000020h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
00000030h: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ; xxxxxxxxxx 1 use
00000040h: 72 2C 20 73 74 64 2C 20 xx xx 2F 32 30 30 xx 00 ; r, std, xx/200x.
00000050h: 0D 0A 0D 0A 0D 0A 0D 0A 00 8D 2E 3D DC B6 A2 5A ; .........ì.=▄╢óZ
00000060h: FE 82 DC D3 F5 12 4A 71 D8 21 AA 1B 7D 38 6D 6D ; ■é▄╙⌡.Jq╪!¬.}8mm
00000070h: 26 3F 2B B2 CA B9 83 38 B8 9C 1B 87 7B E2 F9 73 ; &?+▓╩╣â8╕£.ç{Γ∙s
00000080h: D6 41 78 5F AE F7 3D B7 A7 FA 94 88 1C 09 49 DC ; ╓Ax_«≈=╖º·öê..I▄
00000090h: 91 4E 0A 4F 9F 94 84 06 A6 95 66 AF ED 2A 05 33 ; æN.Oƒöä.ªòf»φ*.3
000000a0h: F8 63 27 95 29 3B AB FC 5D 4B 0A C4 E2 9D 12 46 ; °c'ò);½ⁿ]K.─Γ¥.F
000000b0h: 0A 25 A3 9E A0 DC 7D 8C E3 AA 9B 09 99 E7 03 50 ; .%ú₧á▄}îπ¬¢.Öτ.P
000000c0h: 0E D0 08 B0 D6 FA F6 6E 47 AC 71 69 20 68 66 F4 ; .╨.░╓·÷nG¼qi hf⌠
000000d0h: 64 45 00 43 37 B8 5E B8 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; dE.C7╕^╕h.......
000000e0h: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; ................
000000f0h: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 6B 8D 2D 52 5D 5B ; .........Çkì-R][
00000100h: D2 8D 0A C1 79 F1 FA 5D 6D 9D B3 39 F0 B4 F9 27 ; ╥ì.┴y±·]m¥│9≡┤∙'
00000110h: 73 13 EB D4 20 E1 EB E7 E4 2D B0 A5 86 6B E6 6A ; s.δ╘ ßδτΣ-░Ñåkµj
00000120h: 99 7A 6A A8 7C E6 DE 4B DB 7B B8 93 DF 1E 78 D1 ; Özj¿|µ▐K█{╕ô▀.x╤
00000130h: FB C7 9D 6F 3C 2F 05 CF 3B 0F D9 10 E1 63 54 30 ; √╟¥o.......
00000180h: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; ................
00000190h: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; .........
{Note: encrypted data slightly modified}
As you see it consists of three parts
Unencrypted Header
Part1 Encrypted SerialData
Part2 Encrypted SerialData Backup
Unencypted Part1 and Part2 are nearly identical expect that in part 2
'Bitarray for licensed Processore modules' must be fill with 00
The file is accessed from the End of File. One Part is 0xA0 Byte big
with is 0x7f userdata and a gap of 0x21 Bytes.
So for ex part 2 of ida.Key would be:
part2 =(filelength - (7f+21))
Offset Part 2 Accii Part 1 Accii
00 00001DF7 ≈b.. 00001DB8 ╕a.. Timestamp Milliseconds ?
04 4236E49B ¡τ┤?+ 4236E49B ¡τ┤? Timestamp 15.03.2005 13:35:23 (GMT 0)
08 00000000 .... 447B2FEF ∩/{D Bitarray for licensed Processore modules 0..32
0C 00000000 .... 00000901 ... Bitarray for licensed Processore modules 32..64
10 B5FE02 3D = Ñ B5FE02 3D = Ñ 3D=Marker to check whether decryption succeed
14 xxxxxxxx Anon xxxxxxxx Anon Regname
18 xxxxxxxx ymou xxxxxxxx ymou
7C 00000033 3... 00000033 3...
Timestamp: Is a 32Bit Timestamp in Unix C-Time (Seconds since 1.1.1970)
not used in the program so far - maybe good for future timelimited keys
Note: The timestamp is simular to the filecreation time
Bitarray for licensed Processor modules:
Well this 64-bits Array has room for 64 processor moduls
so if the bit is set(1) the use is allowed if clear it is not.
implentation details ins ida.wll above reference to String
"The processor module is prohibited by the key"
Marker The lowbyte of the Dword should be 3D to dectect if decryption succeed
The rest of 3 bytes is not used and the meaning is unclear
Regname The name that apprears in the about box
It is checked if Regname in the header in Part1 and Part2 matches
until ida.wll!#xx returns it to idag.exe
So far to the documentation.
