Download IDo Wedding And Event Professional Edition v8.1.325 WinALL crack by ViRiLiTY

Added to site2006-09-15
Votes3 (163606 bytes)

IDo_Wedding_And_Event_crack_by_ViRiLiTY.exe 174592 157071
ViRiLiTY.nfo 19022 5971


crack for IDo Wedding And Event Professional Edition v8.1.325 WinALL by ViRiLiTY


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     IDo Wedding And Event Professional Edition v8.1.325 (c) Elm Software

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░ ▄▓▀░▀                                                                ▀░▀▓▄
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░▐█▌▓ Supplier     : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ▓▐█▌░
 ▐▓▌▒ Cracker      : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ▒▐▓▌
 ▐▓▌▒ Packager     : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ▒▐▓▌
░▐▓▌░ Release Date : ..................................... 15th Sep 2006 ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌░ Disks        : ....................................... 06 x 2.88mb ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌  Protection   : ......................................... Timelimit  ▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌░ Requirements : ............................................ WinALL ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌░ Language     : ........................................... English ░▐▓▌░
░▐▓▌  URL          : ........................  ▐▓▌░
 ▐▓▌░                                                                    ░▐▓▌
░ ▀▓▄░▄                                                                ▄░▄▓▀ ░
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 ▒                     ░▀       RELEASE  NOTES       ▀░                     ▒
  ▀■                  ■                                ■                  ■▀
    ▄                                                                    ▄

