Download AnyDVD v3.8.2 All Builds patch

Added to site2004-07-10
Votes7 (11507 bytes)

AnyDVD_v3.8.2_All_Builds.exe 10629 10246
Info.txt 3707 1015


                 ▐▐▐╘╘╓╓╓           ╓             
             ╓╓╓╘╘╘╘╘╘╘╘╘╘╓╓        ▐╘▓╓╓   
         ╓╓╘╘▐▐╓╘╘▐▐     ▐▐▐╘╘╓       ▐╓▐╘▐╓╓╓             
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▓╘╘╓    ╓▐    ▐▐▐╘╓╓╓╓╘╘╘▓▓▓▐▐▐▐▐     ╓╓▐▐ ▐▐╓╓      ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐       ▐╘╓
 ▐▐╘╘╘╘╓╓                    ▐╘╓╓╓╓▐▐▐         ▐▐▐╓╓╓╓                   ╓╓▐
 ╓▐  ▐╘╘╘▓╓  AnyDVD_v3.8.2   I n f o                  ▐▐▐▐▐▐╓╓╓╓╓╓╓╓╓╓▐▐▐
╘▓  ╘╓╘╘╘╘▐                                                         ╓╓╓     ▐╓
╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘╓   AnyDVD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies       ▐╘╘     ╓╘╘
 ▐╘╓╓        automatically in the background. This DVD appears       ▐▐╓╓╘╘▐▐
  ╓╓▐▐╘╘╓╓   unprotected and region code free for all applications    ╓╘▐▐
╓╘╘     ▐╘╘  and the Windows operating system as well.              ╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘▐
▓╘╘╓    ╓▐                                                          ╘▓  ╘▐╘╘╘╘╓
 ▐▐╘╘╘╘╓╓    With AnyDVD's help copy tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacle   ▐╓  ╓╘╘╘▓▐
 ╓▐  ▐╘╘╘▓╓  Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD-Copy, etc. are able to     ╓╓╘╘╘╘▐▐
╘▓  ╘╓╘╘╘╘▐  copy CSS protected Movies. With the help of AnyDVD you  ▓╘╘▐    ▐╓
╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘╓   can watch movies with non matching region codes with   ▐╘╘     ╓╘╘
 ▐╘╓╓        every DVD Player Software you like!                      ▐▐╓╓╘╘▐▐
  ╓╓▐▐╘╘╓╓                                                           ╓╘▐▐
╓╘╘     ▐╘╘  AnyDVD decrypts not just DVDs: AnyDVD allows you         ╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘▐
▓╘╘╓    ╓▐   also to play, copy and rip protected Audio CDs!        ╘▓  ╘▐╘╘╘╘╓
 ▐▐╘╘╘╘╓╓                                                            ▐╓  ╓╘╘╘▓▐
 ╓▐  ▐╘╘╘▓╓                                                          ╓╓╘╘╘╘▐▐
╘▓  ╘╓╘╘╘╘▐                          ▓╘╘▐    ▐╓
     ▐▐▐╓╓╓╓                                                         ╘▓  ╓╓╓
 ╓▐         ▐▐▐▐▐▐╓╓╓╓╓╓  ▐▐▐▐▐╓╓    ╓╓╘▐▐▐╘╓╓     ╓╓╓              ╘▓ ▐   ▐▐╓
╘▓                      ▐▐▐▐▐╓╓  ▐╓ ╘╘╘╘╘▓▓▓▓▓╘ ╓╘╘▐        ╓╘▐      ▐╓      ▐▌
╘▓  I n s t a l l  I n f o     ╘ ╓▐ ╘╘╘╘╘╘╘▓▓▓╘ ╘╘╘        ╘▐╘    ╓╓▐  ▐▐╓╓╓╓▐
 ▐╘╓╓                       ╓╓╘▐▐    ▐▐╘╘╘╘╘▐▐   ▐╘╘╓╓  ╓╓▐   ▐▐▐▐   ╓▐
  ╓╓▐▐╘╘╓╓                                          ▐▐▐▐            ╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘▐
╓╘╘     ▐╘╘                                                         ╘▓  ╘▐╘╘╘╘╓
▓╘╘╓    ╓▐    Run the patch and select the installation directory.   ▐╓  ╓╘╘╘▓▐
 ▐▐╘╘╘╘╓╓                                                             ╓╓╘╘╘╘▐▐
 ╓▐  ▐╘╘╘▓╓                                                         ▓╘╘▐    ▐╓
╘▓  ╘╓╘╘╘╘▐   Enjoy this nice release,                              ▐╘╘     ╓╘╘
╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘╓    Inequity                                               ▐▐╓╓╘╘▐▐
  ╓╓▐▐╘╘╓╓                                                          ╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘▐
╘▓  ╘╓╘╘╘╘▐   ╓                                                     ▐╘╘     ╓╘╘
╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘╓     ╘╓╓     ▐╓╓╓                                           ▐▐╓╓╘╘▐▐
 ▐╘╓╓   ▐╓╓   ╓▐  ▐▐╓    ▐╓▐▐╓╓     ╓╓╘╘╓╓     ╓╓   ╓╓╓╘╘▓▓▓▓╓╓╓     ╓╘▐▐
  ╓╓▐▐╘╘╓╓ ▐▐▐     ╓▐     ╘    ▐▐╓ ▐      ▐╘╓ ▐▓▓▐ ▐            ▐▐╓ ╘▓  ╘╘╘╘╘▐
╓╘╘     ▐╘╘       ▐▐▐╓╓╓╓▐       ▐▌        ╘╘                      ▐╘▓  ╘▐╘╘╘╘╓
 ▐╓                             ▐╓                 ▐╓           ▐╓   ▓▓╘
   ▐╓╓ ▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ ╘╘▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ ╘╘▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ ╘▐▐ ▓╘╘ ▐▐▐╘╘╘
      ▐▐╘╓╓╓                    ╓▐ ▐▐╓╓            ╓▐ ▐╓╓╓     ╓╓▐    ▐╘╘╓╓╘╘╘▐
          ▐▐▐╘╘╓╓╓╓       ╓╓╓╓▐▐       ▐▐▐▐╓╓╓╓╓╓▐▐       ▐▐▐▐▐          ▐▐▐

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