If you've enough time IDA is not only good to find out how other programs work (or why they don't) ,
it's also good for to explorer it itself.
It's the best and only all in one solution for all kinds of executable code.
PE32, and PE64 For AMD54 or IA64 Windows, Java, CLR(.NET), old 16-Bit Windows 3.11 NE-Exe, Handy & Playstationroms and even with that Z80 Rom for my TI83 Calculator.
On unknow Assemblers the auto comments you can enable in options helps a lot.
BTW what happend to the Freewareversion of IDA, which was discontinued and disappeared years ago.
The installationpacked was really small and it were very good
So for remote on-the-fly of analyse of computer problems I use Ollydebug
|. BA 01000000 MOV EDX, 1
|. E8 BC3B0100 CALL ; procmodul
|. 74 27 JE SHORT
|. 8B50 08 MOV EDX, [EAX+8] get BitField1
|. 8B48 0C MOV ECX, [EAX+C] get BitField2
|. A1 2C9B0C10 MOV EAX, [] get ProcNumber
|. 83F8 20 CMP EAX, 20 if ProcNumber < 20
|. 7C 05 JL SHORT 10024E89 Use BitField1
|. 83E8 20 SUB EAX, 20 if ProcNumber > 20
|. 8BD1 MOV EDX, ECX Use BitField2
|> 83F8 20 CMP EAX, 20 if ProcNumber > 40
|. 7D 18 JGE SHORT goto OK
|. 8BC8 MOV ECX, EAX(ProcNumber)
|. B8 01000000 MOV EAX, 1
|. D3E0 SHL EAX, CL Eax = (01 << ProcNumber)
|. 85D0 TEST EAX, EDX Test if Bit in Array is set
|. 75 0B JNZ SHORT
forbidden 68 395F0B10 PUSH 100B5F39 ; ASCII "The processor module is prohibited by the key"
|. E8 1B21FEFF CALL 10006FC0
|. 59 POP ECX
ok 68 675F0B10 PUSH 100B5F67 ; /Arg1 = 100B5F67 ASCII "OK
|. E8 7CCFFEFF CALL 10011E2C ; \ida.10011E2C
4 4 7 B 2 F E F
0100 0100 0111 1011 0010 1111 1110 1111
1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210
0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1001 0000 0001
1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210
$ ==> >FDED0000 ..φ²
$+4 >78F95C42 B\∙x
$+8 >11896E54 Tnë
$+C >43845822 "XäC
$+10 >0514576C lW
$+14 >CF0B6525 %e ╧
$+18 >0EE8BF6E n┐Φ
$+1C >1DFBC5DB █┼√
$+20 >664C8FE6 µÅLf
$+24 >2EB29CC2 ┬£▓.
$+28 >8A7868B6 ╢hxè
$+2C >BBABB0FC ⁿ░½╗
$+30 >58448071 qÇDX
$+34 >890F814B Kü ë
$+38 >22DFCD70 p═▀"
$+3C >5DF78573 sà≈]
$+40 >1DD9DD5D ]▌┘
$+44 >7A93184F O ôz
$+48 >B283AA08 ¬â▓
$+4C >2DD1498C îI╤-
$+50 >05752EC9 ╔.u
$+54 >9E8038BB ╗8Ç₧
$+58 >BD0FBD91 æ╜ ╜
$+5C >B16A2E2F /.j▒
$+60 >0C3CE3D2 ╥π<.
$+64 >DDBDD555 U╒╜▌
$+68 >BFE88E47 GÄΦ┐
$+6C >F3CE5F84 ä_╬≤
$+70 >299D2BC8 ╚+¥)
$+74 >1FB7EC29 )∞╖
$+78 >B93D1B4D M =╣
$+7C >7A8E3A6E n:Äz -Y last 6bayts
$+80 >000093AF »ô..
ida.wll!#16 -> MD5_init
ida.wll!#18 -> MD5_update
ida.wll!#15 -> MD5_Final
The blacklistarray just followed after the string "REG_0x%x"
in version 4.6 there are 8 blacklisted Names stored here
100B7B20 47455200 .REG
100B7B24 2578305F _0x%
100B7B28 00300078 x.0.
100B7B2C 00006425 %d..
