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1010/| //_101/01101/ |
___________ _010 | _ /_1111 /1011 / __
-== K.r.A.K.e.R ==- 0101 | / /_10111/00101 / / /|
-== I.n.S.I.d.E ==- _1001 | / 011111 /10110 /| /_/ |
~~~~~~~~~~~ 00110 | _/__0101111/ 0010/ | /_01 |
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/_01010 | _//__1011101/ 10101 | _/ /_11110 /
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//0010111/|__11100 / _1001101 010_/ /_ _101010110/ 100111 |__
/0000111 / _10110/ _01010101 / 010_/ /_ 101100100 111001 / /|
10011101 / 111001 1001111001/| 010_/ /_ _00111011/ 101101 / / |
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00010101011 / / /000/0010101/| 1101/ / 01010/ | 1011100 |
0011010001/_ / /011 / 00111 / 0010_/|_ 10101 | 1011001 /
01111010001/__0011/ 10010/| 0110/ /_ 0010 | 1010110 /|
001010100111001// 0110 / 0101_/ /| 1010 | 0111100_/ |
0001001010111/ 011 / 0110_/ / 0001 / 0010101 /
010110101/ 10/ 0101 / 1011 / 001110 /
001010/ 11/ 001/ 001/
eRRatum Krak House -[ eKH ]- eRRatum Krak House
╤ ╤
╤ d─t╔ >>>>>>>>>> 2/15/99 ╤
╤ ╤
╤ T∩TLδ >>>>>>>>>> Easter Slots ╤
╤ ╤
╤ s╓ⁿR╟Θ >>>>>>>>> http://www.ultisoft.com ╤
╤ ╤
╤ ╟r─ck╔d B >>>>> Adx40 ╤
╤ ╤
╤ S/W T Pδ >>>>>>> [ ] Utility [ ] Internet [X] Game [ ] App [ ] Other ╤
╤ ╤
╤ ╟r─ck╔d T Pδ >>> [ ] Key Generator [ ] Patch [X] Serial Number ╤
╤ ╤
888 888
888 888
H * RδLδASδ ±OTδS * H
H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H
H Easter Slots is a three payline slot machine game. Up to three coins can H
H be bet on each spin. Winnings are based on the symbols on the payline. A H
H payline is only active if there is a coin bet on it. There are also H
H several bonus features including a "Acey Duecey" type game which make H
H Easter Slots very fun and also adds an element of skill to the game.. H
H The game will detect the number of colors available and will use either H
H True Color (24-bit) graphics or 256 color (8-bit) graphics depending on H
H your graphics card's capabilities. The game will also adjust to your H
H current resolution and will take up the full screen. H
H * U$╔r's g▄idE * H
H ^^^^^^^^^^^^ H
H Enter this registration information : H
H Name = H
H Organization = H
H Serial = 930468 H
888 .nFO Created by CHuPaCaBRa 888
888 888
╓ ╓
╓ >>> eRRatum Krak House <<< ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ~=[ flag eRRatum ...............................................fOuNdEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ~=[ Adx40.......................................................CouNCiL ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ Arc16.......................................................CouNCiL ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ CHuPaCaBRa..................................................CouNCiL ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ kakarot.....................................................CouNCiL ]=~ ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ~=[ Cyber Demon-IDLE.......,,,,................................dEBuggEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ 20xMAX.....................................................dEBuggEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ h3n........................................................dEBuggEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ Crack&Burn.................................................dEBuggEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ DabeeUR....................................................dEBuggEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ AntiVirus..................................................dEBuggEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ~=[ Z..........................................................DEsiGNeR ]=~ ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ~=[ System Error..............................................WeBmAsTER ]=~ ╓
╓ ~=[ PhOtHoN...................................................WeBmAsTER ]=~ ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ~=[ Dreadnox.....................................................sYSteM ]=~ ╓
╓ ╓
╓ ~=[ SephirothX...................................................wRItEr ]=~ ╓
╓ ╓
888 888
888 888
eRRatum Krak House
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