Download SAGE PAYROLL V12 keygen by EcHoS

Added to site2006-07-03
Votes3 (206455 bytes)

EcHoS.nfo 4649 1184
FILE_ID.DIZ 36 36 221696 204771


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                                ++ PRESENTS ++

  ─│─┤                      SAGE.PAYROLL.V12-EcHoS                         ├─│─
  ┌┘ Supplier  : FATE                      Release Date   :  07/2006         └┐│
  ││ Packager  : FATE                      Discs          :  1CD   24 x 15    ││
  ││ ┌│┐ Format: BIN/QUE                   Type           :  UTILITY          ││

 ┌─┌──────────────────────┐ ┌┌─────────────────────┐┐ ┌──────────────────────┐─┐
 │┌┘   ─    EcHoS    ─    └─││ Release Information ││─┘   ─    EcHoS    ─    └┐│
 ││                                                                           ││
 ││ Sage Payroll is the UK 's market-leading payroll software for small to    ││
 ││ medium-sized businesses.Sage Payroll contains everything you need to run  ││
 ││ an effective and compliant payroll,and offers additional HR functionality ││
 ││ as well. Together, the two sides of the program put you firmly in control ││
 ││ of both your payroll process and your employee information...             ││
 ││ ========================================================================= ││
 ││ Mount or burn.       Check CRACKDIR for INSTALL INFO...:)                 ││
 ││ ========================================================================= ││
 ││ more info:                   ││
 ││                                                                           ││
 ││                           IF YOU LIKE IT BUY IT                           ││
 ││                                                                           ││
 ││                                          Enjoy!                           ││
 ││                                                                           ││

 ┌─┌──────────────────────┐ ┌┌─────────────────────┐┐ ┌───────────────────────┐─┐
 │┌┘   ─    EcHoS    ─         └─││ Greetings ││─┘        ─    EcHoS    ─     └┐│
 ││									       ││                  
 ││ Special thanks to all members of EcHoS  Group.              	       ││
 ││            							               ││
 ││            							               ││
 ││ Special Greetings to:     HLS AG REMAX ANiHLS SCREAM LiCK NITROUS DVT      ││
 ││                                                                            ││

 ┌─┌──────────────────────┐ ┌┌─────────────────────┐┐ ┌───────────────────────┐─┐
 │┌┘   ─    EcHoS    ─        └─││ Group News  ││─┘       ─    EcHoS    ─     └┐│
 ││									       ││                  
 ││                          We are currently looking for:                     ││
 ││                                                                            ││
 ││  * Good crackers							       ││
 ││  * Experienced coders/scripters					       ││
 ││  * Suppliers of quality software who can do so 			       ││
 ││    on a frequent basis(retail date not older then 6 months)		       ││
 ││  * Fast distros for exclusive EcHoS usage				       ││
 ││  * Fast shells							       ││
 ││  * Love and Support..						       ││
 ││									       ││                  
 ││                                                                            ││			
 ││                                LOOK FOR US in the EcHoS of your voice...   ││


keygen for SAGE PAYROLL V12 by EcHoS

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