Start of Array blacklisted[0..8] of MD5_Checksum
100B7B30 C85FAEFC ⁿ«_╚
100B7B34 4B10E1BA ║ß K
Update for version 4.9
Blacklist area looks like that
$-40 >64 62 0F 10 00 00 00 00 DC FF FF FF 43 6F 6D 70 db ....▄ Comp
$-30 >69 6C 69 6E 67 20 66 69 6C 65 20 27 25 73 27 2E iling file '%s'.
$-20 >2E 2E 0A 00 45 78 65 63 75 74 69 6E 67 20 66 75 ....Executing fu
$-10 >6E 63 74 69 6F 6E 20 27 25 73 27 2E 2E 2E 0A 00 nction '%s'.....
$ ==> >FC AE 5F C8 BA E1 10 4B E1 26 E5 D1 28 9A 0A 81 ⁿ«_╚║ß Kß&σ╤(Ü.ü
$+10 >05 E5 6A 38 8C 7D A2 A4 AB 09 99 59 B8 05 22 E2 σj8î}óñ½.ÖY╕ "Γ
$+20 >FB √
There and there are 19 black listed MD5_Checksum stored
00 >FC AE 5F C8 BA E1 10 4B E1 26 E5 D1 28 9A 0A 81 ⁿ«_╚║ß Kß&σ╤(Ü.ü
01 >05 E5 6A 38 8C 7D A2 A4 AB 09 99 59 B8 05 22 E2 σj8î}óñ½.ÖY╕ "Γ
02 >FB AB 17 CB 47 22 FB 91 D0 39 E0 50 EC 1F 46 AC √½ ╦G"√æ╨9αP∞ F¼
03 >BE 18 AC E9 89 31 CD 20 E8 12 B7 31 D7 A6 20 0D ╛ ¼Θë1═ Φ ╖1╫ª .
04 >82 CA 4E 6D 6A 70 7B 6E 9F DF 7F 06 75 EE 45 8C é╩Nmjp{nƒ▀ uεEî
05 >95 C3 E8 C2 57 49 81 96 43 EE C4 BA BC FE 87 83 ò├Φ┬WIüûCε─║╝■çâ Thomas Wright, DVDMods, 1 user, special
06 >30 25 04 2F 5E 3B 92 9D 92 3F 93 C5 80 96 CB 10 0% /^;Æ¥Æ?ô┼Çû╦
07 >5C 27 59 14 B5 FC 3D 15 56 17 96 CD DC 14 84 84 \'Y ╡ⁿ= V û═▄ ää
08 >22 0F 75 C7 08 34 90 EE 61 AA B9 72 1C 02 06 CB " u╟ 4Éεa¬╣r ╦
09 >C2 B9 16 4B E8 AB E4 D5 7A D9 75 2A AB 19 81 15 ┬╣ KΦ½Σ╒z┘u*½ ü Michael Wolski - Personal Use (1-user Standard 07/2003)
0A >95 FF D0 62 EC 59 37 18 7C CF 7C FB 45 2E EE 7D ò ╨b∞Y7 |╧|√E.ε}
0B >25 8B CB A0 86 C5 1E 9E BC FC AE 03 3F 69 92 E3 %ï╦áå┼ ₧╝ⁿ« ?iÆπ
0C >9A 44 66 DE DB CC 2D B1 86 1A A7 B9 10 50 07 34 ÜDf▐█╠-▒å º╣ P 4
0D >4E 72 D5 8F A3 7B 97 DB 2C CC 1C E0 ED 91 C0 28 Nr╒Åú{ù█,╠ αφæ└( Lennart Reus, 1 user, std, 07/2003
0E >4A 2A C8 0A 38 0E D1 F6 BE C5 C6 79 BF DF 78 29 J*╚.8 ╤÷╛┼╞y┐▀x)
0F >24 48 D6 40 13 74 02 01 48 68 F0 B4 D4 53 7F 5A $H╓@ t Hh≡┤╘SZ
10 >3F 08 ED 6A F2 F4 16 A6 BE 0B EF 7D 22 AD 67 A1 ? φj≥⌠ ª╛ ∩}"¡gí
11 >D4 1D 8C D9 8F 00 B2 04 E9 80 09 98 EC F8 42 7E ╘ î┘Å.▓ ΘÇ.ÿ∞°B~
12 >00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? FF 53 E8 ?? ?? ?? 00 59 ?? ?? 8D ?? ?? 08 50 E8 31 97 FD FF 54
8D 54 24 5C 52 E8 F6 97 FD FF 33 DB 6A 10 8B C3 C1 E0 04 81 C0 C4 62 0F 10 50 8D 54 24 60 52 E8
A8 25 04 00 83 C4 0C 85 C0 75 04 B0 01 EB 08 43 83 FB 13 72 D7 33 C0 83 C4 68 5B C3
100389C8 55 PUSH EBP 10059398 /$ 53 PUSH EBX
100389C9 8BEC MOV EBP, ESP 10059399 |. 83C4 98 ADD ESP, -68
100389CB 83C4 98 ADD ESP, -68 1005939C |. 8BD8 MOV EBX, EAX
100389CE 53 PUSH EBX 1005939E |. 54 PUSH ESP ; /Arg1
