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:: Saints and Sinners Group :: ,;.
- p r e s e n t s -
__________ .__ .___ _____
\______ \ ____ | | ____ _____ ______ ____ | | _____/ ____\____
| _// __ \| | _/ __ \\__ \ / ___// __ \ | |/ \ __\/ _ \
| | \ ___/| |_\ ___/ / __ \_\___ \\ ___/ | | | \ | ( <_> )
|____|_ /\___ >____/\___ >____ /____ >\___ > |___|___| /__| \____/
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
supplied by.. SSG Team rls type.... Crack
cracked by... SSG Team date........ 11-19-2003
tested by.... SSG Team os.......... WinAll
packed by.... SSG Team language.... English
protection... License disks....... 35 x 5 Mb
With an advanced WindowsĂ–based graphical interface, Vision-PRO includes many
standard features that were developed specifically for engraving. This
application was developed for engravers who need more flexibility with logos
and graphics. Vision's more graphically-advanced engraving & routing package
for WindowsĂ–'95, `98, 2000, NT, ME or XP. Lots of standard features like
bitmap to vector conversion, node editing, fill routines, block nesting,
dial generation and a tool library...
NOTE: We ripped M$ common controls update, so, install it by yourself. Also
we've ripped drivers for plotters, you should have it you have plotter :)
_______ __
\ \ _____/ |_ ____ ______
/ | \ / _ \ __\/ __ \ / ___/
/ | ( <_> ) | \ ___/ \___ \
\____|__ /\____/|__| \___ >____ >
\/ \/ \/
Unzip, unrar.
Use our keygen to generate license for your installation.
After installation replace two files by included.
If you so smartass and you changed language for this puppy, don't
forget to regenerate license for new language and write in in
signlab.ini as PASSWORD61 key.
________ __ __
/ _____/______ ____ _____/ |_ ______ _/ |_ ____
/ \ __\_ __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \ __\/ ___/ \ __\/ _ \
\ \_\ \ | \/\ ___/\ ___/| | \___ \ | | ( <_> )
\______ /__| \___ >\___ >__| /____ > |__| \____/
\/ \/ \/ \/
SSG's respects & hello's fly out:
_________ __ __
\_ ___ \ ____ _____/ |______ _____/ |_ __ __ ______
/ \ \/ / _ \ / \ __\__ \ _/ ___\ __\ | | \/ ___/
\ \___( <_> ) | \ | / __ \\ \___| | | | /\___ \
\______ /\____/|___| /__| (____ /\___ >__| |____//____ >
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
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[nfo layout by bac/Offliner filled by SSG Team]
[logo by Offliner last update on 12/12/2002]