       iDo Wedding and Event Professional Edition is wedding planning 
       software for wedding consultants and event planners. It comes with 
       the power of iDo Wedding Couple Edition on an infinite scale. Plan 
       as many weddings and events as necessary while keeping track of 
       your company's finances.
       Clients can be individuals, couples, families, organizations or 
       companies requiring your services for planning their special 
       event(s). iDo makes it easy to keep track of and filter your 
       clients' contact information and their status--if they have 
       contacted you about your services, if you are currently planning 
       their event, or if their event has concluded. You can also store 
       important notes concerning your conversations and/or meetings with 
       your clients.
       Once a client decides to hire you as his/her wedding and event 
       professional, you are ready to add a contract. As they may have 
       annual events requiring your services, clients can have multiple 
       contracts. Contracts represent the behind-the-scenes documentation 
       of securing clients for planning services for the event, the 
       clientÆs signature of a contract, the down payment for services, or 
       any other means you use to know that a client is committed to 
       employing your services. iDo assigns each contract a unique 
       identification number. You may find it beneficial to track when 
       contracts were mailed and signed, which employee or "user" was 
       responsible for securing the contract, the clientÆs budget for the 
       event, the total projected cost of your services via flat or hourly 
       rates, and the type of planning package the client selects. You may 
       even create contract templates and print your own customizable 
       contracts in iDo without having to type up each contract 
       individually. In Contracts, you also determine what services you 
       will be providing and how to invoice for services provided. Adding 
       an occasion in Contracts unlocks the full-service planning feature 
       of iDo Wedding and Event Professional Edition.
       Finances contains all financial information related specifically to 
       your business. Track money coming in and money going out. Any 
       client invoices scheduled or paid will also be stored here. iDo 
       allows you to filter and group transactions by specified categories 
       that are fully customizable to fit your business needs. Quickly 
       view any year/month totals to get a summary of your finances.
       View all of your occasions and save all important meeting times and 
       appointments in iDo's Calendar. Get a bird's eye view of 
       appointments scheduled during any designated month. By clicking on 
       any day of that month, you may view a more detailed view of your 
       appointments scheduled on that day.
       Add additional user accounts to allow multiple people simultaneous 
       access to the iDo Wedding and Event Professional Edition database. 
       When you have additional users, you can assign them their own 
       unique permissions. You may want certain to users to have full 
       control over iDo, whereas you may not want your summer intern, for 
       example, to delete any information in the system or view financial 
       records. Customize your user permissions according to your needs.
       Options contains preference settings for iDo Wedding and Event 
       Professional Edition. These are the nuts and bolts of the program. 
       All drop-down menus in iDo are pre-loaded yet customizable. Options 
       also holds key iDo System Settings regarding your company, 
       including contract information, rates, packages, the years to be 
       viewed in Calendars, and even color schemes and margins for your 
       reports and invoices. You may not add or delete, but you may edit 
       system settings.
       Contacts includes all individual guest names and address 
       information. Saving your clients' contacts as individuals, not as 
       couples, helps you track e-mail addresses, names of guests invited 
       by the contacts, meals, gifts and roles more efficiently. Enter the 
       information manually or quickly import contacts from Microsoft 
       Outlook or a Comma Delimited Values (*.csv) file. Highlight all 
       contacts and send out a mass save-the-date e-mail. Once your 
       client's event has concluded, you will have compiled their most 
       current contact list of their family members and friends. You may 
       export this list and e-mail it to your
       Once you have compiled a thorough master contacts list, you are 
       ready to assign contacts to specific invitations. In iDo, the term 
       "invitations" describes the actual storage of invitation 
       informationûyou can format invitation wording here. Invitations are 
       created one at a time, and you can assign multiple contacts to one 
       invitation by dragging and dropping contact names.
       A unique RSVP ID will be assigned to each new invitation. This RSVP 
       ID is to be written on the back of the RSVP for identification 
       purposes in case the invited guests do not write their names on the 
       RSVP. Inner and outer envelope wording is automatically suggested 
       based on accepted wedding etiquette. You may customize the wording 
       according to your client's preferences. Once the invitations are 
       mailed and marked as "sent," you may eagerly await RSVPs to be 
       Whether RSVPs will arrive via mail or phone, record all acceptances 
       and regrets in iDo. Acceptances are saved as "Attendees." When 
       sending out invitations, if you allowed guests to select a meal, 
       enter their meal selections here. You can customize your meal 
       selections in iDo. Also, iDo provides you with ongoing statistics 
       of RSVPs.
       Attendees include all invited contacts who will be attending your 
       client's event. In Attendees, review headcount and meal selections, 
       and design the seating chart with iDo's powerful yet flexible table 
       layout feature. Seating your client's guests is like a puzzle. 
       Because of this, we provide the ability to quickly create a table 
       layout and assign attendees to tables using drag-and-drop 
       capabilities. iDo offers quick views of possible seating scenarios 
       for the event.
       Create multiple checklist templates to be used for a variety of 
       events. Create checklists for the bride, groom, bridal party, 
       vendors, etc. iDo comes pre-loaded with 100 wedding planning tasks 
       that every bride and groom will need to address. Determine which 
       checklists apply to the event you are planning and copy them into 
       the occasion. All tasks listed in a checklist may be grouped 
       together in suggested time frames. You may view all checklists for 
       the specified event at once, or you may view one checklist at a 
       time. By clicking the 'Current' filter, you will see a filtered 
       list showing the tasks that must be addressed during the current 
       time frame.
       Monitor all of expenses incurred by your clients while planning 
       their event. Create multiple budget templates for your weddings and 
       events that are fully customizable for each event. Each budget 
       template includes budget categories and expenses with corresponding 
       percentages. Determine which budget applies to the event your are 
       planning and copy it into the occasion. Enter your clients' total 
       event budget, a number that can be changed at any time. iDo totals 
       expenses and calculates how much money your clients have remaining 
       based on their total wedding budget number. All expenses 
       categorized as "Wedding/Event Planner" will be automatically saved 
       in Invoices. Stay on top of your clients' budget and know exactly 
       how much they have spent and how much they have remaining. Make 
       sure your clients save all receipts in one location.
       As you interact with many vendors on a regular basis, create a 
       master vendor list. When it is determined that a client will be 
       hiring a certain vendor, save that vendor's contact information in 
       iDo and assign the vendor to the client's occasion. You may also 
       assign excellence levels to your vendors. It is important to keep 
       your vendor information organized to ensure that wedding and event 
       specifics are handled smoothly and professionally. From the Vendor 
       page you can quickly visit the vendor's web page, send them an 
       e-mail or view a map of the vendor's address. Vendor information 
       also appears in Budget and Finances so that you may identify the 
       respective vendor when adding expenses.
       Create multiple itineraries or timeline templates for any occasion 
       stored in iDo. For example, you can plan the "who, what, when, 
       where, and how" for your clients' "wedding day." Timeline reports 
       with detailed information regarding when tasks should be completed 
       and who is responsible for them ensure that everyone--bridal party 
       and vendors alike--is on the same page. Timelines are also helpful 
       for tracking travel arrangements.
       Save important notes about an occasion in Notebook. Keep a log of 
       conversations, observations and ideas. Any time that you would bill 
       for should be entered in Contracts as a "Timesheet." You may wish 
       to enter notes concerning a clientÆs multiple occasions. When you 
       add notes, you are adding them one at a time for one specific 
       occasion, but you may also wish to view all notes about a client. 
       You can filter the notes that you wish to view. On the other hand, 
       you may wish to enter a note about a client in general (not related 
       to a specific occasion). Enter these notes in Clients.
       Reports and Labels:
       Every section of iDo described above can be printed in an instant. 
       Over 100 reports can be generated. Please contact Elm Software if 
       you would like to have your company's logo in the header of each 
       report, invoice and contract.
       All reports are written using RTF and can be read by Microsoft 
       Word, WordPerfect, or any RTF compatible reader. Reports are easily 
       e-mailed to clients and vendors as attachments. You can also print 
       labels for Contacts, Invitations, Attendees, Gifts, Vendors and 
       Widgets. We recommend using Avery« 8160 specification (white, size 
       1" x 2 5/8"), 8660 (clear, size 1" x 2 5/8") or L7160 (white, A4 
       paper size) address labels.
       Included with iDo is a comprehensive Help system. Simply press F1 
       anywhere in the application to receive context-sensitive Help. If 
       there is something not covered in the Help system, please e-mail us 
       or call us at 1-888-ELM-SOFT (1-888-356-7638). We will provide a 
       quick and thorough response to any question you may have.
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 ▒                     ░▀       INSTALL  NOTES       ▀░                     ▒
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    ▄                                                                    ▄

       Unzip, unrar and install the application.
       Extract the included crack from the /CRACK dir into your app's dir 
       and apply it.
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 ▒                     ░▀         GREETiNGS!         ▀░                     ▒
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              All our ex-girlfriends ... may they burn in hell.
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          NFO by asphyx^SAC - Updated on 2005-08-08 by TEAM ViRiLiTY

                       IF YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE, BUY IT!

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