100389CF 8BD8 MOV EBX, EAX 1005939F |. E8 1497FDFF CALL ; \MD5Init
100389D1 8D45 A8 LEA EAX, [EBP-58] 100593A4 |. 53 PUSH EBX
100389D4 50 PUSH EAX 100593A5 |. E8 A2240400 CALL <_strlen>
100389D5 E8 3E400700 CALL #16 100593AA |. 59 POP ECX
100389DA 53 PUSH EBX 100593AB |. 50 PUSH EAX ; /Arg3
100389DB E8 E0F50200 CALL 10067FC0 100593AC |. 53 PUSH EBX ; |Arg2
100389E0 59 POP ECX 100593AD |. 8D4424 08 LEA EAX, [ESP+8] ; |
100389E1 50 PUSH EAX 100593B1 |. 50 PUSH EAX ; |Arg1
100389E2 53 PUSH EBX 100593B2 |. E8 3197FDFF CALL ; \MD5Update
100389E3 8D55 A8 LEA EDX, [EBP-58] 100593B7 |. 54 PUSH ESP ; /Arg2
100389E6 52 PUSH EDX 100593B8 |. 8D5424 5C LEA EDX, [ESP+5C] ; |
100389E7 E8 5C400700 CALL #18 100593BC |. 52 PUSH EDX ; |Arg1
100389EC 8D4D A8 LEA ECX, [EBP-58] 100593BD |. E8 F697FDFF CALL ; \MD5Final
100389EF 51 PUSH ECX 100593C2 |. 33DB XOR EBX, EBX
100389F0 8D45 98 LEA EAX, [EBP-68] 100593C4 |> 6A 10 /PUSH 10 ; /Arg3 = 00000010
100389F3 50 PUSH EAX 100593C6 |. 8BC3 |MOV EAX, EBX ; |
100389F4 E8 1F410700 CALL #15 100593C8 |. C1E0 04 |SHL EAX, 4 ; |
100389F9 33DB XOR EBX, EBX 100593CB |. 81C0 C4620F10 |ADD EAX, 100F62C4 ; |
100389FB 6A 10 PUSH 10 100593D1 |. 50 |PUSH EAX ; |Arg2 = 100F62C4
100389FD 8BC3 MOV EAX, EBX 100593D2 |. 8D5424 60 |LEA EDX, [ESP+60] ; |
100389FF C1E0 04 SHL EAX, 4 100593D6 |. 52 |PUSH EDX ; |Arg1
10038A02 81C0 307B0B10 ADD EAX, 100B7B30 100593D7 |. E8 A8250400 |CALL <_memcmp> ; \IDA.1009B984
10038A08 50 PUSH EAX 100593DC |. 83C4 0C |ADD ESP, 0C
10038A09 8D55 98 LEA EDX, [EBP-68] 100593DF |. 85C0 |TEST EAX, EAX
10038A0C 52 PUSH EDX 100593E1 |. 75 04 |JNZ SHORT 100593E7
10038A0D E8 E6F60200 CALL 100680F8 100593E3 |. B0 01 |MOV AL, 1
10038A12 83C4 0C ADD ESP, 0C 100593E5 |. EB 08 |JMP SHORT 100593EF
10038A15 85C0 TEST EAX, EAX 100593E7 |> 43 |INC EBX
10038A17 75 04 JNZ SHORT 10038A1D100593E8 |. 83FB 13 |CMP EBX, 13
10038A19 B0 01 MOV AL, 1 100593EB |.^ 72 D7 \JB SHORT 100593C4
10038A1B EB 08 JMP SHORT 10038A25100593ED |. 33C0 XOR EAX, EAX
10038A1D 43 INC EBX 100593EF |> 83C4 68 ADD ESP, 68
10038A1E 83FB 08 CMP EBX, 8 100593F2 |. 5B POP EBX
10038A21 ^ 72 D8 JB SHORT 100389FB100593F3 \. C3 RETN
10038A23 33C0 XOR EAX, EAX
10038A25 5B POP EBX
10038A26 8BE5 MOV ESP, EBP
10038A28 5D POP EBP
10038A29 C3 RETN
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 53 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 59 ?? ?? 8D
33 C0 C3 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Open DB with blackliste names
The struggle with localisation:
Prob: russian IDA will refuse to run elsewere...
005C85D3 E8 76680000 CALL
$ ==> >FFFFFF4C (-180) LONG Bias
$+4 >00750052 Russische Normalzeit WCHAR StandardName[32]
$+44 >000A0000 SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
$+48 >00050000 .
$+4C >00000003 .
$+50 >00000000 ..
$+54 >00000000 .. LONG StandardBias
$+58 >"Russische Sommerzeit",0 WCHAR DaylightName[32]
$+98 >00030000 . SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
$+9C >00050000 .
$+A0 >00000002 .
$+A4 >00000000 ..
$+A8 >FFFFFFC4 (-180) LONG DaylightBias;
(DaylightBias==0) or (DaylightDate.month==0) -> flag1=0
DaylightBias :
Bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during daylight saving time.
This member is ignored if a value for the DaylightDate member is not supplied.
This value is added to the value of the Bias member to form the bias used during daylight saving time.
In most time zones, the value of this member is -60.
Current bias for local time translation on this computer, in minutes.
The bias is the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
and local time. All translations between UTC and local time are based on
the following formula: UTC = local time + bias
Bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during
standard time. This member is ignored if a value for the StandardDate
member is not supplied. This value is added to the value of the Bias
member to form the bias used during standard time. In most time zones,
the value of this member is zero.
GMT=(-180+0)*60 = -10800 [FFFFD5D0]
Later in Programm
(GMT / 3600) Lower or Equal -2 -> Errormsg & Quit
100A896C /75 6C JNZ SHORT 100A89DA
100A896E |54 PUSH ESP 54 PUSH ESP
100A896F |E8 62D70300 CALL
100A8974 |66:83BC24 9A000>CMP [WORD ESP+9A], 0 66:83BC24 9A000>CMP [WORD ESP+9A], 0
100A897D |75 0A JNZ SHORT 100A8989 75 0A JNZ SHORT 005D2C35
100A897F |33D2 XOR EDX, EDX 33D2 XOR EDX, EDX
100A8981 |8915 080D1010 MOV [10100D08], EDX 8915 70266200 MOV [622670], EDX
100A8987 |EB 14 JMP SHORT 100A899D EB 14 JMP SHORT 005D2C49
100A8989 |83BC24 A8000000>CMP [DWORD ESP+A8], 0 83BC24 A8000000>CMP [DWORD ESP+A8], 0
100A8991 |0F95C1 SETNE CL 0F95C1 SETNE CL
100A8994 |83E1 01 AND ECX, 1 83E1 01 AND ECX, 1
100A8997 |890D 080D1010 MOV [10100D08], ECX 890D 70266200 MOV [622670], ECX
100A899D |8B0424 MOV EAX, [ESP] 8B0424 MOV EAX, [ESP]
100A89A0 |034424 54 ADD EAX, [ESP+54] 034424 54 ADD EAX, [ESP+54]
100A89A6 |C1E2 02 SHL EDX, 2 C1E2 02 SHL EDX, 2
100A89A9 |8D1452 LEA EDX, [EDX+EDX*2] 8D1452 LEA EDX, [EDX+EDX*2]
100A89AC |8D1492 LEA EDX, [EDX+EDX*4] 8D1492 LEA EDX, [EDX+EDX*4]
100A89AF |8915 040D1010 MOV [10100D04], EDX 8915 6C266200 MOV [62266C], EDX
100A89B5 |8B0D 0C0D1010 MOV ECX, [10100D0C] 8B0D 74266200 MOV ECX, [622674] ; idag64.00632FBC; ida.10115434
100A89BB |BE 170D1010 MOV ESI, 10100D17 BE 7F266200 MOV ESI, 0062267F
EB ?? 83 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 95 ?? 83 ?? 01 89 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? B8 E0 FE FF FF 90 90
bonuspatch (no about at startup)
75 07 8A ?? ?? 84 ?? 74 04 33 C0 EB 05 B8 01 00 00 00 E8 ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 90 90 90 90 90
corrupted DB fix
10018B59 |. 84C9 |TEST CL, CL
10018B5B |.^ 75 ED \JNZ SHORT 10018B4A
10018B5D |> 8A00 MOV AL, [EAX]
10018B5F |. 84C0 TEST AL, AL
10018B61 |. 74 0B JE SHORT 10018B6E
10018B63 |> 68 6AC80E10 PUSH 100EC86A ; ASCII "Database is corrupt"
10018B68 |. E8 ABA0FEFF CALL
10018B6D |. 59 POP ECX
No Corrupted DB if KeyIsMissing or inv.
84 ?? 75 ?? 8A ?? 84 ?? 74 0B 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 59
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 90 90 90 90 90 ??
Important codeparts:
Way to Corrupted DB check...
1001A02B |> \BB 1A890110 MOV EBX,
1001A030 |. EB 05 JMP SHORT 1001A037
1001A032 |> BB B78A0110 MOV EBX,
1001A037 |> 8A45 C7 MOV AL, [EBP-39]
1001A03A |. 84C0 TEST AL, AL
1001A03C |. 75 0F JNZ SHORT 1001A04D
1001A03E |. E8 15020000 CALL term_database
1001A043 |. B8 01000000 MOV EAX, 1
1001A048 |. E9 65010000 JMP 1001A1B2
Check timezone
1001A04D |> E8 92E80800 CALL
1001A052 |. A1 040D1010 MOV EAX, [10100D04]
1001A057 |. B9 100E0000 MOV ECX, 0E10
1001A05C |. 99 CDQ
1001A05D |. F7F9 IDIV ECX
1001A05F |. 83F8 FE CMP EAX, -2
1001A062 |. 7E 16 JLE SHORT
1001A064 |. 8D85 C0FBFFFF LEA EAX, [LOCAL.272]
1001A06A |. 56 PUSH ESI
1001A06B |. 8BF0 MOV ESI, EAX
1001A06D |. BF 9C191110 MOV EDI, OFFSET inf
1001A072 |. B9 30000000 MOV ECX, 30
1001A079 |. 5E POP ESI
The IDC-Script call check
1001A07A |> 8BD6 MOV EDX, ESI
1001A07C |. 8BC3 MOV EAX, EBX
1001A07E E8 49F50300 CALL
1001A083 |. 8BD8 MOV EBX, EAX
1001A085 |. 81FB 009CDA01 CMP EBX, 1DA9C00
1001A08B |. 7E 0B JLE SHORT 1001A098
1001A08D |. 68 9C050000 PUSH 59C ; expit demo
1001A092 |. E8 FDF7FFFF CALL
1001A097 |. 59 POP ECX
1001A098 |> 85DB TEST EBX, EBX
1001A09A |. 7F 0B JG SHORT 1001A0A7
1001A09C |. 68 9A050000 PUSH 59A ; Something is wrong with IDA.KEY
1001A0A1 |. E8 EEF7FFFF CALL
100595CC /$ 53 PUSH EBX
100595CD |. 56 PUSH ESI
100595CE |. 81C4 C4FEFFFF ADD ESP, -13C
100595D4 |. 8BF2 MOV ESI, EDX
100595D6 |. 8BD8 MOV EBX, EAX
100595D8 |. 33C0 XOR EAX, EAX
100595DA |. 8D9424 04010000 LEA EDX, [ESP+104]
100595E1 |. C68424 2C010000>MOV [BYTE ESP+12C], 2
100595E9 |. 898424 2D010000 MOV [ESP+12D], EAX
100595F0 |. C602 01 MOV [BYTE EDX], 1
100595F3 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0
100595F5 |. 68 38650F10 PUSH OFFSET <"ida.key">
100595FA |. 68 04010000 PUSH 104
100595FF |. 8D4C24 0C LEA ECX, [ESP+C]
10059603 |. 51 PUSH ECX
10059604 |. E8 F36FFDFF CALL getsysfile
10059609 |. 898424 05010000 MOV [ESP+105], EAX
10059610 |. 8D8424 11010000 LEA EAX, [ESP+111]
10059617 |. 8D9424 1E010000 LEA EDX, [ESP+11E]
1005961E |. C600 02 MOV [BYTE EAX], 2
10059621 |. 899C24 12010000 MOV [ESP+112], EBX
10059628 |. C602 02 MOV [BYTE EDX], 2
1005962B |. 8B0D F4630F10 MOV ECX, [isregd]
10059631 |. 89B424 1F010000 MOV [ESP+11F], ESI
10059638 |. 85C9 TEST ECX, ECX
1005963A |. 74 07 JE SHORT
1005963C |. BE 41650F10 MOV ESI, OFFSET
10059641 |. EB 07 JMP SHORT
10059643 |> 8DB424 04010000 LEA ESI, [ESP+104]
1005964A |> B9 0D000000 MOV ECX, 0D
1005964F |. A0 40650F10 MOV AL, []
10059654 |. 84C0 TEST AL, AL
10059656 |. 75 1B JNZ SHORT
10059658 |. 33D2 XOR EDX, EDX
1005965A |. 8BC6 MOV EAX, ESI
1005965C |. EB 0A JMP SHORT
1005965E |> 8A1D 40AE1010 /MOV BL, []
10059664 |. 3018 |XOR [EAX], BL
10059666 |. 42 |INC EDX
10059667 |. 40 |INC EAX
10059668 |> 3BCA CMP ECX, EDX
1005966A |.^ 77 F2 \JA SHORT
1005966C |. C605 40650F10 0>MOV [BYTE ], 1
10059673 |> 51 PUSH ECX
10059674 |. 56 PUSH ESI
10059675 |. 6A 03 PUSH 3
10059677 |. 68 4E650F10 PUSH OFFSET <"_idainit">
1005967C |. E8 F3ACFFFF CALL set_idc_func_body
10059681 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0
10059683 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0
10059685 |. 8D8424 34010000 LEA EAX, [ESP+134]
1005968C |. 50 PUSH EAX
1005968D |. 8D9424 10010000 LEA EDX, [ESP+110]
10059694 |. 52 PUSH EDX
10059695 |. 6A 03 PUSH 3
10059697 |. 68 4E650F10 PUSH OFFSET <"_idainit">
1005969C |. E8 53B9FFFF CALL
100596A1 |. 8B8424 2D010000 MOV EAX, [ESP+12D]
100596A8 |. 81C4 3C010000 ADD ESP, 13C
100596AE |. 5E POP ESI
100596AF |. 5B POP EBX
100596B0 \. C3 RETN
00B13854 AA0000A5 Ñ..¬
00B13858 4980CE71 q΀I
00B1385C 0111A1A9 ⌐í
00B13860 000000AF »...
00B13864 6164695F _ida
00B13868 74696E69 init
A5 00 00 Functionstart (00 00)???
AA ???
71 ???
CE ??? ... VartoLong...
80 49 A9 invoke Call 49 ->"_call" (aftercall a9)
A1 0111 Set Return Value
AF 00 00 00 Return (00 00 00 are probably fillbytes)
_idainit(a,fnid,b) {
// ???
return 0x111; }
The Call:
DB is not Save on close fix:
1001A131 |. /7E 16 JLE SHORT
1001A133 |. |8D85 C0FBFFFF LEA EAX, [LOCAL.272]
1001A139 |. |E8 DAF30300 CALL
1001A13E |. |85C0 TEST EAX, EAX
1001A140 |. |74 07 JE SHORT
1001A142 |. |8325 58D30F10 F>AND [DWORD database_flags], FFFFFFFE
7E ?? 8D ?? ?? ?? ?? FF E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 85 C0 74
EB 0F ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
"Sorry, this database format is unsupported" fix (if version < 4.1)
10096AA3 |> \66:833D 9F19111>CMP [WORD ], 29
10096AAB 0F85 94000000 JNZ
10096AB1 |. 84DB TEST BL, BL
10096AB3 |. 75 21 JNZ SHORT
10096AB5 |. 68 E0010000 PUSH 1E0 ; /Arg4 = 000001E0
10096ABA |. 6A 29 PUSH 29 ; |Arg3 = 00000029
10096ABC |. 68 3C050000 PUSH 53C ; |Arg2 = 0000053C
10096AC1 |. 6A 01 PUSH 1 ; |Arg1 = 00000001
10096AC3 |. E8 042FF8FF CALL ; \IDA.100199CC
10096AC8 |. 83C4 10 ADD ESP, 10
10096ACB |. 85C0 TEST EAX, EAX
10096ACD |. 7F 07 JG SHORT
10096ACF |. 33C0 XOR EAX, EAX
10096AD1 |. E9 01020000 JMP
10096AD6 |> 66:C705 9F19111>MOV [WORD ], 2A
10096ADF |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; /Arg4 = 00000000
10096AE1 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; |Arg3 = 00000000
10096AE3 |. C605 591A1110 0>MOV [BYTE 10111A59], 2 ; |
10096AEA |. 68 5AE30F10 PUSH 100FE35A ; |Arg2 = 100FE35A ASCII "$ segs"
10096AEF |. C605 5A1A1110 0>MOV [BYTE 10111A5A], 4 ; |
10096AF6 |. 8D4424 20 LEA EAX, [ESP+20] ; |
10096AFA |. C605 5B1A1110 0>MOV [BYTE 10111A5B], 8 ; |
10096B01 C605 EB191110 0>MOV [BYTE ], 1 ; 0
10096B08 |. 50 PUSH EAX ; |Arg1
10096B09 |. B3 01 MOV BL, 1 ; |
10096B0B |. E8 A8A4FAFF CALL netnode_check ; \netnode_check
10096B10 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; /Arg3 = 00000000
10096B12 |. 68 61E30F10 PUSH 100FE361 ; |Arg2 = 100FE361
10096B17 |. 8B5424 1C MOV EDX, [ESP+1C] ; |
10096B1B |. 52 PUSH EDX ; |Arg1
10096B1C |. E8 4FA6FAFF CALL netnode_rename ; \netnode_rename
10096B21 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; /Arg4 = 00000000
10096B23 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; |Arg3 = 00000000
10096B25 |. 68 6FE30F10 PUSH 100FE36F ; |Arg2 = 100FE36F ASCII "$ segs sarray"
10096B2A |. 8D4C24 24 LEA ECX, [ESP+24] ; |
10096B2E |. 51 PUSH ECX ; |Arg1
10096B2F |. E8 84A4FAFF CALL netnode_check ; \netnode_check
10096B34 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; /Arg3 = 00000000
10096B36 |. 68 7DE30F10 PUSH 100FE37D ; |Arg2 = 100FE37D
10096B3B |. 8B4424 20 MOV EAX, [ESP+20] ; |
10096B3F |. 50 PUSH EAX ; |Arg1
10096B40 |. E8 2BA6FAFF CALL netnode_rename ; \netnode_rename
The check (=0 [due < 2A ] will give error)
10096B45 |> 8A15 EB191110 MOV DL, []
10096B4B |. 80FA 01 CMP DL, 1
10096B4E 74 0B JE SHORT
10096B50 68 92E30F10 PUSH OFFSET <"Sorry, this databas>; ASCII "Sorry, this database format is unsupported"
10096B55 |. E8 BEC0F6FF CALL
10096B5A |. 59 POP ECX
Next Update...
10096B5B |> 66:833D 9F19111>CMP [WORD ], 2A
10096B63 |. 75 30 JNZ SHORT
E8 2B A6 FA FF 8A 15 EB 19 11 10 80 FA 01 74 0B 68 92 E3 0F 10 E8
E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8A 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 80 ?? 01 74 ?? 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 59 E9 56 FF FF FF
100923FF A0 67031110 MOV AL, [10110367]
10092404 3C 01 CMP AL, 1
10092406 74 0B JE SHORT 10092413
10092408 68 2EC20F10 PUSH 100FC22E ; ASCII "Sorry, this database format is unsupported"
1009240D E8 F208F7FF CALL 10002D04
10092412 59 POP ECX
10092413 66:833D EB021110 >CMP [WORD 101102EB], 2A
1009241B 75 30 JNZ SHORT 1009244D
1009241D 84DB TEST BL, BL
1009241F 75 21 JNZ SHORT 10092442
10092421 68 E0010000 PUSH 1E0
A0 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3C 01 74 0B 68 ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 59
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 59 E9 66 FF FF FF
old "Sorry, this database format is unsupported" fix (if version < 4.1)
10096AA3 |> \66:833D 9F19111>CMP [WORD ], 29
10096AAB |. 0F85 94000000 JNZ 10096B45
10096AB1 |. 84DB TEST BL, BL
10096AB3 |. 75 21 JNZ SHORT
66 83 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 29 0F 85 94 00 00 00 84 DB 75 21
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 04
Attention when usings ASPR-Stripper 2.07 on ida*.wll
There is a small bug in ASPR-Stripper 2.07 which might cause
problems on dll's.
Size+VA of Base Relocation Directory in the PE-OPTIONAL HEADER
is not set. Manually edit PE-Header after unpacking.
Copy va + Vsize from .reloc section to Relocation Directory in the PE-OPTIONAL HEADER.
(Set both values in Reserved Directory to 0)